Page 56 of Desperate

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“I don’t like liars.”

Devin’s lip curled, a half-hearted sneer before she turned her cheek to rest it upon her knees. Ignoring him again, she tried not to let the delicious scents make her mouth water any more than it was. She might be starved, but she’d be damned if she took anything couched in kindness from him. The bastard should look in a mirror before throwing the first stone about lying.

Her stomach rumbled and twisted over emptiness, broadcasting what she refused to admit.

“Have it your way.”

Rey snatched her up from the couch, smacking her clawing hands away and catching her kicking legs in the solid band of steel that was his arm. He contained her rage with ridiculous ease, enraging her all the more. Manhandling her into position, tucking her tight against his chest, Rey situated Devin across his lap. He curled around her so there would be no escape, arm a heavy cage over her thighs.

“Let’s start with… Ah, yes.” Rey jostled her, rearranging their bodies so he could reach for something.

“I don’t want to—”

Whatever Devin might have said was lost beneath a flood of steaming liquid. Roasted chicken exploded over her taste buds, the sweetness of carrots, the earthy aroma of celery. She sputtered, choked, slapping where she’d last seen his face. He was going to drown her.

He didn’t ramp up to it, no cajoling rumble to encourage her. Rey devastated her with a purr so loud and close it made her heart skip and tremble. It loosened her joints, melting her by degrees until she was swallowing the soup in greedy mouthfuls. Anything to make the Alpha happy, to keep him making the incredible sound as he stroked her cheek and neck. He tipped the cup to her lips again before taking it away, returning with a spoonful of every delicious bite it hinted at.

Devin groaned, savoring it for as long as she could. It didn’t matter, because he fed her more of it. Tender beef melted over her tongue, buttery potatoes sliding down her throat a moment of nirvana. Rey pressed bite after bite against her lips, his rich purr twisting her focus down to nothing but him and the food until he stopped it all at once

Languid and overfull, Devin’s brow creased when Rey brushed his lips against hers. She didn’t resist when his tongue slipped past her defenses to tease at hers, urging a response she didn’t give. Rag-doll slack in his arms, she didn’t fight. She didn’t warm to his touch either, refusing to arch into the hand fumbling under the blanket for her sore breast.

It didn’t stop him from pressing her into the couch, sliding his body over hers to rub his scent into her skin though his clothes muted it. Urging her legs high on his hips, he gave a quiet rumble against Devin’s throat, smile wide as he ground against her spread lips.

“You always smell so damned good,” he murmured, a line of playful nips trailing down to her shoulder.

“That’s what happens when you don’t give an Omega their suppressants.”

No heat to her words, Devin stated fact. She knew she’d respond in the end, either by necessity or force. Either way, not by her choice. She’d thought him different with his solemn concern, but he wanted nothing more than Beau did. An Omega at his beck and call to lavish her attention upon him. A slick pussy he could use whenever he wished.

“I prefer your attitude from earlier.”

Grunting at the painful weight against her hips as Rey pushed harder, Devin let her eyes drift shut. Not in sleep, since she wasn’t sure she ever wanted to again. He didn’t need her present to do what he wanted, so she spun through her thoughts. Devin traversed their dark paths, coming to the same crossroads each time.

Snarling, Rey’s weight left her. The slap of his shoes on the dark planks shuddered through the couch as he paced the length of the room.

“I’m really trying here—”

“You want me begging for it? Give me whatever it is Beau uses on me.” Devin curled on her side, cursing a vivid stream in her mind the moment she realized she missed his warmth. Lingering hormones, the lack of suppressants. That’s all it was.

“That what you want?” Rey whirled on her, grabbing hold of the vicious threat and wringing it in his hands for every drop of blood Devin could give. “You want him?”

Devin closed her eyes again, seeking some measure of warmth from the sun baking into her back from the windows. It was a midwinter wind compared to the heat the Alpha so very close offered. Curling up tighter, she shivered.

“Answer me!”

“It doesn’t matter what I want,” Devin mumbled into the cushion. It still smelled of him, the tart fruitiness more pronounced than she’d ever scented it. Were Alphas subjected to their hormones the same as Omegas? No one ever explained these things, at least not where Devin could overhear. “As you both like to remind me so often, I made an agreement.”

She heard the door slam, but it was buried within the swirling gray fog sucking her down, devouring her soul. It pinched and squeezed, biting and clawing. Tearing her open and leaving her battered on the floor. Devin screamed, fighting her way back to awareness. She ripped at confusing darkness until her eyes flew open to true night, a sprinkling of stars and a half moon the only light.

“Oh, baby. You done fucked up,” Beau whispered, his smile feral in the shadows as he tightened his grip on her hair. He yanked it back, forcing Devin’s throat into a long line as he pried her mouth open.

The taste of cinnamon heavy on her tongue, it wasn’t the first time.
