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A platform in the center provided a stage where scenes could be performed, or subs put on display. The rest of the courtyard had plush outdoor furniture arranged in conversational groupings, or lone chairs or couches surrounded by heavy wine-barrel pots with lattice panels of climbing roses where a couple could have the illusion of privacy.

Daniel led her to a wide, armless chair sheltered on two sides by pots of roses and climbing vines.

The club had started to come alive, people in fetwear walking around with a bemused, unsure air which was unusual and most likely thanks to the game.

Daniel took a seat, draping his suit jacket over the back of the couch. His gaze raked her, and this time it wasn’t just appreciative, but possessive.

It’s not a date. It’s a D/s scene.

The way he was looking at her was most definitely Dom-like rather than date-like. If a date looked at her like that, she would be reaching for her pepper spray and making wide eyes at the server as a warning that she might need help with an escape plan.

“What are you thinking about?” Daniel asked, surprising her.

“Context,” she answered honestly.

His eyebrows rose in question.

“The way you’re looking at me would be…scary if we were on a date.”

“This isn’t a date.”

Autumn flinched, as if…well not as if he’d hit her, because her reaction to impact play wasn’t to flinch—it was to wiggle and moan. She flinched as if his words had slid straight into the soft, dark core of her fears.

Of course this wasn’t a date. She’d made it complicated because she was attracted to him.

Maybe some stupid part of her still thought she could have it both ways, even though bitter experience had taught her that wasn’t true.

In some alternate universe they met at a bar, had the same chemistry and banter, and that led to a relationship and eventually falling in love.

A relationship where she’d be sexually unfulfilled because she’d never admit to needing to be sexually dominated.

He’d met her at the club. He knew she was a submissive. That should have made it so easy for her to keep from thinking of him as anything but a play partner.

She swallowed back the hot embarrassment that was the most prevalent of the emotions running through her. She stared at one of the pale pink roses on the vine to her left and told herself to pull it together. It was hardly as if she were about to undergo something traumatic. She’d embarrassed herself by using the word ‘date.’ She needed to get her head in the game.

A very attractive, dominant man was going to play with her breasts.

Arousal slid through her and she focused on that. Desire and submissive need could mute other nasty thoughts. Add in D/s, and that desire and need became all-consuming.

“Out of curiosity, how is it that I’m looking at you?” Daniel asked. There was maybe a hint of worry in his voice.

“Like a Dom.”

His lips twitched and he seemed to relax. “I’m not sure if that’s disappointingly predictable, or…”

No, no. Don’t tease me, not in the witty banter way. I need you to be all Dom so I don’t start thinking about dating again.

When she didn’t respond Daniel sat forward, his elbows on his knees.

“We seem to have a problem.” His voice had deepened and had an edge to it.

Her skin prickled and her ass clenched.

“You think I sound like a Dom, but you aren’t sounding particularly submissive.”

Before she could reply, Daniel was on his feet. He stepped into her personal space, one hand gripping her waist, the other tangling in her hair.

“Look at me, Autumn.” He paired the words with using his hold on her hair to force her to look at him.
