Page 34 of Desperate

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“Thought you were killing her in there,” Beau said with a slow shrug. Making himself less threatening as he kept his stance easy despite the way his eyes shone, his nose working as he strained for more of Devin’s scent.

“Fuck,” Rey ground out through clenched teeth, easing his weight back. Not a step away, but not so ready to launch himself at the other Alpha.

“It’s the hormones, man,” Beau said, leaning against the doorframe. His focus shifted from where Devin still whined and clung to Rey’s side at Rey’s low growl. “Tanya said there was a bad batch of suppressants. Our little toy probably got them. Pure, unadulterated Omega. When was the last time you got a whiff of that?”

“Fuck off.”

“Oh, so you think we both just so happen to think she’s fucking irresistible candy?”

“She’s on suppressants.” A shadow passed over Rey’s face, grabbing a fistful of Devin’s hair close to her scalp to bring her hazy gaze to his. Eyes narrowed at the blown pupils swallowing the deep blue, he shouted a breath from her face, “You’re on them, right?”

“Yes.” Devin dragged the single syllable out on a whine, struggling to bring her leg higher on Rey’s hip. Why were they talking? They should be easing the aching need in her pussy, not fucking chatting!

“Did you get the bad batch?”

“Fuck! Yes.” Devin snapped her teeth at Rey’s chest, trying to climb the mountain of male flesh to take what he was denying her.

“They don’t work like they should for a few months after.” Beau had to raise his voice to be heard over Devin’s frustrated cries.

“Shit.” Rey repeated the curse even as his head dipped down, scraping his teeth over Devin’s shoulder to take in her sweetness. His hands found her ass, cupping the supple flesh and pulling her up his body.

“Hey! I’m not sitting here watching you two go at it.”

Rey responded with a growl that promised more than mere violence, one that made Devin keen.

“I have a suggestion though.”

“What?” Rey was already lowering them to the floor, growling and petting at the writhing female below him.

Devin lost any thread of reality as Rey slid his cock between her folds, grinding his head against her clit on every tempered thrust. He wasn’t where she wanted him, but it helped. It stopped the vicious pounding behind her eyes that threatened to explode her brain and made it a dull roar that shivered down her spine to the slow tempo of the Alpha.

“… trust you back there.”

She squealed in a mixture of surprise and frustration as she was flipped onto her stomach. Rey took hold of Devin’s hips, tugging her to hands and knees. She whined, not wanting him to mount her like that, but so desperate for the fullness of him, she couldn’t form the words to beg for something else.

Then one became two.

Devin found pale blue eyes below her, the heat dwelling in them a scorching fire laying her to waste as she was tugged down. Filled in a single thrust, far beyond the point of pleasure or pain, she screamed. Though not as long or thick as Rey, he was somehow more painful. Every inch of the male cruel, unforgiving. Giving her no time to adjust, Beau bucked up into her with a series of rapid-fire thrusts that slammed her back down into his lap each time as her knees were knocked out from under her. Making her scream, body twisting. Trying to get away. To get more.

“Take it easy,” Rey snapped over Devin’s shoulder, grabbing her side and pushing her into Beau. Forcing him deep inside Devin as Rey soothed and rubbed against her back. Any calm he instilled became lost the moment Rey smeared something cold and slick against Devin’s ass.

“No, no, no!” Devin hissed, lurching forward to dislodge both males. This wasn’t what she wanted.

Beau’s cruel smile appeared below her, his hands already reaching when Rey let out a call that dazed Devin. Senses reeling, she sat hard on Beau, groaning at the sensation of being filled once again as Rey gave another resonating call that he pushed into her back. Forcing her to take it all while he worked his fingers into the tight ring of flesh between the rounded cheeks of her ass.

Whatever cruelties Beau envisioned, even he was subject to instinct. Groaning, he threw his head back, the golden strands of his hair caught on the rich blue-green of the rug. A sinister halo as his head thrashed, hips straining to fill Devin that much more as Rey’s calls caused her to clench and writhe.

“Hold her,” Rey snarled, words tangled in a growl as he caught and held the back of Devin’s shoulder between his teeth. Pinning her with that threatening bite, keeping her still in hazy fear as the pressure grew.

Beau wrapped a hand around Devin’s neck, tugging her down to his chest. He moved her into a better position for Rey as crazed crystalline eyes darted from friend to female. Excitement glazed his gaze, the scent of cinnamon overpowering and burning her throat and lungs as he crushed Devin’s face against him. His growl mingled with a low moan as Devin wailed against his shoulder.

Rey’s fingers took their time. Opening her to his determined ministrations, his free hand wiped away the tension from her back before it could do more than shudder through her. His loud growls and calls made her want it, made her push back against the offending digits with a sharp whine as Beau shifted inside of her.

Beau barked some growling demand at her shoulder, teeth catching soft flesh. Imposing the will of a dominant Alpha upon the helpless Omega. Adding a hint of pain beyond what the intoxicated haze could smother. Heat and wetness slipped down her chest, smearing across his. The flat iron of blood tainted the heavy musk surrounding her, but it somehow only provoked her response.

Devin sobbed in relief when the roundness of Rey’s crown prodded against that unused entrance. Shoving at the male below her, she struggled to take the promise of more. It hurt. Gods, did it hurt. Yet somehow, it felt good. Rey made more feral sounds, but if he spoke any true words, they were lost to her. Devin’s head hung limp as she breathed through the sudden shock of his shaft burrowing deep.

Eyes squeezed shut, Devin whimpered. Shivering as the too much sensation of both males being inside her registered, both filling her too much, stretching tender skin. She shrieked and jostled as one shifted, the intensity of feeling them rub against one another overwhelming.

Devin tried to collapse, but both were there to see her to the end of it. Neither could be denied now. Heavy hands pushed and shoved, manhandling Devin into position. More of the cold, sticky substance poured down her skin, Rey’s low rumbles loud at her ear.

Then they began to move.

One withdrawing as the other pushed forward, Devin was rocked back and forth between two. Unable to catch her breath, to process any of it, she was little more than a screaming bit of slick flesh that worked their cocks. Though she thrashed and clawed, head shaking in denial of the unnatural thing they did to her and that felt incredible and awful by turns, they would not stop.

Devin’s scream was shrill and filled with fear as she was wrenched upright. Making her far too tight for the thick shafts within her, her fingers scrabbled over Beau’s stomach, straining for some grip to ease the sudden pain.

A hand connected with her cheek, clearing away some of the haze. Devin stared at crystalline eyes from mere inches away, mouth working as she struggled to swallow another pained cry.

“Get with the program,” Beau hissed, showing her even, white teeth in a silent snarl when Devin’s lip began to tremble. “You fuck him up, I’ll rip you apart if he doesn’t.”
