Page 11 of Hollywood Squares

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I yank her arm over to me and she gasps when she crashes into me. “Well, it’s been nice to see you but Candy’s got a headache and I promised her I’d take her home after she came back.”

He nodded. “Sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better.” His tanned hand touches her elbow and I swear I see his hand rub it lightly.

“Let’s go.” I shove her away from him and then we walk silently over to the bedroom to get our coats.

She starts to say something but I just hiss under my breath and she stops talking.

She shrugs.

But I lead her out into the dark and then help her into our car. I slam the door a little harder than I intended and walk around the front of the car.

She starts to open her mouth but I turn and glare at her and she slams it closed.

She huffs and crosses her arms over her full chest, making my eyes practically cross. I love her whole body but I absolutely love her breasts. Full and round and more than a handful.

We drive home in silence and as soon as the door slams shut, she whirls on me and glares, her tiny body practically vibrating. Even her hair looks like it’s about to fly around her head like a live thing.


“Well, what?”

“What the hell was all that about? You were rude as hell to Jeremy. You know he’s the damn boss. Why would you be so nasty to him?”

“He was pawing at you! Don’t tell me you liked it?” I ask her, sarcasm dripping from my words like it’s hanging in the air, like an icicle.

Her mouth drops open and she glares at me, fury cracking from her words like a whip. “I was just talking to him for fuck’s sake. And if I was nice after we ran into you it was because you were being an ass!”

“I wasn’t being an ass. I just didn’t like to watch my woman hanging off of another man. Trying to sweeten him up on that other job that you’ve got your eye on?”

She gasps and I see the tears in her eyes. She turns away and I know I’ve fucked up. I don’t know what’s wrong with me! I should apologize and beg her to forgive me but instead I just glare at her until she finally takes a deep breath and turns around, tear tracks on her pale cheeks.

“You don’t trust me, Garrett? After all this time, you don’t trust me.” Her voice is soft and shaky and I open my mouth to say that I do but I just grunt like a fucking caveman.

She nods her head and walks away, picking up her car keys. “I’ll be by to pick up my things tomorrow.”

“What the hell do you mean? You’re not really leaving!”

But she doesn’t even look at me. Just walks out.

And the divorce papers came a week later. We haven’t worked together or even talked since then.



The next day is more of the same but I can’t concentrate with Garrett on set. Every time I turn he’s smiling or laughing with someone but his eyes are always on me. I can’t breathe anymore. It feels like I’m hot and I beg the makeup lady to put my hair up. She frowns at my face and powders it before she grabs a clip and starts to work on my hair and put it up.

I thank her when she’s done and she smiles. “No problem.”

But no matter what I do, I just can’t seem to get my racing heart and emotions in check.

After we finish up for the day again, Garrett follows me out to my car. “What are you doing tonight?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“Just curious.”

“Don’t you remember what they say about curiosity?”
