Page 16 of Red, White and You

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A choking gasp and I’m kissing him wildly, his tongue and lips devouring my moans. “I love you too, Tony.”

“Let’s go home. We’ll take care of all this later.”

And he drags me out of that swamp and home to where I hope we’ll get the same joy with our family that Tony’s great-aunt did.

And as soon as we pull in the driveway, the dusk slips into night and the fireworks crackle overhead, raining colored stars all around us. He grins and kisses me. And everything fades except his touch. This is what I have always wanted. Home, family, friends and a job that I love. A town that I’m devoted to.

I am one lucky damn woman. I giggle as we run up the stairs and straight to the bed to become lost again in that pleasure that I’ve only ever felt in his arms. And that’s the only fireworks I’ll ever need. The ones we have together.

Epilogue: Tony

“Hey, anybody have any idea what’s going on with Tom? He didn’t show up for work today!”

I shake my head, wondering what’s going on with him. I mean, Tom’s a horndog when it comes to women but lately it seems like he’s settled down. Or I thought so. This seems like old Tom here. Probably out drinking late and took some woman home and now he’s sleeping off sexy times with a strange woman and alcohol.

“Tony?” Rebel hollers from the entryway of Wildwood Construction and runs into me.

“Hey, baby? What’s up?”

“I just heard from that cable show! They want to film in town and cover the story of the treasure and your great-aunt.”

“Are you alright with that?”

She grins at me. “I am! As long as they don’t drag any pretty actresses here to tempt you!”

I lean down and kiss her, my lips clinging to hers. “Not gonna happen,” I whisper against her lips. “You’ve got me forever, baby! As a matter of fact, I was going to do this later but…”. I get down on one knee, ignoring the assholes standing around and catcalling me.

“Dude! At work? This is not good!”

“Pussy!” I hear Heath’s low growl and I flip him off behind my back before I pull the little velvet box out of my pocket.

“Rebel…”. Her hands come up and cover her lips and I see tears in those gorgeous clear blue eyes that makes my heart knot. Doesn’t matter if they’re happy or not, I will always be gutted when she cries.

“I love you, baby. So much that I can’t go one second of the day without seeing you in my mind. I need to hear your voice and see that pretty smile of yours to keep my heart beating every day. I need to stamp my last name on you to make sure that every Tom, Dick and Harry out there knows that you’re taken. It is imperative that I know that you belong to me.”

“Only if you belong to me.”

I nod my head. “Absolutely. There isn’t a doubt that I belong to you. Might as well tattoo it on my forehead.”

She laughs. “You don’t need to do that. I like your face the way it is.”

“Good. I hope that you still love it fifty years from now. I intend to have a nice, long life and take care of you forever. That’s my goal in life now.”

“Since you found the treasure anyway!”

My smile slips and I stand to hold her, my eyes drinking in this devastating woman. “I always knew where my treasure was. I found an interesting bit of history from my great-aunt. But my treasure is and will always be…you, firecracker. Now…will you marry me and make me the happiest man on earth. Hell, maybe in fucking outer space!”

All the guys laugh. “You’re reaching there, man.”

“Shut up, dickheads. I need an answer, babydoll.”

“I will marry you,” she smiles at me and I stand, picking her up and twirling her around while she laughs like a wild thing.

I set her toes down on the ground and kiss her desperately, needing to feel her against me, needing to ground myself in her touch and taste.

This will become my new normal. I will need to do this every damn day. Hell, I might even chase her down during the day in the mayor’s office on my lunch break to make sure I get my daily, hourly fix.

Time whirls away and I let myself relax into the moment, ignoring the catcalls and the idiots that I work with. Nothing means anything but her.
