Page 35 of Desperate

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Chapter Twelve

Rey’s groan resonated through her chest, the moment of clarity slipping away. Not so soon, Devin didn’t realize what was happening. Rey was shunting deep inside of her, the punishing thrusts bruising, threatening to tear her open. His dark gaze fixed on Beau over her shoulder, he shifted to get her away from the other Alpha. Devin managed a nod, understanding an icy finger down her spine.

Closing her eyes, Devin sucked in a deep breath. Sex. Potent, filled to the brim with rich espresso and spices. She murmured low sounds, reaching blind for something to draw to her mouth. Devin fought against her gag reflex as two hands fought for space between her lips, drowning her in their distinct flavors. Sucking at the thrusting fingers, tongue working over the rough texture and sharp edge of their nails, she gave an experimental roll of her hips.

Rey shuddered behind her, his groan lost in Beau’s rumbling growl of pleasure.

It was still wrong. Painful. Yet there was something there. A hint of pleasure buried deep in the confusion that she clawed her way towards. Shoving a hand between her thighs, Devin brushed her fingertips over her clit in a slow circle.

Yes. There. Just like that. A rush of slick eased the friction of Beau’s cock where he shoved in hard, short thrusts into her. Rey’s crushing weight kept him from doing much more, stopping him from hurting her too much. She was thankful for that, but there was no way for her to control Rey.

Devin let out a quiet wail as she eased her weight back, meeting Rey’s forward impetus so their skin clapped. It was too much, overwhelming in all the wrong ways. She found he wasn’t so far gone as to not realize he hurt her. Weight pulled back, he withdrew, a coarse purr and a rough hand swept down her side as if in apology.

Devin swallowed down whatever sound of pain she would have made next, and thumbed her clit in careless strokes as she leaned forward on an awkward arm. The males paused long enough she grabbed hold of what little control they offered her. Rocking back and forth, she took them both. Cautious, she did it again.

Not comfortable by any means, but nothing with either Alpha had been so far. Each slow glide became easier, the agonizing fullness fading from the forefront with each measured sway. The only struggle keeping the awkward angle of her arm to touch herself, hovering just above the threshold of pain.

“I’ve got you, sweetheart,” Rey rasped against her cheek, his guiding hand pushing at her chest. Pulling her upright just enough that his other hand could curl around Devin’s hip, stealing between her thighs. He faltered for a mere moment when his knuckles touched the other male, but he buried his face against Devin’s neck, breathing in deep droughts of her as his fingers found stretched lips. Circling the bundle of nerves with a low sound of appreciation, he spread her slick over taut flesh.

She flinched at the first rough touch, gritting her teeth as their cocks jostled inside of her. Not quite right, she tried to angle her hips, to bring Rey’s questing fingers where she needed them. All to no avail as he licked and bit at her neck, losing himself in her scent, too distracted from his task.

“C-Call. One of you,” Devin pleaded on a broken whisper.

Beau’s teeth flashed, showing more of his impatience with clawed fingers at Devin’s hips. It didn’t matter, though, as both males gave her what she needed.

So much from every direction. Their reverberating thunder invaded, attacked, slaying the very last vestiges of her sanity. Devin screamed in anything but pain, back a painful arch as she dropped her weight. Taking them both to the hilt, she earned their groans and growls, exciting her all the more.

Rey continued to call to her. Giving her his dark sounds against her back, mouthing her ear so she would hear nothing else. Devin worked her hips, no longer cautious, no hesitancy in the way she shoved against Beau’s abdomen to drive them deeper. Pleasure exploded along her synapses, the alien sensations coalescing into a single driving need.

Not to be outdone, Beau offered his violent growls and low roars. Giving Devin what she needed as he angled his hips higher, grinding against her with every slap of their skin meeting. Managing to fuck her from beneath, though Devin controlled the ever-increasing rhythm, her weight alone bringing them together.

Hands gripped, clawed, and pinched. They twisted the taut points of her nipples, scraping along the tender skin of her hips. Urging her on as Devin lost herself in the chaotic maelstrom crackling along every nerve, a live wire sparking into the darkness left behind from too much sensation.

Legs cramping, Devin threw her head back and whined. Keening as the muscles of her stomach knotted around the vicious ball of heat pounding with her faltering heartbeat. More, she needed more. Unable to drive herself faster, harder, she begged.

The males didn’t waste time. The slap of skin loud as a whipcrack, Devin’s shrill cry echoed through the apartment. Curling her arm back to grip Rey’s head, fingers tangled in his hair as she slid along his chest while he punished her with every delicious thrust. Other hand at Beau’s shoulder, a delicate balance as she clung to him while he bounced her with violent intent upon his driving flesh.

No rhyme or reason to their desperate movements, Devin was tossed between them. Head lolling, a serene smile spread her lips as she twitched and jostled. Unable to do more than take their brutality and glory in it. The furious energy expanded. Threatened. Spread along her limbs to suffuse her in scalding white light.

It threaded through her veins, setting her alight. Burning the backs of her eyelids as she moaned and cried out to the ceiling. Begging the Gods and the Alphas both for the release that twisted a vicious path through her very bones.

“Don’t you knot her,” Rey roared at her cheek.

Devin screamed her denial and strained towards the final culmination. Too late to turn back, she teetered at a dangerous precipice. A strangling grip upon both males urging forth the knots they shoved against the already too tight entrances they commanded.

Every muscle taut, it shot through her middle. The jagged electricity of it raced through her limbs. Shocking her system with the sheer violence of it as Devin lost herself. World sheeting to white, she tumbled over the edge. Jostling as everything exploded within her, a display of blinding fireworks along every cell, the rush of slick eased one inside. Taking the swelling knot with a thin wail, as desperate for it as much as it hurt, Devin could have cried when she was wrenched free. Dropped flat upon the furious male beneath her, crushed on top of him, the one above her gave one, two more frenetic thrusts before pulling free. She sobbed as thick strands smeared over her belly and back. Real tears flowed even as her orgasm continued to rage, sharp pressure against her mound twisting through her, adding another layer of pleasure.

Vision hazy, fading to gray around the edges, Devin took a shaky breath and let the excruciating bliss take her.

* * *

“Just take her.”

Devin kept her eyes shut and bit down on the scream of pain. Every inch of her body hurt. Her ass felt… Well, as if it’d been fucked for the first time, and by an Alpha no less. There was no suppressing the shudder that racked her small frame as she recalled the exact feel of it, the breadth and length of him deep inside her there.

“I’m not taking her,” Beau drawled, the clink of ice suggesting a finality Devin didn’t like one bit. “I play with them. Not interested in keeping one for a pet.”

Devin couldn’t keep her eyes shut any longer as a chair stuttered across the floor. Lashes flying apart, she tucked her knees tight to her chin beneath the softness of some blanket tossed over her. A paltry measure of safety against their gaze. They wanted her gone and were trying to figure out a way to get rid of her. Their ideas were becoming far more troubling than Devin thought the situation warranted.
