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Within seconds, the housekeeper appeared, looking flushed. Apologetically, Marilyn replied, “Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. I was just clearing the boxes out of the spare room.” The elderly, ruddy-faced woman wiped her hands on her denim jeans and beamed at her employer. “What do you need, my dear?”

Keeping her eyes glued to her reflection, Emerald ran a fluffy makeup brush across her high cheekbones. Then, smiling at Marilyn through the mirror, Emerald answered, “Is the guest room prepared adequately? Romy Russell, the new bodyguard, should be arriving soon. I want to make sure she has everything she needs.”

“Yes, ma’am. Her bedroom has been prepared. I just need to throw out the debris. Then, I will prepare a light lunch in the formal dining hall.”

Marilyn stood obediently, her hands folded in front of her plump tummy. “Do you have any meal requests?”

Emerald brought a single, manicured finger to her lips in thought. “Hmmm, good question. Let’s do a lobster ceviche. Oh, and please chill a bottle of champagne.” Satisfied with her decision, Emerald continued to focus on preparing her face.

The housekeeper was never one to question her boss, but Marilyn’s brown furrowed slightly. Then, timidly, she asked, “For the bodyguard, ma’am?”

Emerald froze, biting her lip with a frown. But after a few seconds, she burst into laughter. “Oh, goodness! I suppose you are right—how silly of me.” Then, meeting Marilyn’s reflection, Emerald reconsidered, “Please offer Ms. Russell some sparkling water with lunch. ButIwill have a glass of champagne. That will be all.” Emerald winked at the housekeeper, dismissing her from the bedroom.

Emerald knew that she shouldn’t be drinking during the day, but given the continuing threats from Thomas, Emerald had been on edge. At this point, she was becoming fearful of leaving the house, which was an issue given that Emerald was in the middle of shooting a film. But she had every reason to be afraid.

Even thinking back to the other day, Emerald remembered receiving a bundle of packaged flowers while on set. The gift was addressed to her, so there was no reason for the crew to open the wrapping. At first, Emerald was delighted, as she assumed the flowers were from an adoring fan.

But upon opening the wrapped package in her trailer, Emerald discovered that the bouquet was actually a bunch of dead flowers. She gasped aloud and dropped the roses as her heart pounded in her chest.Oh my god! He wasn’t kidding when he said that he knew the shoot location. Thomas Black could find me anywhere.

Being a consummate professional, Emerald was able to continue filming with the crew that afternoon. Still, as soon as the day was complete, she wanted to hide alone in her mansion. Some of the other castmates had invited Emerald to join them for cocktails, but she politely refused. The only place she felt safe these days was at home with her loyal Marilyn.

Studying herself in the mirror, Emerald noticed the signs of worry and aging on her porcelain skin. Then, sighing out loud, she spoke quietly to herself, “Gosh, this bodyguard can’t come soon enough!”

Emerald heard the doorbell within seconds of summoning her desires to the Universe. Leaving Marilyn to welcome the bodyguard, she took a few more minutes on her appearance. Emerald wanted to appear composed, calm, and beautiful as the superstar that people expected her to be. But on the inside, Emerald was shaking.

Slowly, Emerald made her way down the grand staircase. She noticed Marilyn facing a woman with dark hair in a ponytail and broad shoulders, although Emerald couldn’t make out her features.

Emerald cascaded down the stairs. “Hello! Sorry, I was just upstairs, getting ready to greet everyone.” As the statuesque brunette turned to face Emerald, she felt her eyebrows raise and a flush run over her cheeks.Are you kidding me? Holy shit, this bodyguard is hot!Emerald was never at a loss for words, but the sight of this athletic and handsome woman caused her to freeze momentarily.

As she reached the ground floor, the bodyguard approached Emerald. “Hello, Ms. Crowle. My name is Romy Russell, and I’ve been assigned to your case.” Romy stuck out her hand, gripping Emerald’s in a strong and confident hold.

Emerald felt herself blushing. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Russell. My, that is quite the handshake you have!” Emerald was immediately in awe of her. Romy reminded Emerald of Demi Moore facially, but with a more muscular and towering build. Her blue eyes were piercing and her gaze confident as Emerald released her hand.

