Page 10 of Hollywood Squares

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“But you couldn’t because she needs this.”

I drop the pizza on the table and set the beer on top of it before I drop my keys in the bowl by the back door.

“Yeah. I honestly don’t know why they offered it if they weren’t going to ask her about her brother and how she grew up. Everybody says they’re disgusted by mafia and mob rule but the truth is, people eat that shit up with a damn spoon.”

“Yeah, I said something about that to her but they signed a contract saying that they wouldn’t have it on the show?”

“That’s not quite what was said but it’s pretty specific.”

“Well, we’ll see how it goes. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

“Just don’t drop it yourself. The last thing we need is for you to cause even more bad press.”

“I don’t get bad press.”

“Humph!” We didn’t think Candace would ever get bad press either. But there you are. One bad decision or weird comment and all the sudden all of your offers dry up.”

“I’d be just as happy retiring and taking up golf or fishing.”

I swear to god, I can almost hear Brad’s eyes rolling through the phone. “Do me a favor and keep that on the back burner as a last resort.”

I grin, opening the pizza box. “Because you’d miss me.”

“Because I’d miss the fucking money. That’s all. You’re just a paycheck.”

“You can’t kid me. I saw your face when I was in that car accident last year. You were worried about me.”

“I was worried that you were gonna have a scar on that pretty mug of yours.”

“You go ahead and tell yourself that.”

“Jesus. Go eat and stop bothering me.”

“Love ya!”

“Shut up!” He hollers into the phone and I hang it up, laughing and picking up a piece of pizza for a big bite.

I sit down and turn on my television, groaning when I see the entertainment news is still covering the brother story and Wander stripping her of her movie contracts.

Until the end when all of a sudden there’s a picture of the set of Hollywood Squares and then a close-up of the two of us talking.

“Can you believe that this is the first time these two have been seen together since their divorce? Does it look like there are still some sparks there? I think so,” the ditzy blond reporter giggles and I crumple up my napkin, growling under my breath.

“Can’t you give us at least a day or two before you start the stupid speculations?” I groan.

The more that stuff starts coming out, the more pissed off that Candy’s gonna get. She doesn’t like to be put on the spot.

I still remember what happened all those years ago and I cringe, knowing it’s my own damn fault.

We were at a party and she went off to the restroom. I knew she had a headache and I was waiting for her, watching for her.

Which is why when she came out of the hallway laughing with another man, the producer on our last project, I ground my teeth together and headed across to talk to her.

My smile when I reached them was probably more pained than happy to see them.

“Hey, Jeremy. Fancy seeing you here.”

He lifts Candy’s hand up to his lips and kisses it, lingering with a gentle smile right into her eyes and my fists clench, jealousy raging like a bull fixing to buck off a cowboy. I see red.
