Page 26 of Desperate

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Chapter Nine

It was nearing three in the morning before Chrissy became satisfied that Devin had a firm grasp on the system, and that Devin wouldn’t send them all into bankruptcy for a stupid mistake.

In fact, the Beta had seemed pleasantly surprised at Devin’s understanding of the roles she’d need to fill. Not that that should have been a shock. Going by the way some of the other staff treated Devin as they wandered in and out of the office proved they thought her just a piece of ass for Beau. He didn’t help that image one bit, bursting into the office as several of the waitresses crowded the space to tip out for the night. Flashing them all a brilliant smile, he’d come right up behind Devin where she’d been bent over entering figures in columns beside the women’s names. Pawing at her breasts, grinding against her ass, he’d rumbled a demand for her to come to their office when she finished.

Word spread fast. After that, even the friendliest of the staff became cool and aloof, giving Devin sideways sneers that left her feeling slimy and repulsive. Bad enough she’d let things get this bad, but to have everyone know and judge her for it was something Devin hadn’t anticipated. While admitting she was more naïve than she’d thought was difficult, she couldn’t bring herself to believe this was the normal way of things. Though perhaps they were. Ashley always liked to divulge all the details of her sexual encounters.

It didn’t matter. Couldn’t matter as she dragged herself down the hall towards the much finer office Beau and Rey used for clients. Fingers digging deep at her temple to ease the pounding of an oncoming headache, she tried to reassure herself that it was the lesser of all the evils she could concoct in her imagination, and it would be as temporary as she could make it.

If they continued to give her cash on the side, it would be over even sooner.

“About fucking time,” Beau said through a growl, hauling Devin off her feet to drag her inside the office. “I don’t like being kept waiting.”

“I had to finish—”

“You better get your priorities straight, sweetheart.” Beau’s lips twisted, showing far too many teeth as he gave Devin’s arm a hard yank that drove her to her knees.

“The job—”

“Is to suck,” Beau hissed, ripping open the placket of his designer slacks to fist his cock. Giving it one firm stroke, he stepped forward to wipe the leaking crown against Devin’s lips.

When Devin didn’t open at once, he let loose a growl that shuddered through her bones. Synapses exploding with sheer terror, she tried to shuffle backwards on her knees. Beau entangled his fingers in Devin’s hair, rough fist bringing her back into place. He forced his way past her lips, prying her jaw open until Devin keened at the aching stretch.

Beau didn’t even give her a moment to adjust, to catch her breath and begin. Moving his other hand to the side of her head to grip her skull, he used his hold to move her in violent bursts. Choking her, shoving his way down her convulsing throat, he grunted and moaned above Devin.

Swallowing hard at his brutal assault, Devin tried to lose herself in instinct. The pungent flavor of cinnamon and chilies slid down her raw throat, but it didn’t send a surge of heat through her. It burned all the way down, sandpaper rough and vile. Devin sputtered, slapping at the thick planks of his thighs, fighting for control of her gag reflex. He pushed in further, smashing Devin’s nose against the hard plane of his abdomen. Hand sliding to her nape to keep her there. Lungs burning, she clawed at his legs, fisting the fabric when he wouldn’t free her. Fingers loosening by fractions as her vision swam into blotchy grays.

“Damn it, Beau, let her breathe. She’s turning fucking blue!” He paired the violent protest with a roar, the impact of a dark figure knocking Beau aside and sending him crashing into the wall.

Devin fell to her hands and knees, coughing as thick strands of bitter liquid dripped from her lips. There wasn’t the breath to whine as a shadow fell over her, but she managed to scuttle back a few inches before a massive paw caught her at the nape, lifting Devin by that grip alone.

Shoved against a slab of steel that burned her to her core, Devin clung to the bitter scent of coffee. She hid in his shadow without shame, unable to control the wretched sobs that made the raw ruin of her throat ache that much more. Swiping a hand over her lips to wipe the slimy mess away, she let loose a ragged scream at the curling strands of bright red marring her palm.

“Calm the fuck down,” Rey ground out through clenched teeth, shoving Devin into the large chair behind the desk. He came up with a cloth from somewhere, knocking Devin’s hands aside to clean her face and neck. “You’re fine. Take a deep breath and calm the fuck down.”

“Get out of my way.” Beau ground out a snarl, a single stride forward filling the office with an ominous presence. Chest wide, arms tensed, he balanced on the balls of his feet, prepared to fight.

“You really going to do this over a cheap whore,” Rey snapped back, toppling Devin to sit at his feet. “Must be heaven on earth between those legs for you to act like some untested Beta. What’s next? Are you going to claim her? Have a litter of kids and settle in the country?”

“Fuck off!”

“Then get your head out of your ass. She’s got a real job here, keeping the books in order and the girls in line. Your needs come second to that, got it?”

Devin shuddered and curled around her knees, thankful they’d turned their attention from her for the moment. Bright trails of ruby red still stained her lips, the coppery taste of it lingering in her mouth. Gods only knew what damage Beau had done, or would have had Rey not stepped in.

Another shudder crawled down her back, the icy chill working into her joints as she realized how easy it would be for either of them to maim her, kill her even while they used her. It was one thing to read about the horrifying reports and see the grainy pictures in the newspapers, but to have it happening to her was too much. The first tear scalded her frigid cheek, the next a torrent of fire as it trickled to her neck.

What had she gotten herself into?

“Just take the night, man. Get it out of your system on someone we don’t need tomorrow morning, all right?”

Devin jolted from her thoughts, daring to glance through her mussed hair at the two men. She was making every stupid mistake she’d sworn she never would. The entire situation was a train wreck, and she just kept making it worse for herself.

“You just want her for yourself.” Beau took another step forward, fists bunched at his thighs.

“And what if I do,” Rey snarled, seeming to lose all control of his patience. He met Beau in the middle of the room, quick steps bringing them chest to chest as they stared one another down. Though shorter, Rey was broader, the sinewy muscle under his snug shirt rippling as he rolled his shoulders to loosen them. “You had your fun, remember? You want to share, fine. It’s my turn.”

Silent moments ticked by as the two stared each other down, the tension building in waves. A suffocating pressure that bent her spine, demanding she lower herself to the ground before all their smoky violence. Devin could scarce hide her shock when Beau backed down. She’d thought him the more powerful Alpha of the pair, even if Rey could probably beat him in an outright fight. The huge male took a step back, head not quite bowed but his pale blue eyes would not meet the glittering darkness of Rey’s anymore.
