Page 84 of Dead and Breakfast

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I nodded, tipping the water from the melted ice cubes back into my mouth.

“Hey, Paul,” Noah said, staring at me.

I put down my glass, and my eyes widened as I looked at Ash. “He’s on the phone to my dad!”

“Yeah, I’ve got your drunk daughter here who won’t let me take her home because I’m not her dad, so can you tell her to stop arguing with me?” Noah continued, paused, then handed me the phone with a shit-eating grin. “It’s for you.”

Glaring, I took his phone and put it to my ear. “Hi, Daddy.”

“Lottie, what did you do?” Dad chuckled down the line.

“I might…might… have had some alcohol,” I replied.

“Right, well, can you just let Noah bring you home, please? He’s there, and I really can’t be arsed to get out of bed to come and get you if you have another way to get home.”

“Okay.” I sighed. “But I’m going to complain about it all day tomorrow.”

“A fair compromise,” Dad said. “Do you have your keys?”


“Okay. Please don’t forget to lock the door when you come in.”

“Mmkay,” I said, then handed Noah the phone. “Fine. You win.”

Noah smirked. “Yeah, I’ve got it, thanks, Paul. She’ll be there as soon as I’ve dropped Ash off. Bye, bye.” He put his phone in his pocket and looked at us. “Let’s go.”

“Why can’t you drop me off first?” I asked, grabbing my bag as both me and Ash got up.

“She’s on the way. I don’t live far from your grandpa’s house.” He moved a chair out of the way and helped a snickering Ash to her feet.


I wasn’t as drunk as her.

That was good.

We left the pub through the back—and I only tripped once, thank you very much—and walked through the beer garden and down the street to the car park. Noah had a very nice black car, and that was all I knew.

I couldn’t have picked it up out of a lineup, but it didn’t have any bird poop on it, and I was very jealous.

He bundled Ash into the backseat and opened the front for me. “In.”

“I’m not sitting next to you.” I pouted. “Make her move up.”

Noah peered through the window. “I think she’s passed out.”

I sighed. “I’m going to whinge about this forever.”

“You can do what you want as long as you get into the car.”

“Even punch you again?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Sure.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” I bent down to get in, and Noah put his hand on top of my head, scooting me in. “Hey!”

“You were going to bang your head. One semi-unconscious drunk woman is enough to have in my car, thank you.” He closed the door after checking my extremities were all inside, then walked around and got into the driver’s side. “Tell me if you’re going to throw up. I don’t care if you do it in my work car, but if you vomit in here, you’re paying for it to be cleaned.”
