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Natalie wondered what the man had said to change her mother’s mind so completely. Which inevitably made her wonder what he’d done to also change hers. No matter how many times she was reminded not to tangle with a certain rake, he pulled her back to his side.

Granted, she’d been the one to insist she fulfill her end of the bargain. But she ought to learn that he’d emotionally break down her defenses.

It had happened again and in just a few short minutes. One touch to her face, a few carefully chosen words, a rakish smile, a promise that he’d not touched alcohol, and she was hooked on his line once again.

Did she believe him? Trust him? How likely was he to just abandon her again, right when she’d grown close to him?

The answer that her head screamed was very likely. But her heart…it had some other words in mind. Ones like change and second chance.

She chastised herself. They still had a temporary deal. He’d never promised her anything permanent, nor had he guaranteed any sort of sustained change. But staying away from alcohol hinted that change was a possibility. It was a tantalizing peek into what might be, and she found herself completely swept up in that chance.

Silly, silly fool.

He stood in front of her now, even more handsome and dashing than when they’d first met. His pasty skin was gone; in its place, golden hues colored his face and sharp angles defined it. His body was harder, stronger, and more muscular than before.

She wanted to press herself to him, feel that strength against her. She stopped herself, knowing she was in danger of being hurt again, that she was giving him the power to do so. And this had always been about finding her own power, not borrowing his.

“Look at you two,” Somersworth said, beaming. “Two lovelier ladies no man could hope to escort.”

Her mother gave a tittering giggle, the sort that had Natalie’s brows lifting even higher as he took first her mother’s hand and then hers.

He raised her gloved fingers to his mouth, brushing his lips across her knuckles lightly in a way that made every muscle in her body clench with anticipation.

She forced herself to relax. “Lord Somersworth, always an adventure.”

He gave her one of those one-sided smiles that promised all sorts of devilishness. “You look ravishing.”

She glanced down at her dress of cream silk. It showed only the barest hint of cleavage, though the fit did show off her naturally slim waist and the fabric was of the finest silk, with a beautiful lace overlay.

Her hair had been swept back in a classic soft style that highlighted her cheekbones and the slant of her eyes. “Thank you, my lord.”

“Thank you,” he rumbled, low and deep, the words holding an intimacy that made her breath catch.

For a moment he held his position, bent over her hand, his eyes on hers. Every second that passed filled her with more anticipation. Finally, he straightened away and the air she’d been holding rushed out of her lungs. “I’m going to introduce both you ladies to my uncle tonight, not that I want you to be nervous. I’ve no doubt he’ll think you are both of the finest quality and will wholeheartedly approve of Miss Natalie.”

“I agree,” her mother said as she fluttered her fan. “What patriarch would not think that my daughter was the perfect example of genteel accomplishment?”

The words choked Natalie’s throat as her gaze met Ethan’s again, his mouth also tightening. Did he hear it too? She was just a list of accomplishments.

“I’m certain he will,” Somersworth answered, offering her mother his arm.

At the top of the stairs, her uncle appeared, his shoulders straight and broad. Though her father and her uncle had different mothers—her uncle from her grandfather’s second marriage—her uncle still bore a striking resemblance to Natalie’s father. It was the walk, the set of his shoulders, the way he carried himself. So like her Papa. The new viscount was years younger, and he had dark hair instead of red like her father’s.

But her heart ached a bit every time she saw her uncle, because there was a moment where it was like having her father back again.

“Going out for the evening?” he asked as he made his way down the stairs, dressed as though he were leaving.

“We are,” her mother answered, her voice noticeably cooler. Natalie had never been told what had caused the friction between her mother and her father’s only brother, but it was always there.

“Are you joining us, Uncle?” she asked, turning toward him. Despite his wish to see her wed, her uncle would be the more reasonable of the two should she suggest a love match. It was how Emma had succeeded. And she appreciated the support he’d given her sister, the support he’d likely extend to her.

“No.” He gave her a small smile, his eyes kind. “I’ve other business to attend to tonight.” Moving to stand next to her, he eyed Somersworth. “I would like to speak with you, my lord, when you have an opportunity.”

Somersworth jerked his chin in answer. “The next few days are full, but after that…”

“Fine,” was her uncle’s single-word answer. Then he gave her a final look before he started for the door. “Have fun tonight and be good.”

Good? She’d try. But it seemed to be getting more difficult, especially with Ethan about.