Emerald immediately felt giddy, recognizing her nervousness as an attraction. It had been a long time since a woman made her feel so demure. Typically, Emerald was the one in control, using her charm to seduce a lover that was starstruck by her status. And usually, any woman she had been intimate with was more feminine. Emerald concluded that because women in Hollywood needed to assume a distinct look to be hired, most of her lovers had a similar appearance; augmented breasts, Botox, and hair extensions were common. But Emerald definitely had athingfor more masculine women, and her first impression of Romy threw Emerald off guard.

“Thank you, ma'am. I hope I didn't hurt you. Sometimes, I don't know my own strength.” Romy's eyes twinkled warmly, but her expression remained serious. “Although, in my line of work, it's important to keep fit and strong.”

“Oh, I'm sure it is. You look like you are in excellent shape, so I'm sure I'll be in good hands.” Emerald grinned suggestively, well aware that she was flirting. Within the many years of her career, Emerald had never required such a level of protection. Of course, she wasn't sure of the correct protocol when dealing with a bodyguard, but Emerald didn't see the harm in enchanting her guest.

But Romy was nonplussed, maintaining a solemn expression. “Yes, ma'am. I also come with years of experience. Your agent, Chet Walker, explained your situation. I also received details from the private security company. I'm hoping that my services will help keep you at ease.”

To Emerald, Romy seemed impossible to read, and she wasn't used to having her flirtations dismissed. Unsure what to do next, Emerald looked helplessly at Marilyn for direction. Picking up the cue from her employer, Marilyn beamed, “Ms. Russell, I'd love to show you to your room. After you are settled, we'll enjoy a light lunch. I've prepared something special for you to welcome you to Ms. Crowle's estate.”

“Thank you, that sounds good. I will need to check in with the company to inform them that I am now on location,” Romy replied. Marilyn smiled. “Of course, dear. I'll grab your belongings while we travel to the second floor.”

Romy paused briefly before adding, “I appreciate that, but I'll need to take one of the bags myself.” Romy pointed to a lengthy, black oversized duffle. “This bag is specifically for my guns, so I should handle this myself.”

Emerald's eyes widened while Marilyn assumed a stoic yet warm expression. “Of course, my dear. Whatever you prefer, I am just here to help. Please, follow me.” As Romy and Marilyn traveled up the stairs, Emerald began to feel overwhelmed. Her mind was spinning over how attractive her bodyguard was but also because of Romy's weapons. Having armed security in her home now made the stalking issue much more real, and Emerald now understood how dangerous her situation had become. Feeling restless, she padded into the formal dining room, waiting for Romy to join her. Emerald was pleased to see the elegant settings around the large oak table. She wanted to make an impression on her new guard, especially after noticing her physique and exquisite features.

Emerald felt herself oscillating between stress and excitement.Well, at least I have a sexy bodyguard in this large, empty mansion to keep me company. Who knows? Maybe we will become friends. Or maybe friends with benefits…

Emerald was lost in her thoughts when she noticed Romy leaning in the dining hall doorway. “Hi, ma’am, um, or Ms.Crowle. Is this where you’d like to discuss the case?”

As Marilyn followed quickly behind, scurrying into the adjacent kitchen to prepare lunch, Emerald smiled coyly, summoning Romy into the room. “Yes, please sit.” She pointed to an empty chair directly across from her. “Marilyn is making us something special to welcome you to my estate. I thought we could enjoy a meal, and I could learn more about you.” Emerald bit her lip, grinning suggestively. “Do you like ceviche?”

Romy sauntered over and sat, facing Emerald. Her expression was cool and detached, although Romy’s ice-blue eyes possessed an astute and clever awareness. Emerald hoped to charm the bodyguard with her signature grace and elegance, but Romy appeared untouchable.Hmmm, I do enjoy a challenge! I wonder what she would be like in bed. Intense, vivacious, maybe even passionate? Butches always seem so cold until you warm them between the sheets!

“Sorry, ma’am, what’s that?” Romy asked, furrowing her brow. “I mean, I like everything. I don’t have any allergies if that’s what you’re wondering?”
