Page 46 of Brave

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And he was gone.

Laughing around my thumb, I rolled over onto my tummy so I could hang my head over the side. There he was. He pushed past the clothes that were hanging up to hide the entrance to my fort and popped his head out the door. He smiled so big, he made me laugh again. “This is wonderful. I bet Austin is so jealous he doesn’t have one.”

Daddy was so silly.

But he was smart again, so I nodded and made him laugh.

“This is the best fort ever.” Daddy crawled back out looking smiley and excited as he stood up and gave me a kiss on my nose. “Alright, let’s get you ready to play and then you can show me all your favorite things.”

All of them?

I had a favorite rock and a favorite picture and a favorite book and a favorite stick and a—

Daddy laughed and kissed my nose again. “Silly boy. Did you hear my question?”

Hmm, maybe not?

Looking cute and helpless got me another kiss on my forehead. “I think I’ve seen that look on Austin.”


But I just gave Daddy wide eyes and shook my head like Austin had shown me.

Daddy huffed. “You are picking up questionable habits from that omega.”

I shrugged and took my thumb out of my mouth for a second. “Sitter.”

“Just imagining him as your babysitter scares me.” Daddy shivered like he was trying to get the pictures out of his head and sighed as he started searching the clothes. “Found something that looks perfect.”

My bunny.

I was a very cute bunny.

Austin said so and he kneweverythingabout playing dress-up.

“Does my bunny want to play?” Daddy giggled when I nodded and held up my hands. “Alright then.”

Daddy was so tall I didn’t even have to get down off my bed for him to help me. “This is perfect. It’ll be a good changing table too.”

He was so smart.

“This is definitely the best fort ever.” He gave my forehead a smacky kiss and smiled as I giggled. “And let’s lay you back so we can make you a bunny.”

Bunny bunny bunny…binkie.

Yes, I needed my binkie too because bunnies needed both their hands to be cute feet.

As Daddy got my pants off, I wiggled and rolled so I could try to reach my binkie. Daddy was very fast and I didn’t even roll off the bed that time. “Oof.”

He frowned as he put me back on the bed. “If you fall off the bed, I’ll tell Austin.”


Pouting, I waited and was very good as he found my binkie on the shelf at the head of my fort. “He would not be happy if you hurt yourself.”

Daddy was going to give out terrible punishments.

But I gave him my wide eyes again to try to fix it.
