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“Autumn, what is your safe word?”

“Pickle. My slowdown word is onion.”

“I don’t use a stoplight style system.” Some people chose to use the words red, yellow, and green as a safe word system. Yellow meant the sub needed to pause the scene, while “red” functioned as the traditional safe word which stopped the scene all together.

“If something is bothering you, if you need me to stop or slow down, tell me. I will always listen, I promise you that. I want open, honest, non-coded communication.”

She actually relaxed, her hands falling away from his wrist. “So if I say ‘oh no, your dick is just far too big, stop’ you’ll take it literally?”

Daniel let out a startled laugh. He adjusted his hands, so he was cupping her head between his palms, thumbs just in front of her ears, fingers sunk into all that lovely soft hair.

“Oh I most definitely would stop,” he assured her. “I’d stop touching you, playing with you, pleasuring you…”

“That’s diabolical,” she whispered.

“A little sadism in a Dom is a good thing.” And then, just because he knew she’d appreciate the comment, said, “And a little sadism never hurt anyone.”

She let out another peal of laughter.

He leaned down, close enough that he could have kissed her. He didn’t, but he could have.

“Autumn, you mentioned my dick.”

“Yes, yes I did.”

“But we will not be having sex.”

“Of course not. A BDSM scene doesn’t mean sex.”

“Doesn’t always mean sex,” he corrected.

“We just met,” she said in what should have been agreement, but sounded a little unsure. Dare he say, disappointed.

“Yes.” He dropped his hands and straightened. “So why were you thinking about my dick?”

“I like to objectify men like that.” Her response was too quick.

“I think it has something to do with you finding me attractive.”

“Need your ego stroked so bad you keep bringing it up?”

He wanted to push her, but she’d folded her arms across her waist, her shoulders hunched defensively.

Daniel put one finger under her chin, tipping her face up.

“Are you ready?” he asked solemnly.

She relaxed, and he was fairly sure that was due to him backing the conversation away from an uncomfortable topic.


“Master Daniel,” he corrected. “Or Sir.”

She stiffened, just slightly, then said, “Yes, Master Daniel.”

He moved back, making space for her to stand, then offered her his hand.

Autumn placed her fingers in his, let him pull her to her feet.
