Page 2 of Red, White and You

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He nods at me but I can see that the sparkle in his eyes has cooled. “Thank you for your time. I appreciate it.”

“No problem.”

He gives me one last penetrating look out of the dark grey of his eyes and then he nods, his firm chin dipping slightly. “I’m very sorry to have bothered you on this busy day, Mayor.”

I nod my head and he stalks out the door. As soon as he ducks out and the door closes behind him, I suck in a deep breath, feeling the tension leave my body.

Dixie peeks around the doorframe. Her green eyes dance with laughter. “I don’t get it! That guy is gorgeous and he seems interested in you. Why do you keep hiding from him?”

“I don’t think he’s interested in me at all. He’s just a big pain in my ass.”

“You’re not kidding me. You like that man and he likes you.” Her severe frown has me sitting up straight, scowling.

“I do not. And even if I did, I don’t have time for romance.” And I absolutely don’t want it. I’m never doing anything like that again.

Dixie groans. “You are no fun at all. If that guy was interested in me, I’d climb him like a tree!”

“Dixie, please,” I groan. “Please let the sheriff know that I’m ready. I need to get back to work.”

She eyes me, pity in her eyes. “You know…sooner or later, you’ve got to get back on that horse. Even if it throws you again.”

“Not gonna happen. I’m happy as I am.”

“Humph!” She snorts. “I don’t believe you. You look pathetic.”

“Thanks so much. Just get my next appointment, Dixie.” When she still continues to look at me, I groan. “I’m fine.”

She nods and heads down the hallway. “I’ll take care of it.”

I keep my face blank until she leaves and then grab a bottle of Tylenol, open it and throw back two of them, taking a huge swig of water.

There’s a knock at the door and then it opens, Dixie ushering the sheriff through.

“Sheriff Conrad.” I stand and hold out my hand. “Thank you for seeing me. I wanted to check and make sure that everything is ready for the fireworks on Saturday.”

He sits down and smiles at me, his usual charming smile. And yet I feel nothing when he does it. Not like when Tony DiRusso pops his head in the door and all my lady bits stand up and take notice.

“It’s all set up, Mayor Carter. The fire department chief and I have been coordinating everything. Even though he’s kind of a mess right now.” He chuckles and his big hand slides through his dark hair tangled with silver.

I can’t help but laugh. “I bet he can’t wait until Reva is back from college.”

“She stayed a little longer to take care of a few things but she’s going to be back soon.”

“That’s wonderful. We’ll have to make sure and roll out the red carpet for her.”

He glances at his watch. “If that’s it, Mayor? I’m really sorry but I’m short-staffed. Peterson is off with a stomach flu. His wife was trying out a new recipe. She’s sweet but not a good cook at all.”

Chuckling, I hold out my hand. “That’s okay. As long as we’re ready, I don’t want to hold you up.”

He stands up and walks out the door and I tip my head back and stare at the ceiling. My head is throbbing and I want nothing more than to head home to put my head down on a pillow and forget today and Tony DiRusso.

Hopefully sooner rather than later, I’ll get my idiotic girly parts in line and they’ll stop lusting after the man.

And maybe I’ll see a unicorn too.


