Page 34 of Brave

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“Thank you, sweetie.” Kissing the top of his head as he slowly traced the designs and sucked his thumb, I kept up the rambling history that seemed important to share with him. “So when I got stressed or started feeling confused, I’d plan out the next part. Sometimes it was tiny things like the little flowers that join the bigger pieces together and sometimes it was the big stuff.”

Turning his head, he shifted so his finger could trace over the phoenix.

“That one, huh?” He was so smart. “That was when I finally came out to myself that I was a Dom and would never want the kind of relationship everyone kept trying to shove on me. I’d just broken up with an omega my family thought was perfect.”

Fuck. That arranged nightmare had been terrible from start to finish…I just hadn’t realized that until I’d gotten out. “He’d found some grown-up sites on my computer that he thought were terrible and we broke up after he screamed at me that I was…well, he said some not-nice things.”

That got a hug from my tenderhearted boy and he even took his thumb out of his mouth long enough to give the phoenix a kiss.

“Thank you.” I gave him another tight hug before shifting my hold so I could rub his back. “It wasn’t until then that I realized I was not a bad alpha for wanting someone special like you, sweet boy.”

Being screamed at like that by someone who’d said they loved me had been an eye-opening experience. No matter what Clancy had thought about the sites I was studying—and it’d been research, not weird porn—hearing what he thought about alphas like that had killed any remaining feelings I’d had for him.

But the phoenix had risen from the ashes of my relationship with him and my family, and I’d thrown myself into figuring out who I was and what I wanted. It’d been a bit of a convoluted path, but I’d finally found other alphas like me, I’d built better boundaries with my family, and I’d ultimately found the club.

And then I’d found Charlie.

“I like being your Daddy, and I like playing with you, and I like getting kisses from you.” Understatement of the century, right there. “And I can’t wait to get to know you even better.”

Because even though it felt like he’d been in my life for years, it’d only been a matter of days.

I got a happy wiggle from Charlie but the lack of words made planning the rest of our date more interesting. “How about we go to the playroom and you show me your favorite toys in there? Hmm? I think that would be a wonderful way to get to know my sweet boy better.”

And once I got home, I would spend the rest of the night jerking off.

Yep, sounded like a good plan to me, and Charlie’s little head bob said he was on the same page as well…but he didn’t actually move.

So I rocked and kissed his head as his fingers skipped over my chest in what seemed to be completely random patterns. I wasn’t sure if he was just too relaxed to want to move or if this was aDaddy needs to do somethingkind of moment.

It could’ve gone either way, honestly, but doing nothing seemed like a good way to make us die of dehydration at some point…and the whole thing said there was something I was missing. I had to admit, it took me a bit too long to realize what the problem was.

He’d come in his pants.

Yep, Daddy needed to plan better next time.

Kissing his head, I decided to treat the whole thing as utterly normal as possible. “Alright, cutie, Daddy needs a cheek kiss and then we need to get you cleaned up so we can play.”

I’d seen diapers in the closet and I had a vague memory of seeing something underwear-like when the cuties had been trying to steal cookies the other day, so no matter what state his clothes were in, we’d have options.

Charlie went very still for a moment before his fingers started tapping on my chest. Words would’ve been lovely, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t be getting any for a while. So I did my best to make everything work without a lot of input from my sweet boy.

“Hmm, I haven’t got my cheek kiss. You were very sweet and gave me lots of other nice kisses but I’m still missing one.” Hoping that it would be enough to make him realize I’d loved everything we’d done, I kept my voice light.

It was enough to get a giggle out of Charlie, which I took to be a good sign.

And an even better sign was when he shyly lifted his head and took his thumb out of his mouth long enough to kiss my cheek.

“Thank you.” Giving him a quick peck on his cheek to match mine, I tapped his hand. “And I need to remember to have a binkie for you next time we go out. Do you think Uncle Jarrett has a binkie for you?”

He seemed like the planner type of Daddy, so I wasn’t surprised when Charlie nodded. “I’m so glad. Then you can use your hand to color.”

That got another giggle and had his wide eyes looking less nervous.

“It would be very sad to only be able to use one.” I kept chattering about nonsense as I got him off my lap and put my shirt back on. He seemed happy and distracted and didn’t notice my not-so-subtle glances at the front of his pants.


That certainly made things easier but I was still left with a lot more questions than little Charlie seemed to realize. The biggest one was definitely about who was supposed to be cleaning him up. I was his Daddy and his Master and seemed to be the all-around decision-maker at the moment…so that meant I was supposed to handle it?
