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Daniel ran his thumb across her palm. Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment, and when she opened them they seemed darker and softer than they had been a moment ago.

She was…perfect.

The word came to mind unbidden, followed quickly by a rush of desire so strong that he felt it in his gut. He wantedher.This woman in particular. It wasn’t always like that. He came here knowing he could exorcise his own demon by topping a willing sub. It was a safe outlet for his needs.

And while no two subs were the same, and he always made sure that the scene served both their needs, his desire was usually for the scene, not for a particular sub.

But he wanted her.

Wanted to kiss her.

Sit her on his lap so he could feed her with one hand while the other played with her nipples.

Cuddle her in aftercare, and then walk her to her car when they were done.

Most of all, he wanted to fuck her.

He’d stricken that particular activity from the scene, and now that he’d said it, going back on his word would make him the kind of irresponsible, self-control-less asshole who wasn’t fit to be a Dom.

No fucking.

Damn it.

Chapter 4

This is a scene, not a date.

He is your play partner, not your date.

You can sub for him, you can’t date him.

As mantras went, it was a little repetitive, but functional.

Or maybe the fact that Daniel was now undeniably in his mental top space—the other side of the sub-space coin—was doing more to keep her from feeling defensive than her mantra was.

If this had been a date… well.

Intimate relationships were kept in two completely separate buckets. The dating and falling in love bucket was kept very far away from the D/s bucket. The contents were never allowed to mix.

Usually, it wasn’t a problem, and past heartbreak and trauma was a good motivator for the separation.

For the first time since becoming a member of Las Palmas, Autumn was having trouble.

Daniel was the kind of man she could date and fall in love with. She wanted to plop him into the relationship bucket.

He was also the kind of man she wouldneverallow herself to fall in love with. He belonged firmly in the D/s bucket.

Because he was a Dom.

Because he knew she was a sub.

And once a man knew she was a sexual submissive they wouldn’t respect her. They’d use her desire to submit against her. They wouldn’t love her; they’d either think she was too needy and not worth the extra work. Or think they owned her.

You know that’s not right. You know that’s fear and pain talking. Also, you’re a horrible hypocrite.

Autumn forced her internal monologue to shut up as she and Daniel stepped into one of the club’s elegant inner courtyards.

TheSub Rosacourt was elegant and discreet in comparison to the others. The canopy of hybrid desert climbing roses sheltered the outdoor space, and added a romantic feel that could provide a delicious counterpoint to the kinky and perverse activities that took place in the courtyard itself or one of the surrounding playrooms.
