Page 35 of Brave

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Poor choice of words.

“Come on, cutie.” Reaching out to take his free hand once I was presentable, I led us out toward the playroom, completely ignoring the way Austin was hiding just out of Charlie’s sight.

Well, he was a subtle stalker at the very least and seemed to relax when he saw that Charlie was calm. I thought he should’ve had more questions about the little side peeking out after what he knew we’d been doing, but it seemed like I was the only one who thought that was curious.

Not that I was going to let Charlie know that.


I swung our hands and chattered about what we should color and if he thought we could steal cookies from Uncle Jarrett’s closet stash. That got an eager nod and a greedy grin, so I was glad to see we were both on the same page with that plan.

And I was glad to see he didn’t slide back into his painfully shy mode when we walked in and saw a variety of littles playing. He was still quiet and kept his thumb firmly in place but he wasn’t radiating the same nervous fear he had been the first time we’d met.

I had a feeling that was what made Jarrett just nod toward me and not give me the third degree when we walked in. “Just going to grab a binkie and a few things before we play. We hadn’t expected to color tonight but it sounded like fun.”

Again, he took the whole thing in stride and just nodded. “Alright, help yourself, and the bathroom is fully stocked under the sink too.”

Did everyone know what we’d been doing?

Ignoring that for the time being, I walked us over and got a binkie out of the closet stash before leading Charlie into the attached bathroom. Jarrett was right. It was fully stocked in the way only a little would need. Under the sink, thick underwear in the cutest patterns was stacked right next to diapers and wipes, everything we could want, and it all seemed to push Charlie deeper into his little side.

Once the binkie replaced his thumb, he seemed to dive in headfirst, and I gave up even pretending that I would ask him what he wanted. Yep, Charlie was either hiding from what he saw as something stressful—talking to me about his worship fantasies and all the kissing he’d done—or he’d relaxed so thoroughly only being little could feel better.


I’d have definitely picked changing him in the bathroom as the more stressful of the possibilities and the most stressful part of our date, but maybe that was because I wasn’t the little? “Time to get my cutie ready to play.”

Questions weren’t terribly helpful, so I chattered about random things as I dug out new undies that I was pretty sure Jarrett had called training pants at some point. I kept listening for a safeword, but even as I lifted Charlie up on the changing table, there was nothing except binkie sounds and the occasional giggle.

“And then I said to Austin that he had to be nice or I was going to tell Silas that he’d bought another town.” Shaking my head as Charlie made another happy sound around the binkie, I pretended to look sad as I took off his shoes.

Doing my best to look like I was just doing an everyday kind of chore, I released the button on his pants and started stripping them off. No safewords still. I could do this. No problem. “He wasn’t very sorry, but he stopped being cranky. So I didn’t tell on him.”

Austin had told on himself, so I hadn’t needed to.

As I jumped to another silly Austin story, because I had a thousand of those, I laid his jeans down at the end of the table and stripped off the damp briefs that would’ve been sexy as fuck if I’d been noticing things like that.

But I wasn’t.

So they weren’t.

They weren’t even sexy when I put them in one of the plastic bags from under the sink and shoved them in my pocket. Nope, not sexy or kinky or anything else like that.

“But that means I’m going to need to start hiding my goodies better because he’s very sneaky when he’s hungry.” That had Charlie giggling and nodding. “You’ve lost chocolate to him too? It’s frustrating because he’s very fast.”

Using the wipes to clean up the cum and slick that proved how much he’d enjoyed our time in the private room, I kept chattering and refused to even think about his cock. Not even how perfectly proportioned it was or how cute it was when he was soft.


“My job is usually very boring, except when he’s around.” That made Charlie giggle again as I slid the training pants over his bottom and got everything important covered. “We’re not going to tell him that, though.”

I’d nearly run out of little-friendly Austin stories by the time he was dressed again and sitting up on the table, but luckily he was ready before I had to search through the ones that were only slightly inappropriate. “Are you ready to go play, sweetheart?”

Charlie nodded as he leaned in and gave me a hug, pressing his face against my neck. His happy sound as he took a breath had me swallowing past a lump in my throat. It might not have been the way I’d thought our date would end but I had no complaints…because I had the sweetest boy ever.

Chapter 10
