Page 83 of Dead and Breakfast

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“It was an accident. Shh,” Steph said, trying to reach up and put her finger over his mouth. “Oopsie.”

“Big oopsie,” I agreed, slurping the last of the drink. “Oh no, it’s gone.”

Ash gasped. “More! I’ll fill it!”

“No,” Shane said. “I don’t think any of you need anymore.”

“I agree,” Noah said, coming up alongside him. “Especially you, Ash.”

I wrinkled my nose up. “Are you still here?”

“It’s a bloody good thing I am. How did you plan to get home?”

“I was going to call my dad. Duhhhh,” I said, wiggling my finger at him. “He can give me a lift home. He got me a lawyer afteryouuuarrested me.”

“I didn’t arrest you,” Noah said, turning to Ash. “Come on. I’ll take you home and smuggle you in so you don’t wake Mum up.”

“I’m not a child,” Ash said, smacking her lips together. “It’s fine. I can sleep here.”

Steph giggled. “You can’t sleep in the pub!”

“And I think it’s time for you to go home, too,” Shane said, pushing her glass away. “Come on. It’s been a long day, Steph.”

“Oh.” She paused. “Yeah. You’re right. I don’t want anyone to think I don’t care about that lying, cheating bastard being dead.”

Noah looked at her.

“That’s not slander, so don’t you look at me like that. It’s the truth. He was a lying, cheating bastard.”

“I’m not saying anything,” Noah said, miming zipping his lips shut.

Shane sighed. “Come on. Before you get yourself arrested for murder.”

“Hey, you can join my club!” I laughed, leaning back and missing the back of the chair, almost toppling right off it if it weren’t for a pair of hands stopping me.

I peered up.


Of course.

“Whoops,” I whispered.

“I’m taking you both home,” Noah said, righting me. “Now.”

“You can’t tell me what to do,” I argued. “You’re not my dad.”

“Fine.” He pulled his phone out, tapped, and held it to his ear.

“You’re in trouble,” Steph said, getting up and grabbing her bag after using Shane for stability.

I waved my hand. “He’s already arrested me once.”

“But I bet that’s not what he wants to do with the handcuffs,” Ash said, giving a devilish grin.

I threw my straw at her.

“Um, I have to go. Whoops,” Steph said, almost falling again. “Lottie, I’ll text you tomorrow.”
