Page 6 of Brave

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I could do that.

Papa Ansel liked animals.

Gideon snorted. “If you don’t at least talk to him, I’m going to tell Austin you need help.”

He wouldn’t.

Oh, he would.

“You’re a meanie.” I was so focused on Gideon’s threat that I jumped when something moved on the other side of me. “Oh.”


It was Papa Ansel.

“What did he do?” Papa Ansel looked very sweet and couldn’t seem to decide if he got to frown at Gideon or not.

I wanted to say something…I really did…and that would be my story if Gideon told Austin I needed help, but somehow I grabbed my binkie and shoved it in my mouth.

Papa Ansel’s lips twitched but he didn’t smile or laugh. “It was that mean, huh?”

I could nod and I was really good at looking panicked, so I just focused on that. It made Papa Ansel sigh. “I’m sorry he was mean. Did you get a boo-boo?”

Sadly, I had to shake my head.

No boo-boos meant no kisses.

Papa Ansel frowned and looked very nice and serious. “So he just said something mean?”

I managed a nod that was very clear but the whole thing made Gideon giggle. That just made Papa Ansel very confused. He was glancing between us and I must’ve looked naughty or guilty or something because he looked at Gideon. “Can you tell me what happened?”

Oh dear.

He wouldn’t.

No, he wouldn’t do that to me.

He would if his Daddy said so. “Gideon, were you being naughty? Do you need to tell Papa Ansel what happened?”

Oh dear.

Uncle Jarrett was beinghelpful.

“I’m your good boy, Daddy.” And he was very eager to confess his sins because he just vomited out everything. “I told Charlie that he should talk to Papa Ansel because he liked that Papa Ansel wanted his picture and he thinks Papa Ansel is avery bigalpha. Oh, and a nice papa too because he colors and reads books.”


I had to hide, so I ducked behind Gideon but I could only fit my head. I was hoping that since it worked for the big birds in cartoons, it would work for me.

“Daddy, you know Charlie likes big alphas that read and cuddle and do naughty stuff to their grown-up subs, but he wasn’t sure he could tell that to Papa Ansel, so I told him I’d help.” I could hear the glee in Gideon’s voice. “But he didn’t want me to ask Austin for help, but Daddy, littles need help sometimes.”

Evil. Evil. Evil little boy.

Even his Daddy didn’t know what to say. “Well. Yes. Helping is important.”

Maybe I could hide behind Uncle Jarrett?

Maybe Austin would save me if I looked helpless enough?
