Page 6 of Hollywood Squares

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The phone rings and I pick it up absently, still lost in memories. “Yeah?”

“Please tell me that’s not how you usually answer the phone.” Brad grumps and I grin at the phone.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Not really. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that Bob’s got something booked for Candy.”

“Awesome! What is it?”

“Hollywood Squares.”

“You’re kidding me. Nobody who’s working goes on that show.”

“It’s a job. They offered her a month and then they also signed papers saying that they won’t ask questions about her family. So it’s kind of ideal.”

“Okay.” My mind turns this interesting piece of news over and over, looking for every angle.

“ Can you get me on the same series as here? I want to be on exactly when she is.”

“Hell no!You must be crazy. Bob’s trying to build her career back up not cause all-out war on a game show!”

“We’re not going to war,” I scoff. “I think this is perfect. We get her relevant with this and if I play this right, I’m her knight in shining armor and I get to apologize for that stupid-ass comment. And then I get to try and make things right with her.”

“Why the hell do you think this will help her?”

“It gives people something to talk about other than her family. Instead, they’re going to talk about us. The possibility of something between us will get her a lot more publicity than her meeting one time with her brother. And her life with her father. And I’ll make sure and mention some things that get sympathy for her.”

“Like what?” He asks me, his voice suspicious as hell.

“Don’t worry about it, Brad. I know how to play the game.”

He groans. “That’s what scares me.”

“Can you get me the number for the director?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea….”

“Trust me. This is a great idea.”

“Fine. I’ll text you her number. But don’t fuck this up, Garret.”

“Trust me. I’ve got everyone’s best interests at heart.”

“Oddly, I almost believe you.”

“Talk to you later, Brad. Tell Bob I’ve got this.”

He snorts. “Yeah, I’m sure he’ll find that as encouraging as I do.”

I hang up and my phone dings with the number. I call her immediately.

“Shari? Hi, this is Garret Christopher. I don’t know if you know me or not?”

Her soft voice is wry. “Uh, yeah. I know who you are. Can I help you with something?”

“Yeah, I’d like to be on Hollywood Squares.”

“Well, that was pretty blunt. Let me look at the schedule and see when we can fit you in. I’m sure our audience would love to have you on the show.”
