Page 9 of Hollywood Squares

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I turn to walk away and he grabs my arm. Slivers of fire sizzle where his fingers wrap around my arm and I wrench free of him, glaring.

“What the hell are you doing here, Garret?” I hiss under my breath, smiling at the crew milling around behind stage.

“Working! Same as you.”

I want to shove him out of my way but I just casually hold my hands at my side and smile although I think it looks more like a grimace.

“Don’t hand me that, Garrett. You can work anywhere. As a matter of fact I know you have that job lined up with Wonder. So don’t act like it’s totally normal that you’re doing this crazy game show. If I had an option, I wouldn’t be.” My low voice doesn’t carry beyond the two of us but my eyes dart around, trying to make sure that no one is actually watching us.

“Just cause I can work somewhere else doesn’t mean that I am. And as to Wonder, I had Brad break the contract.”

That makes my head whip around. “Why the hell would you do that?” I still keep my voice a low hiss and a smile on my face. I’ve gotten really good at hiding my emotions behind a fake smile.

His isn’t so good at hiding his emotions and I can see a quick flare of anger behind his eyes. “Because of what they did to you. That was fucking ridiculous!”

I step back and stare at him, stunned. “Why would you do that for me? We’re not even together anymore.”

“Doesn’t mean that I don’t care what happens to you. And what they did to you was complete and utter bullshit.”

His cheeks flush and his lips tighten and I glance around furtively, trying to make sure nobody else is seeing what’s going on.

“You need to try and get yourself under control. I don’t want anyone to know what we’re talking about.”

He cocks his dark head and his blue eyes narrow. “To tell you the truth, I’m really surprised they haven’t already been quizzing you about what happened with your brother.”

“I told them that I didn’t want to discuss it in public and they had to sign a contract saying that they wouldn’t mention it.”

“Hmmm. I still find that hard to believe. It’s big news and their ratings aren’t fantastic right now. If they could get some clicks because they post you answering a question or otherwise going off the deep end, they would be able to use it to springboard their ratings up.”

“That may be. But they’re stuck now because they signed the contract.”

“We’ll see. I wouldn’t get too comfortable with them. Everyone has an agenda. Even when there’s a contract involved.”

I smirk at him. “Thank you, oh wise one. I’ve got to head home now.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Not if I see you first,” I mutter under my breath.

He throws his head back and laughs and the flash of his gleaming white teeth and the muscles in his throat fascinate me for some damn reason.

I huff and turn away. The whole way home, I feel like I can’t breathe. I can’t do it. I just can’t do it.

I don’t care how much time has passed or how much I need this damn job, I cannot see Garrett every damn day. It’s too much.

My eyes fill with tears but I push them back as I step out of my car. I just need some rest. I’ll be able to handle it tomorrow.



“Tell me that you didn’t piss her off too bad, you idiot.” Brad snarls at me when I pick up my phone.

“Hello to you too, Brad. I’m great! How are you? Did you see that new movie the other night? The one with Carter Ray in it? Yeah, can you believe he does his own stunts!”

A heavy huff comes through the phone and I unlock my door and carry in my pizza and beer.

“I’m sorry. I’m just worried about her. This was the only thing we could find for her and they’re not even remotely paying her what they should be for where she is in her career. They low-balled us big time. I wanted to tell Bob to tell them to fuck off…”
