Page 7 of Hollywood Squares

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“I don’t think you understand. I want to be on the same series that Candace Amber is on.”

“Your ex-wife? That Candace Amber? I don’t think that’s a good idea. I happen to be a big fan of hers and I’m trying to help her get her career back. I know all about her family and her history with them.”

“So you know that her mother left him when Candy was young. She hasn’t had anything to do with that life. This whole thing is way overblown.”

“I do know that. And that’s why I know that it’s a horrible idea to have the two of you on the same show. It would be like a sneak attack and I’m not willing to do that to her.”

“You don’t understand. I’m not looking to hurt her. I want to help her too.”

“Come up with something else. This is not a good idea. I feel like there’s too much that can go wrong and backfire on all of us.”

“Please,” I beg. “Listen to me. I need to help her. I need to do this for her.”

“Why? Why is this so important to you?” Her question seems innocent enough but it feels loaded.

“Because I…I want her back. This is the first time I’ve had the opportunity to do something important for her and I can’t mess this up. I won’t mess this up. I want to be her knight.”

Her snort makes me chuckle. “A knight in shining armor? I’m pretty sure that she’s a strong enough woman to take care of herself and her own problems.”

“Oh, I know she is. But Ihaveto do this.”

“I can’t risk something going wrong on the show because the two of you go at it. That might end up being great television and fantastic for the ratings while you two are on but in the end it will be horrible for her career. Everybody loves to be titillated by scandal but they’re not going to hire her because of it.”

“I promise you on our future children…I will not do anymore damage to her career. All I intend to do is win my wife back after I help her.”

There’s a long pause and I hold my breath, hoping that she believes me.

“If…that’sifI do this, if I lobby for this to become reality, can you promise me that you’re doing it for all the right reasons. I will be really pissed if you’re intending to mess up my show!” She growls.

“Promise you…I’m just trying to help Candy.”

“Fine. I’ll get together with the network and talk to them about this.”

“One more thing. You can’t tell her that I’m going to be on the show. She’ll cancel for sure.”

“That right there should tell me that this is a super bad idea.”

“It’s not. But we haven’t worked together for awhile.”

“Yeah. I know. And that’s why I’m second-guessing the idea.”

“It will work. But you and the network need to keep my appearance a secret.”

“Fine,” she sighs. “This is gonna be such a cluster-fuck. I can feel it.”

“Nope. It’s gonna be perfect.”

“Sure. Right.”

She hangs up the phone without telling me good-bye and I drop my phone to the table, grinning from ear to ear.

I’ve finally got a plan. A way to help Candy and hopefully win her back.

Because there is only one thing that I can’t give up in this world and that’s the woman I’m addicted to.

And if I play my cards right? I’ll finally have her right back where I want her. In my arms. With my ring on her finger and my baby in her belly.

That’s the only option. Without her I’m nothing.
