Page 26 of The Sentinel

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“I didn’t mean for it to.”

“You think I lead a very boring existence, don’t you?”

“I think in the past you have focused on your own professional development and your business, and there is nothing wrong with that.”


“But I think you deserve more than that. I think you can have a truly spectacular life. I will admit part of that is self-serving.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because I’d like to be someone you choose to share that other part with; someone you choose to explore a life that is something more than just work.”

Before she could respond, Coop slowed down and hit a remote button on the SUV’s visor. Slowly, outside her passenger side window, a concealed and camouflaged gate rolled backwards and Coop drove through. She could hear a kind of metallic click.

“Pressure sensitive plate in the ground. Turn around and look out of the back window.”

She did and watched spikes she was sure would shred tires rise up out of the ground. He pressed a second button and the gate slid closed.

“This third button will either raise or lower the ‘teeth,’ as we like to call them, depending on which position they’re in. We try to keep them in the ground, so the wildlife doesn’t get hurt. They can be a nasty surprise if someone is coming in right behind you.”

“That’s cool,” she said.

“Just remember, if you ever have to drive in or out, to activate them to the position you want. All of the safehouses have them and all of the company vehicles and most of our personal ones have remotes. They will activate even if you’re moving, but I think seeing the gate roll back the first time and the teeth rise up out of the ground is kind of neat.”

They drove down a winding path.

“This entire area has surveillance cameras, movement detectors, and a clear field of fire around the cottage. There’s some kind of net thing in the lake that’ll play havoc with a boat if you don’t have the remote to lower it. We keep a boat that can be easily seen, but we also have an escape tunnel out of the cottage that goes to the boat house, where we keep another speed boat.”

“Are you guys expecting a war?”

“No, but if anyone comes after you, we’re prepared. I’ll show you how to get to the escape hatch. If I tell you to go, you go. You don’t wait for me; you don’t question me, you just go. There’s an autopilot on the boat and if you engage it, it’ll get you to safety. If the boat gets activated, Seth will be alerted, and someone will get on the radio with you. If you’re in one of our vehicles, hit this button,” he said indicating a small red button, “and it’ll dial an emergency line we monitor twenty-four-seven. Again, someone will be with you via that line, and you follow their instructions.”

“What about you?”

“You do as you’re told. I will have your back. If I can get out, I will. If not, my brothers will come after me. I suppose I should say my brothers and Miley.”

“Comrades would be more inclusive. And if you’re not with me, I’m not going. I’m certainly not going to leave you alone to be caught or killed.”

“Just so you can be caught or killed with me? That would make my sacrifice kind of meaningless, don’t you think?”

Anabella closed her mouth and let the realization of what he was saying really take hold. “Why would you do that?”

“With other protectees, it’s what I signed up for, but with you the reason is more compelling. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I’m not sure how to respond to that.”

“There’s no need for you to respond. I’m just answering your question.”

They rounded a bend in the road where it dropped over a hill, and she could see a quaint stone cottage sitting lakeside. It was all stone and had a metal roof and a chimney. There was a patio in the back with what looked to be an outdoor kitchen as well as a hot tub. They parked alongside the dwelling, and she could see a front porch that encompassed the entire front of the house. It was screened-in and had a big ceiling fan and comfortable furnishings.

“This is lovely.”

Coop grinned. “Yeah; it’s my favorite of our safe houses. Cerberus also makes it available to employees and their partners. The screening is made of a bullet resistant material and the thing would be damn hard to burn down. It’s not huge, but the scenery is breathtaking, and it’s comfortable and cozy. I think you’ll be safe and comfortable. You can’t see it, but there’s a bunkhouse hidden up to the left of the property and we’ll have our people on constant patrol.”

He stopped the car and as she reached for the handle he growled. Snatching her hand back as if she’d burned it, she grinned at him and said, “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. You’ll get the hang of it.”
