Page 85 of Brave

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Kind of an Epilogue

Really a Bonus Short

Drunk Shenanigans Because I Promised


“Are you…I mean…this isn’t…” Charlie got slower and slower as we walked up to Austin’s house, the reality of the odd situation finally hitting him as he came to a stop. “Daddy?”

I had a feeling there were eyes peeking out of the windows but none were obvious enough to shoo away, so I waited with Charlie. “Yes, sweetheart.”

“I don’t do things like this.” His curious response didn’t give me a lot to work with but I did my best.

“Well, in the past you were too shy for sleepovers.”Sleepoverseemed entirely too innocent for whatever the troublemakers were going to get up to. “They asked you to come this time because they want to get to know you more and Austin is up to something fishy.”

Forgetting that seemed like a bad thing.

Austin had been subtle for him, but something about his wicked grin and the way he’d bounced around my office had said this was about more than alcohol and stupid decisions. But the reminder made Charlie grin and some of his worries faded slightly.

“Austin was very excited.” His smile said he was imagining whatever the naughty omega had done to talk him into the idea of a sleepover. But just as quickly as his expression had brightened, it faded a bit. “But Tanner was…I don’t understand why he came to see me, Daddy.”

I couldn’t decide if it was deliberate situational blindness or just confusion because of the way he was raised but I kept with as simple a response as possible. “He feels bad about you ending up in foster care, sweet boy. He’s trying to show Austin that he knows how important you are. You’re family to Austin, and Tanner knows that’s special.”

To say Tanner was devastated would’ve been an understatement.

Their friendship seemed fine. I had a feeling Austin had processed most of his feelings already. He’d watched over Charlie for years and they’d shifted to a naughtier version of family instead of something more traditional. But it’d only been a few weeks since the night at the club where everything had come out and the emotions were still new for Tanner.

Charlie’s brows tightened. “I had good foster parents. Annie and Paul were a little bit confused sometimes, but they were nice and I still get cards and phone calls on my birthday.”

“I’m glad.” Leaning over, I kissed his head. “And I think this is going to help Tanner relax and stop worrying.”


“And…and it will make Austin happy.” Charlie’s response said he wanted to go even though he was confused. “And we have to give Dakota and Jonah their presents.”

“We do.” I waited until Charlie had taken another step forward to keep walking, though. “And I’m going to be here too, just hanging out and doing boring things.”

That got another laugh and he gave me a sly smile. “You can come with me and do the fun stuff too, Daddy. I don’t mind.”

Naughty boy.

“I don’t know about that. I’ve heard stories about what happens at sleepovers.” Just vague ones, mostly. “I’m not sure I’m the shenanigan type.”

Aside from the bits and pieces I knew about firsthand, Austin had talked around sleepover behavior but he hadn’t given me too many solid explanations. It’d been just enough to make sure I gave Charlie a solid list of rules for the night. No swimming. No using phones. No leaving the property no matter what anyone said.

If he didn’t end up dead or on the morning news, I’d count it as a successful night.

“Regular me isn’t either, Daddy.” He stopped again, but we’d made it a lot closer that time. “But they might have…they might have wine, Daddy.”

I was not as naïve as he seemed to think I was, but I nodded anyway. “I am fully prepared for an inebriated Charlie but you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

He sighed.

The dramatic sound was so cute I had to remind myself smiling would not be appropriate.

“What…what if I want to?” His nearly whispered words were the first time he’d admitted that he wanted to let go and throw himself into whatever stupid plan Austin had concocted. “Will you…will you be upset?”

As he peeked up at me, I frowned and aimed to look very serious. “I will only be upset if you break the rules. What were they?”
