Page 18 of Knot Broken

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It’s not long before we’re all herded back to our cages and locked in.

Millie and her silent companion are already dozing in their corner of the cell. The drug helps them to relax instantly and fall asleep faster.

Crouching down on the thin, worn mattress on the floor, I wait for exhaustion to overtake my senses, wondering how long it’ll be until I succumb to the lure of the drug that will make me forget who I am or how I got here.



At this very moment, our troops are steadily gathering in and around the woods that surround the abandoned town of Kentville. According to the intelligence we gathered, terrorists who call themselves the Black Widow are hiding in underground bunkers in this area.

This group of militant insurgents has been causing havoc to innocent lives for over a decade. They’re determined to destroy the peaceful society we’ve built for our people and bring in the cruel customs of our ancient past.

Their radical ideals support the supremacy of alphas. According to them, betas and omegas should remain as second-class citizens and serve the alphas.

They hate that our present society allows betas and omegas to share the same rights as alphas. We’ve worked hard to create a world where designations don’t matter, where everyone has equal rights to pursue their dreams.

The Black Widow wants to destroy the peace we’ve created for our people. Over the past decade, they’ve conducted several terror attacks that have destroyed thousands of innocent lives.

We’ve been fighting them but until now, we had no idea where they’ve been hiding their numbers and their weaponry. Whatever evidence we gathered against them was destroyed by the traitors who work in the government as well as the military.

For the first time, we’ve been able to gather intelligence on their whereabouts as well as their operations. My pack, along with a few other trusted groups, are planning a raid on the Black Widow’s hideout tonight.

I gaze at the rows of fully-armed soldiers standing before me. They stand against the cold, howling wind that sways the overhead tree branches. Their eyes gleam with determination as they stare right ahead, waiting for my command to move forward.

Despite our growing numbers, the woods are silent. The only noise comes from the passing wind that rustles the bare tree branches.

I’ll make the bastards pay for what they’ve done. They’ve killed thousands of innocent people and have always managed to escape punishment because of corrupt military and government officials who’ve been hiding them and destroying evidence.

My resolve to eradicate these ruthless terrorists intensifies as I think of their crimes against my family. A decade ago, they murdered my eldest uncle and his wife. Their only daughter was lost during the chaos and remained lost to us until a few months ago.

The Burton Pack neither forgives nor forgets.

It all comes to an end tonight, I decide.

We’ve found their lair and soon, we’ll find the people who’ve been abusing their power and positions to support them.

“All units stand your ground,” my father’s command sounds in my earpiece. “We’ll begin exactly at three hundred hours sharp.”

We’re almost ready to launch an attack on the terrorists’ base that runs throughout the wooded areas of Kentville.

Our pack has been planning for this attack for weeks now. We’ve spent hours discussing tactics with our closest allies, the Solveig pack and the Oldenburg pack. With their support, I’m confident we’ll eradicate the Black Widow.

We just have to make sure none of these insurgents escape our net tonight.

I check the watch on my wrist. The time to attack is only minutes away.

Moonlight shines on a tall, dark figure in the distance. I recognize my father’s figure even when it’s dark and he’s standing with his back toward me.

He’s standing further ahead of us and keeping a watch over the spot that has been identified as the point of attack. Even though I’m commanding my own men, he’ll still be the one to be leading us through the raid tonight.

The thunderous roar of chopper blades cuts through the silence of the night. Looking up, I see at least four helicopters hovering over us.

I glance down at my watch as the last minute ticks by.

Even though I’m ready for it, my body still jolts violently as loud explosions erupt all around me. The men around me stiffen, their expressions turning stony as they wait for the next command.

It takes only a few minutes for the enemy to show its face. Droves of men in black clothing filter out from all directions. Their cries are punctuated by the steady roar of gunshots from both our side and theirs.
