Page 5 of Hollywood Squares

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I cock my head. “I find that hard to believe.”

“No. I had them sign paperwork. If they break that promise, we have the right to sue them.”

“Why would they do that?”

“The director is actually a big fan of yours. She’s the one that went to the network and got the okay for you. Only for a month but that gets your face back out there and hopefully gets you some sympathy which gets people remembering that you’ve lived out here all your life. Since you were small when your mom left your dad. I’ve got some gossip rags that I’ve got stories that will start to run as soon as you go on the show. We’re gonna get a solid one-two punch out there to get people on your side. And the when you’re on the show, I want you to make sure that every answer you give is funny and smart. I want you to be humorous and sweet and just all-American and I think we can start working our way back into the public’s good graces.”

“I don’t know. I feel like this might have me going backwards not forwards.”

“Trust me. This is our best option right now.”

“Ugh! This seems stupid, Bob.”

He groans. “It’s work, Candy. You wanted to work. I’ve got you work. All you have to do is say yes and we start this process. I know you think this is some little game show and it’s not worth the effort, but is it worth it to get a second chance at your career? The one you’ve worked your ass off for for the last ten years and more.”

“Okay. Fine. I’ll do it.”

“Yes!” He chuckles. “I know this is a big step-down for America’s Sweetheart but it’s also a big step-up to an amazing future. You have to look at the big picture, honey.”

“I got it. Big picture.”

“Yeah. I’m gonna get off of here and go call them, work out the details and we should have you well on the way to some movie options that will boost you back up onto that pedestal again.”

“I don’t need to be on a pedestal. That just gives you further to fall down. I just want to be me again. To quit having strangers look at me like I’m some disgusting thing that they’ve peeled off their shoe.”

“I’m sorry that you’ve had to deal with this. But you should know that if you get back on track, there’s always that chance that something like this will happen again if you keep in contact with your brother.”

“He’s my brother. I don’t meet him everyday. We’re adults and we have vastly different lives. But I’m not going to knock him out of my life at all. He is family. It’s not his fault who are father is and it’s not mine either. We just have to deal with the cards we’ve been dealt.”

“Deal with them from a distance. At least for a little while. You can’t take any more surprises. At least not for awhile.”

“Fine, Bob.”

“Good. I’ll see you later. Stay inside and just let things die down and pretty soon we’ll have everything all taken care of and you’ll be making money again.”

I snort. “Which means thatyou’llbe making money.”

“Of course. I love you but I need to eat too, honey!”

I laugh and hang up the phone. Then I put my head in my hands and groan.Is this the right move?I’m not sure but I sure as hell can’t do any worse than I have been.

At least I hope so.



Frustration bears down on me yet again. Nothing. I haven’t seen Candy out in public for at least a week. Her agent is probably telling her to stay at home and keep a low profile. But that means that I don’t see her on the news.

And I can’t call her of course. The last time I tried to do that, thinking that maybe enough time had passed since my idiotic mistake, I found a process server at my door with divorce papers.

I hope that I never have to feel that kind of pain again. It ripped my heart out but after several more attempts to contact her and seeing the pain on her face when we came face to face at an event, I knew that I couldn’t keep hurting her like that. It broke me.

I pour myself a whiskey and frown at the drink in my hand. I set it back down and wince. I’m not an alcoholic. Or at least I don’t think so.

But as soon as I signed those divorce papers, I crawled inside of a bottle and didn’t bother coming out for six months.

Until my agent came back to me and ripped my ass up, shoving me in rehab so that I didn’t kill what was left of my career.
