Page 21 of Brave

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“I’m good with all of that, sweetie. Nowhere near my limits. So, no more worries about anything on that list.” I tried to look stern but it just seemed to make him giggle as his little side peeked out for a moment.

“That’s not how being worried works, Master.” He’d said Master but something in his voice sounded like he’d wanted to say Daddy.

“Yes, it is.” Crossing my arms, I glared and looked every inch the stern alpha. “I said so.”

That got me more giggles as he nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good boy.” Oh, that hit a hot spot for the naughty boy. Wiggles and blushes and a touch of needy desperation in his eyes. “And don’t forget, I like rewarding my good boy.”

We’d just have to see what form that would take.

Chapter 6


I was brave.

I was brave.

I was brave.

“Sweetie, we can just end the date right here and I’ll have had a wonderful time.” Master Ansel was looking more like Daddy Ansel as he smiled and raised one eyebrow questioningly. “I can steal a kiss as I drop you off at your car at the club and start planning when I can ask you out again without looking desperate.”

I couldn’t decide if I wanted to laugh or blush, so my body decided for me and did both.

It made Master Ansel’s eyes twinkle but he didn’t laugh as he slowly walked us over to his car. I knew he was giving me time for my brain to catch up to the rest of me. But he didn’t seem to mind, and I did my best to remember that as I took a deep breath.

“I…I don’t want our date to be over yet.” Yes, brave. I could do it. I could tell Master Ansel what I wanted. Austin said he wouldn’t do anything without clear input from me. He’d said that if I wanted to be spanked or lick his chest or get a good orgasm, I had to let Master Ansel know.

Or I’d end up going home and jerking off alone.

Austin might’ve nearly given me a heart attack from his delivery—because he’d used much more colorful words to get his point across—but I knew he was right.

Master Ansel was nice and that could be dangerous.

Luckily, he wasn’ttoonice because he squeezed my hand and looked very naughty as he grinned. “That’s good to know, sweetie. Thank you for being brave and letting me know.”

I’d admit to being tiny brave but I needed to be big brave to get a spanking.


I probably had to be big to get a spanking too.

Trying to push my little side to the back of my head since that would not help me get what I wanted, I stood straighter and inched closer to Master Ansel so his arm brushed mine. He was so big. Yes. That was what I needed to focus on. My big alpha Master. He was tall and cuddlable and Austin said he had tattoos.

Feeding the naughty side of me fun bits of fantasy to keep the worrying side at bay, I thought about how good it’d felt to be held when we’d been at the club earlier. “Can we…can we go back to the club? I mean, and go inside. Together.”

God, I sounded like an idiot.

He pretended not to notice, though, which just showed how nice he was.

“Yes, should we see who’s around to talk to or would you like to go have fun in the playroom?” He gave me a glance and looked very sweet and thoughtful. “Maybe Jarrett has something cute we could borrow for you to wear?”

Yep, nice was very dangerous.

But Master said I was brave.

Brave subs got rewards.
