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The lube was the same as what Violet herself used at the farm, an observation she’d made earlier. He didn’t have the heart to tell her he had three more bottles in the bedside drawer, as it was the farm’s favorite thing to give out as a part of their reward tiers.

He gave himself a generous coating of the jellylike lubricant, slicking himself from root to tip, then going back and using a bit more. There was no such thing as too slippery for an undertaking like this, he thought to himself wryly. His balls were tight, and he had been hard for too long. It wasn’t going to take long for him to shoot his first load; that was probably for the best. He didn’t want to overdo it with her too quickly, and an endless pounding with something as girthy as the beef stick he was packing would be more likely to do her injury rather than cause pleasure.

The first press into her silky-hot heat made his eyes roll back. He only had the head in, and it already felt sinfully tight. “I’m – I’m going to go slow, sweetheart. You tell me if I need to stop, all right?” He couldn’t have gone any faster if he’d wanted to, Rourke realized. Even with his prepping, she was still the tightest fit he’d ever experienced, stimulating every inch of his shaft her body swallowed.

“Please,” she gasped. “Please, I need your cock so bad.”

Her words made his balls pulse, and if his cock was not already caught in the clenching confines of her pussy, it would have jumped.

“You don’t need to beg for it, Violet; it’s yours, anytime you want it. I’m going to spoil your pussy with this big bull cock every day if that’s what you want.” He had made it to his mid-shaft swell, groaning at the sensation, knowing she was stuffed fuller than she’d ever been before.

“I do, I do,” she babbled, head lolling. “I love your big cock; I love it so much. I want you to pump it into me.”

He was nothing if not a gentleman, and a gentleman was helpless to obey a lady when she made a request, Rourke thought. Her fingers curled into the thicker hide at his neck when he began to move, bringing his hips back slowly, a shallow pump. She was keening by the time he had made three passes, clawing at his shoulders, begging him for more.

“You’ve been so good,” she babbled, “so sweet and bossy, and I love it. You’re such a gentleman, and I love your cock. Give it to me, please!”

“Oh, there’s nothing gentlemanly about the way I’m going to fuck you, sweetheart.”

Rourke moaned at the first snap of his hips. She was clinging to him, her mouth at his shoulder, perfect for being able to judge how well she was doing as he set a pace. She was so good and so tight, and he had been hard for what felt like hours. His balls were ready to turn inside out, and he knew he would not last long. He pulled out completely, giving her a moment to breathe, buying a moment for himself as he tugged his balls down slightly. When he pushed into her again, it was a much easier slide.

“Do you know what happened to the tributes in the labyrinth, Violet?” He continued to thrust, a slow, steady thump, gripping her hips as he bottomed out at last. “They were addicted to the way they were fucked by the bull.”

He was in as deep as he could go by then, bottoming out in her every time his hips surged forward. Rourke lifted himself a bit higher on his knees, giving himself more leverage to move, and pushed his hand down on her belly. “Do you feel that, sweetheart? Do you feel that big bull cock inside you? I want you to squeeze it. I want you to come around my cock, Violet. I want you to squeeze me so hard that your cunt has the permanent shape of me because it’s the only cock that’s going to make you scream this way again.”

He began to rock, a steady motion that was going to make him erupt. The slap of his balls against her obliterated the rest of the sound in the room until nothing existed other than her desperate moans and the percussive slap of his body against hers.

“Are you ready to come for me, Violet? I’m ready to give you a good dose of creamy white milk; it does a body good. Are you ready for it?”

“Come inside me,” she begged, her legs beginning to shake. “Empty those big balls inside me; I want you to give me every drop.”

She didn’t need to ask him twice. Rourke hoped the bedroom windows were open. He hoped Khash was trying to sit on the back patio and enjoy a sandwich, maybe reading the mail or contemplating how much time he spent in his girlfriend’s house. Rourke hoped that the sound of his moan of pleasure would be trapped in the orc’s head his entire drive to wherever his cabin was, that he would still be hearing it at breakfast tomorrow morning.

The first spurt into her felt like it displaced something in his spine, his balls throbbing as if they had their own heartbeat, the convulsive contractions of his ejaculation making his hips snap without asking for any input from him. He was going off like a fire hose inside of her; he could feel the way he filled her as he pressed to her belly. Violet moaned, legs shaking, the pressure of being so full tipping her over the edge once more. When she squeezed around him, his vision whited out, the whole world going opaque for a moment. She clung to him, riding out her peak until she slumped, looking as boneless as he felt.

When he pulled out slowly, Rourke wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to walk again. The gush of fluid that pooled beneath them made him groan, forcing himself into action. “Why didn’t I put down towels,” he moaned, berating himself, before turning his attention to the only thing that mattered. “Violet, are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Her face was buried against his chest, and he took advantage of her positioning to roll them out of the growing wet spot. “Talk to me, sweetheart. I need to hear your words. Am I going to need to carry you to get ice cream?”

Her laughter shook her shoulders; it was a moment before she was able to answer him. “I’m okay. That was – that was really good. Like,reallygood. Thank you for going slow and taking such good care of me.”

He kissed her shoulder, her neck, her temple. She was warm and soft and drowsy sounding, no worse for wear, thank stars. “I told you, sweetheart, I’m going to take care of you every day, any way you want. I’m glad we took our time. It was worth the wait. Now, I have something very serious to ask you. I hope you’ll give it thought because it’s something that means a lot to me.”

Her chin turned up, her eyes widened, blinking, reaching up to push his hair back.” Y-yes? What is it?”

“Do we really need to share the piñata juggernaut? If you don’t finish yours, we can always bring it home and put it in the freezer.”

Her mouth hung open, staring up at him in shock for several beats before her smile split, and she shook her head. “You really are such a gentleman,” she laughed as he folded her in his arms, where he wanted her to stay forever.

Or at least— he amended, scowling at the uncomfortable stickiness — he wanted her there after the sheets were changed.Full to the top, to have and to hold, the most handsome payout.


“Hi there!” Violet’s voice was a sunny chirp, high-pitched, and a touch louder than normal. It was an undisputedly cheerful voice, one that brokered no argument or disagreement, for the place where that voice was born knew not of such concepts. “How are you doing today? Wow, you all are slammed with this nice weather! I hope you get to take a break soon.”

Rourke preened. He was a puffed-up peacock, as proud and strutting as Khash on his most Khashiest days, but he couldn’t help it. The rabbit-eared girl behind the counter of the scoop truck smiled back winsomely, finding nothing at all disagreeable with the exceedingly agreeable woman before her. Violet’s customer service voice was without equal, a credit to her professionalism, and an asset at his side.

“It’s been a mad house since we opened! My break is in ten, though, so not too much longer! What can I get for you today?”

She grinned up at him, smugness shining in her eyes. “Oh my stars, everything looks so good; I’m not sure what to pick! Um . . . babe, what do you think?”
