Page 8 of Red, White and You

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“I can tell that you guys fight because it turns you on.”

Groaning, I hide my face in my hands. “Please tell me that the whole town doesn’t think that?”

She cocks her head like a little bird and grins. “Ummm. Yeah. There’s actual bets on when you guys will lose it and either kill each other or fuck yourselves into oblivion.”

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. “That does not make me happy, Dixie.”

“I’m betting on you so don’t worry about it.”

“What does that even mean?”

“Means that I think you’ll be the one that holds out the longest. He’ll seduce you into it.”


“So anyway…if it wasn’t sexy, naughty, dirty deeds on the horizontal, then what was it?

“He kissed me yesterday at my house.”

“Why was he at your house?”

“Remember that water damage.”

She throws her head back, laughing like a fucking hyena. I glare at her.

“Seriously? He came to fix it? The universe wants you two together. That’s all there is to it.”

“The universe couldn’t possibly be that mean to me,” I say dryly.

“Oh, I think so. You two would make beautiful babies.” Her eyes turn dreamy and I throw my hands up in the air.

“Who the hell mentioned babies?”

“Me. Because you would. Surely the universe wants beautiful babies.”

Rolling my eyes, I sit back in my desk chair. “I don’t think the universe gives a good god damn about babies.”

“I think you’re wrong. Anyway, he kissed you.”

My brow wrinkles. “I’m not sure who kissed who.”

“Well, we must be more specific. How did it happen?”

“We were fighting and then we were kissing.” I huff.

“Who moved?”

“I think we both moved.”

She smirks. “Nice.”

“No, Dixie! Not nice!”

“He wasn’t a good kisser?” Now she just looks disappointed.

“Of course he was!”

“Of course he was. I mean, with how he looks, he’d have to be. He’s probably had tons of practice. Women must throw themselves at him like mad!”
