Page 81 of Obsessed

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After our 26–24 victory, I took the entire family to the Fun Zone Grill. It was close to the apartment and they were always happy to see my giant family. Plus, they had an array of games that kept most of the kids busy.

I sat at the end of four tables pushed together. Mary Catherine sat right next to me. We both laughed, watching my grandfather playing Whac-A-Mole with Chrissy. The old man was all smiles. Kids have a tendency to do that to people.

Even the older kids were getting into different games. Fiona was mesmerizing a group of boys by sinking basket after basket in the mini hoops game. Her brothers beamed with pride as more and more kids crowded around the enclosed hoop.

Mary Catherine casually said to me, “Do you really think the bullies are in our rearview mirror?”

“I hope so. We did everything we could. I heard the parents are now very interested in getting involved in their sons’ lives. If they follow through, that’ll probably be a big help.” I didn’t voice my concerns about retribution. I had to trust in the system.

Mary Catherine had something else to say. I knew to just keep my mouth shut and wait for it. Finally, after watching Fiona for another few seconds, Mary Catherine said, “I think I’m going to stay on this course of drugs for my fertility treatments. It doesn’t mean I’ve made up my mind. It just gives me a little more time to consider everything.”

I kissed her and said, “I want what you want. Take your time.”

There was a big cheer in the restaurant. I looked up to see Fiona sink another ball and lights go off around the hoop.

Shawna ran over, bursting to tell us the exciting news. “Fiona broke the record for consecutive baskets. She’s going to get a free milkshake.”

I raised my glass of Diet Coke and said, “Here’s to our own LeBron.”

Shawna looked at me and said, “You mean Lisa Leslie.”

“That’s exactly who I mean.” And that was precisely the sort of thing I wanted my daughters to say.

Mary Catherine and I laughed until she kissed me again. This time it had some passion behind it. She whispered in my ear, “Wait till I get you home.”
