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“Yes, I am,” he agreed mildly.

“I would be crazy to agree to…”

“To submit to me.”

She pressed her lips together so tightly that they almost disappeared. But her breath hitched, and when she exhaled it was almost a moan.

“But you’re going to. Because you need to submit right now, don’t you? And the game means that you either submit to me, or you walk away.”

“Damn it,” she whispered. “Damn it.”

“I’m guessing that normally you play with Doms you’ve gotten to know over the course of time.”


“You negotiate—how did you put it?—every moment of a scene.”

“Not always.” She sounded less sure.

“If playing with a partner you just met is one of your hard limits, then that is a different issue.”

“It’s not.” Her breasts heaved as she took a heavy breath. “I mean of course there are times when I come to the club and just…” She raised one shoulder, let it fall.

Daniel cupped the back of her head in his hand, spearing his fingertips through her hair and massaging her scalp.

“Sometimes you scene with a stranger, a new partner, because your need outweighs your trust issues.”

That got a small laugh out of her.

“Then,” he continued, “tonight will be one of those nights.”

She reacted to the words with a slight catch to her breath.

“You’re going to submit to me,” he murmured.

“I shouldn’t.”

He kept up the scalp massage until she tipped her head back, letting the weight of her skull fall into his hand. Her eyes were closed, her breathing slow and even. Her legs had relaxed, one now leaning fully against his knee, her thighs parted just enough that if he’d wanted to, he could have slid his hand between her thighs and touched her pussy.

“Why?” he murmured low and gentle. “Why shouldn’t you?”

“Because I’m attracted to you.”

Ah ha. They’d circled around. To a topic he found all too interesting. “And why does that matter?”

“Because I care what—”

He heard her teeth click together as her eyes flew open. She’d stopped herself from finishing that sentence, and as she looked up at him, her eyes wide as if shocked by her own near-admission, he knew she was about to close down.

Unless he did something to prevent it.

Daniel shifted, each movement sure and precise, because for the last several minutes he’d been planning how he’d touch her next.

He pivoted, sliding one foot between hers. His leg forced her knees apart. He braced his knee against the front of the bench as he tightened the hand tangled in her hair. He brought his other hand up and curled it loosely around her neck.

Autumn gasped and raised her hands to grip his wrist. But she didn’t try to tug his hand away.

Pinned in place as he stood over her, controlling her like this made Daniel’s dominant side rise. Dark needs slithered through him, whispering of all the delicious things he could do to her.
