Page 5 of Red, White and You

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He glares at me and I can’t believe that he’s standing there, his pale green eyes sparking with fury.

“You think I knew this was your house, firecracker? I didn’t know a damn thing until you came down here running your mouth!”

I stiffen my spine and glare at him furiously. “It’s my home so I can say and do anything I damn well please!”

He crosses his arms and steps closer to me even as Heath clears his throat nervously.

“Ummm. Guys? We need to get this thing finished and head on out.” Both of us ignore him, squaring up in front of each other like two rams fixing to butt heads.

I point a finger at him and accidentally put my finger into his chest. Which I really wish I hadn’t done. The feel of his warm skin under my finger, the slight give of the skin over his muscles is enough to make my mouth water.

I backpedal a step and growl under my breath. “Don’t touch me, lady!’

“Don’t try and talk to me like I’m a total fucking stranger. I have worked with you and I know you. I’m not just some lady!”

“You’re not just anything. Except annoying!”

I cock my head. “Awww. What’s the matter? You don’t like hearing me talk about things? In my own house? I have a voice and I’m gonna use it. I’m not gonna shut up just cause you say I should.”

He grips his hair in his hands and grinds his teeth together. “You drive me nuts. I swear you do. Why the hell can’t you just leave me be?”

“You’re the one that showed up in the mayor’s office! You’re the one that is in my home, glaring at me with those damn green eyes of yours!”

He stops and his brow lifts. “What about my green eyes,” he smirks.

My head jerks back and my mouth drops open. “Wait, what?”

“You said my damn green eyes! What do you mean by that?” He stops and smiles slyly, his eyes dancing. “Do you like my green eyes?”

I’m gasping for air. “No, no! That’s not what I mean at all! You’re twisting my words.”

He grins even bigger and I can’t stand it. “Stop looking at me like that! I don’t like your damn eyes!

“How did you know that they’re green?”

“All I have to do is look at them!” I growl.

“So you admit you’ve been looking at them?” That smirk on his smug damn face is driving me nuts.

“Stop looking at me like that!”

He sidles closer to me and I back away, not really paying attention to where I’m walking. Until I trip over a board lying on the floor behind me.

“Shit!” My arms pinwheel in the air and I feel myself falling. I close my eyes and cringe, waiting for the pain when I hit that floor.

But it never comes. I slowly open my eyes and look up into worried Green eyes. Big hands surround my waist and hold me tight against his hard body. The smell of sweat and man clings to him, making my head swim. My body heats up like there’s a roaring wood fire in my belly.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” I say, worried because I don’t want him to put me down. Instead I want to move closer. Want to feel all the heavy, hot weight of him against me, branding me.

He sets me on my feet, but we’re still so close that his breath fans across my cheek.

A throat clears behind him but neither of us moves. “I’m gonna just go outside for a minute and let you guys work on this by yourselves.”

Heath practically bolts for the stairs but neither of us move a muscle, watching each other with bated breath.

Then it feels like lightning flares between us. I don’t know which of us moves first. Or if we both move at the same time.

All I know is I’m slammed up against his hard body and his hands are tangled in my hair. His eyes search mine and there’s a heat in his stare that has my pulse racing like a jet engine.
