Page 3 of Brave

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That got even more laughter from the littles and had the shy one finally looking at me with curiosity in his eyes. Taking that as a good sign, I leaned toward him that time. “His original owner was from far away, so the birdie has a funny accent when he says naughty things.”

Jarrett huffed. “Still not helping everyone to behave.”

I shrugged. “I don’t remember promising that.”

Snickers from the littles made it impossible to keep a straight face but I did my best. “Austin said I had to promise not to bribe them with junk food. He also said they were in control of the crayons, and I had to keep my clothes on.”

Looking down at my deliberately casual outfit of jeans and a button-down, I shrugged as the littles giggled. “I think this works.”

“You’re going to be a terrible influence.” Jarrett was giving me a stern look but since Austin’s shenanigans hadn’t gotten him banned yet, I wasn’t worried.

“Thank you.” Even the shy worrier beside me giggled that time but I decided not to push the man in charge too far and went back to coloring.

I wasn’t terribly creative when it came to anything to do with art but that didn’t seem to matter because what color I used wasn’t up to me. It was fascinating. Every time I reached for one that someone considered wrong, they sighed and handed me a different one.

Daddy Dom.

That clearly didn’t mean what I’d thought it did because I was not in charge of anything to do with the crayons or the coloring in general. But since giving me orders was definitely a step up from staring at me in fear, I decided to take it as a compliment.

When it seemed like I’d been accepted as at least a temporary member of the group, I looked at my new friends. “I’m Ansel.”

Several wide eyes turned to me and then looked over at Jarrett.

He chuckled and shook his head like he thought they were cute. “No one’s going to talk? Alright.”

Jarrett went around the room and named all the littles, pointing out his own boy, Gideon. “And you already met Charlie and Dessie.”

As I nodded and tried to smile nonthreateningly, Gideon leaned into his Daddy and spoke quietly. “Uncle Ansel? Daddy Ansel?”

It was a damned good question.

And since I didn’t have the answer or seem to be in charge, I just smiled at Jarrett and waited to see what he would do.

He cocked his head and gave an exaggerated thoughtful look as he studied me. “Well, I’m going to probably call him annoying, but what do you guys think?”

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. “You’re just as bossy as Austin said you were.”

That broke any tension the littles were feeling and they all started giggling again, several nearly tipping over they thought it was so funny.

“As easily as you say his name, I think I’m right.” Jarrett’s eyes sparkled as he tried to keep the suspicious look in place.

Jarrett was just a bit too suspicious of Austin.

Austin was nuts, but he wasn’t some demon in a mirror we’d summon by saying his name.

“I will admit nothing.” Mostly because I was technically one of the drama queen’s lawyers and couldn’t actually say much. “But I think I would make a very good Papa Ansel to my new friends and Daddy when I actually get to be a Daddy.”

IfI got to be a Daddy?

Jarrett nodded, seeming to approve. “I think that sounds like a very good plan.”

I wasn’t sure I’d have taken it that far—nothing today felt very well planned out—but it had seemed logical at the moment. It’d also been surprisingly easy to admit. I wasn’t sure if I would find what I was looking for, even with the club making that a lot easier, but something about the whole situation felt comfortable in a way I hadn’t found before.

There was still a lot I didn’t understand yet, but where I’d been constantly on when it came to the other subs I’d met at the club, the littles just made me want to cuddle up with them. My only concern was hoping that thewant to cuddle themfeeling shifted towant to do naughty thingswith one of themfeelings.

I just wasn’t sure how to get to know them in a one-on-one kind of way.

Was that even possible?
