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Ethan sat across from him, knowing that the next several minutes were going to be painful. “I might as well start at the beginning.”

“Do,” his uncle answered, the darkness hiding any reaction.

In brisk tones, Ethan told him everything: The money, his plan, how he’d struck a bargain with Natalie, and how she’d forced him to give up alcohol as one of her requirements.

“Good woman,” his uncle said, his first interruption in several minutes.


“Keep going.” He heard his uncle shift, and drawing in a deep breath, he did just that. The clubs, Gyla, Kingsley, and what happened in the park. His proposal, and now, his attempt to gain Northville’s backing.

“Well,” his uncle said, drawing in a quiet breath. “It’s finally happened.”

“I’ve brought endless ruin to my father’s memory and our family name?” Ethan asked. But this time, there was not a note of sarcasm to his voice. “I know I’m the problem. I’m trying.”

“No.” His uncle leaned forward so that Ethan could just see his features in the swinging lamp light. “I’ve been the problem. Didn’t love you enough. I never wanted to be a parent.”

Those simple words nearly slayed Ethan. He’d waited his entire life to hear them and now they felt like a knife in the heart. Did he feel better? Worse? He wasn’t certain.

“But what’s happened is that you’ve finally become the man you were supposed to be.”

Now those words, he knew his exact reaction to. It was like a weight being lifted from his chest. “Are you certain you mean that?”

“I do.” His uncle gave him a nod. “If Northville doesn’t support your courtship, you come to me, and I’ll see you financially situated so that he will. I know those clubs will earn, but once you’ve made your money, you ought to retire. They’re trouble.”

Wasn’t that the truth.

But those were problems for another day. His uncle’s words had unlocked some door in his heart, and he just knew—he had to secure Natalie’s hand and her future. And then he’d set about securing her heart.


Hell’s Corner was a delight to the eyes and an assault to the nose.

Dark red drapes covered every window, giving the place the required privacy. Mahogany tables sat in neat lines, with men crowded about each as servers threaded their way through the crowds with drinks of every hue in hand.

This place had been like a home to Ethan before he’d met Natalie, so how he’d never noticed the stench was a complete mystery.

Unwashed bodies, stale liquor, and probably vomit permeated the air, so he drew out his scented pocket square.

He’d likely never noticed because he was usually drunk before he arrived.

But now he weaved his way toward the back rooms with his uncle following, searching for one of the other owners.

He found several. Upton seated at a table with one boot propped on its surface. Behind him was Fulton, the youngest Smith brother, and next to him, Northville.

Ethan stopped, wondering at the luck that the man was actually here. Perhaps he should place a few bets. His night was coming up aces.

But as Northville stood, he didn’t look all that pleased to see Ethan. The fine lines about his eyes were hard and his jaw flexed with irritation. He charged forward, his hands clenched at his sides.

While he was older than Ethan, it wasn’t by much. Ethan had no doubt Northville could put up a good fight. Then again, Ethan had been exercising.

Nonetheless, he didn’t wish for a fight, and he put up his hands. “I come in peace.”

“After ruining my niece!” the man roared.

“You didn’t tell me that,” his uncle muttered behind him.

He didn’t look away from Northville. “That’s because I didn’t ruin her.”
