Page 67 of Brave

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“So you didn’t let us do anything else because the fuzzy brain feeling just wouldn’t let go?” The logic made sense since Daddy was so nice, but he was my Dom. “Can…can we make rules that say I don’t have to be thinking completely clearly for you to…for me to…for me to give you kisses?”

Yes, that was much easier.

Daddy barely even snickered too.

“That conversation is going to make you very uncomfortable, sweet boy, but we’d have to have a thorough talk before we put that in place.” When I just sighed, his chest jerked for a moment. “It’s important so I don’t misunderstand what you want, but I don’t have any problem with that rule. I struggled to tell you no last night because you were very insistent and I wasn’t sure what the right thing to do was.”


I’d been a pain in the butt.

“Sorry, Daddy?” I wasn’t sure what to say, but he kissed my head and snuggled me tighter.

“Nope, no one needs to be sorry. It was just a slightly unexpected reaction from subspace and your spanking in general, I think.” Daddy ran his hand over my back and nuzzled against the side of my head. “You might always react like that or it might just be because it was a bit new in some ways. We’ll figure it out.”

Very new.

Rubbing my cheek against his chest, I gave it a quick kiss. “Okay, Daddy. No apologies but I loved my spanking, and I’m glad I didn’t make you too frustrated?”

He didn’t seem frustrated.

He laughed again, making me even more sure everything was okay. “You were fascinating and very stubborn.”

Since he seemed pleased about that, I didn’t apologize again even though it was hard. “I’d rather be cute and well-behaved.”

That got another laugh from him but he tried to hide it. “I had a wonderful date with you and a wonderful scene with you and a fabulous night in general. I even got to sleep with my boy since he wouldn’t leave without giving me kisses, and I wouldn’t let him give me kisses until he made a bit more sense.”

Groaning, I rolled over more so I could hide my face against his chest as he snickered. “Daddy.”

He was going to tell this story over and over and over.

“My sweet bossy boy.” Daddy kissed my head as I decided to sigh and huff. “So cute and so dramatic. I’m starting to see why you and Austin get along so well.”

That did not make me want to stop being dramatic.

Daddy seemed to know that and just kept giggling. “My adorable cutie.”

Yep, Daddy was going to remember this when we were old and gray and he couldn’t remember what he’d had for lunch.

“Daddy?” Thinking about the future reminded me that I didn’t know about the present. “What do I do now?”

Daddy made a thinking sound and gave me another kiss. “Do you mean what do you do because you’ve never stayed over with a Dom before or do you mean what do you do in theyou have to pee but you’re embarrassed to tell me thatkind of way?”

“Both.” As he tried not to giggle again, I felt a little less silly for some reason. “And I need food. I’m starving. Pancakes or eggs or muffins and sausage or waffles and ice cream?”

I was going to wither and die if he didn’t feed me soon.

Daddy had to take a deep breath before he pushed the giggles back completely. “Well, you’re my very special boy, so I’m going to help you get a shower, and we’ll figure out some clothes for you to wear if you want them. Then I’m going to feed you pancakes and sausage and fruit. After that, we’re going to snuggle some more and pretend to watch a movie while we nap from a food coma.”

Giggling, I nodded. “I like that idea. When do I have to leave?”

I didn’t know the rules for sleepovers because I’d never met a Dom or just a regular date I wanted to be around that long.

“Never but you’ll probably want to eventually.” Daddy wrapped his arms around me and rolled us over in his big bed until he had me pinned underneath him and could give me a regular kiss. “That’s much better.”

He seemed very proud of himself, which made me laugh again. “So cute. But yes, eventually you will want time by yourself or your own clothes or to work, and you’ll tell me that you need one more kiss before you go. I’ll try to get lots of kisses and a few more hugs, but that will let me know that you want space.”

