Page 24 of The Sentinel

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He wasn’t sure because of the failing light, but he thought she blushed.

“Really?” she asked in absolute wonder, as if he’d just given her the keys to some kind of magical kingdom.

“Really,” he assured her.

They fell into another silence—only this one seemed more comfortable than the others.

“Are you going to tell me why you didn’t report your findings—even though you don’t think they’re conclusive—to the FBI?”

“I was kind of hoping you’d forgotten that.”

“I rarely forget important things, and anything that concerns you or this case is important not only to Cerberus but to me.”

She sighed. “I haven’t done a lot of dating…”


“Again, only average in the looks department, going to school, starting my own business, and then growing it and my reputation by taking a lot of out-of-town work—that hasn’t left me with a lot of time to date. But what I started to say was, I didn’t go to the FBI because I used to date someone with the Bureau. In fact, we were engaged.”

“What has that got to do with reporting a crime?” She was silent. “Wait, do you think he’s in on it?”

“I don’t know,” she said taking a deep breath, “but I also don’t know that he’s not. Certainly, he would be in a position to ignore it or help cover it up.”

“In other words, you think he’s in collusion with Blackwood.”

“At best, he’s only in collusion.”

“Do you think your ex is actively defrauding the government?”

She nodded. “At first, I thought he might be laundering money, but I really couldn’t find any evidence of that.”

“Well, we’re going to need to get that information to the team. What’s his name?”

“Do we have to tell them?”

“I think it might be a damn sight easier for Seth and the rest of the team to gather the information if they need it, don’t you think?” he teased.

“I suppose…”

“What’s the problem?”

“I broke off the engagement because I started thinking there was something—for lack of a better term—hinky about him. He treated me really well when we started, but as time went on and we got engaged, he was less than supportive. Then he got evasive about his work, and it just raised some red flags for me.”

“Like I told you, pay attention to your instincts. They may lead you astray now and again, but usually they are spot on. So, what’s his name?”


“Redmond Bellows?” he laughed.

“You know him?”

“Yes, but not in a good way. Bellows is about as bent as they come. Your instincts were spot on. Someone high up is protecting him. He’s been brought up on disciplinary charges that should have gotten him fired, but somehow, he always manages to skate. And what the hell were you doing with that pencil-necked, limp-dicked idiot?”

“I grant you he wasn’t as muscular as you, and he had erectile difficulties…”

“In other words, he couldn’t get it up…”

She laughed. “Those words are probably more accurate, but when he first asked me out, I thought he was a nice guy with a good job.”

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