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I grinned. “You taught me so much already. Now I owe you something in exchange.”

She frowned up at me as I tugged her closer.

I captured her mouth and laid her back on the hood of our car.

With a moan, she latched onto my shoulders.

And because I could and I suspected it would irritate the owner of this shop, I pressed the panic button, making the car honk shrilly.



“We forgot to arrange for our dinner,” Kate said as we pulled into the park.

“Monstrous Munchies is delivering.” I’d placed an order this morning, walking into the shop—by myself and without Kate giving direction.

I couldn’t quite believe how far I’d come. Me, ordering food like those around me. Although, I hadn’t felt much like a human activity since the owner was an orc.

“Annalisa’s food is so good,” Kate said.

We got out of my car and, holding hands, meandered along a path weaving through the park, arriving at tables beneath a cluster of trees.

The heat of the day had fled, leaving balmy air behind. We weren’t the only ones taking advantage of the nice weather.

A yeti couple and their eight young of varying ages had taken over the table next to ours. And a centaur family played with a flying disk in the open area nearby.

The yeti dad grinned my way and nodded approval of Kate.

She was perfect. I knew that already. Pride made my chest puff, and I nodded to him about his mate.

His chest inflated like mine, and we both laughed.

“What?” Kate asked, smiling.

“Nothing.” Leaning across the table, I kissed her, loving how she responded to my touch.

By the time I retook my seat, the yeti dad had gone back to bouncing his new babe on his knee. Catching my eye, his child grinned. He squealed with joy, and there couldn’t be anything better than that.

“You’re very good with children,” Kate said, watching the interaction. Her smile fell fast, and I knew why. She was thinking of us having a baby and then separating.

It was too easy to see myself cuddling our child during the day and holding Kate close all night.

I was definitely going to get hurt, but I couldn’t seem to stop it from happening.

I didn’t want our time together to be tainted with sorrow, however. “I expect our food to arrive in—”

“There you are,” Annalisa exclaimed, striding up the path and stopping beside our table. She placed the bag containing our food between us. “Just the way you requested, Tylik.” She nodded Kate’s way. “How are you?”

“Great, thanks. The weather’s gorgeous, isn’t it?”

“It sure is. I love this time of year the most,” Annalisa said. “I heard through a secret source that you two are engaged.” She winked at Kate. “Quite a catch you’ve made there.”

“Tylik’s amazing.” She smiled my way, and I wished the excitement I saw in her eyes was because she was eager to be with me always.

“He sure is,” Annalisa said.

“I’m the one who’s lucky,” I pointed out. “Kate’s amazing too.”

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