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Romy stirred in her bed as her mind awoke before her eyes could open. Her subconscious mind drifted away as she returned to the present moment, which was the morning after the opera. Blinking, Romy shook her head against the pillow, still feeling the remnants of a dream she couldn't quite remember. But her memories of the night before were still fresh in her mind.

As she thought about eating Emerald out in the VIP box seats, her psyche was greeted with a surge of anxiety. Romy had a rule that she never became intimate with clients, regardless of how much they offered to pay her or how seductive they could be. And despite the many offers that she had received over her career, she had previously always been able to maintain her boundaries and professionalism. But last night tested the limits of Romy's discipline, and her strict self-control proved no match against the temptation of Emerald.

As soon as she had smelt the scent of Emerald’s sex on her fingers, it had been all over for Romy.

Romy stretched out against the mattress, oscillating between guilt and excitement. She knew she had crossed a personal boundary but, at the same time, Emerald was a client who demanded whatever she desired. And if Romy was being honest with herself, it was a thrill to give into Emeralds' advances. Arousal stirred within Romy as she remembered the taste of Emerald's pussy and the delicate, earthy scent of the actress that lingered on Romy's fingers.Fuck, she is incredibly intoxicating.

As Romy faced the fact that she was attracted to Emerald, regret began to quiet in her mind as exhilaration overcame her consciousness. Romy had a sense that Emerald would continue such demands, and Romy knew she would concede, partly because Emerald made it clear that service was required of her. But also because Romy knew she wouldn't be able to resist. Emerald Crowle was an exceptional woman, and her sexual nature roused a hunger within Romy.

Hmmm, maybe we should discuss my contract in further detail. While I'm beginning to understand Emerald better, it's important that we get the particulars in writing.Romy thought to herself.I can't have my reputation soiled by any undocumented missteps. Whenever Emerald wakes up, maybe we can chat about our arrangement so that it's clear.

Romy rose from the mattress, stretching her arms above her head. She was about to throw on some clothes and make herself a coffee when suddenly, she heard the door chime, followed by a loud banging.

Considering Emerald's estate's isolation and the issues with the ex-husband, Romy immediately became alert. Grabbing a small hand pistol from her drawer, she shoved it into the back of her sweatpants and ran down the staircase to investigate the noise.

Again, the door chimed bellowed, and the thumping at the front door became deafening. Romy knew this was no ordinary house call; the energy coming from the outside was aggressive, and Romy had an idea of who the visitor may be.

As Romy reached the bottom of the stairs, Marilyn rushed towards her from the kitchen. “Oh my goodness, thank god you’re here! I don't know who is causing so much noise at the door, but I was too frightened to open it.”

“Don't worry; I'll deal with it. You're safe, head into the kitchen and stay there until I speak to whoever is at the door,” Romy ordered Marilyn back to her station. Romy could make out a tall, menacing shadow as she approached the foyer. She tried to remain calm as her heart beat rapidly in her chest. No matter how many threatening situations Romy had been in, the sense of alarm never ceased. But the adrenaline was what kept her on her toes, giving her the mental and physical strength to confront this figure.

“Open the door, you bitch! Open this fucking door right now before I kick it in!” the figure bellowed from behind. Before Romy went to turn the knob, she slowly pulled her pistol from her pants, keeping it behind her back. Then, taking a deep breath, she opened the door, noticing the thick glass screen that served as a barrier between her and Thomas Black.

As soon as Thomas saw Romy, he shouted from the other side of the screen. “Where the hell is my ex-wife? Who the fuck are you? Answer me, bitch! Where is Emerald?”

His face was red and veiny, and the muscles under his shirt twitched with fury. Under other circumstances, the angry man would have frightened most people. But Romy was unfazed by his temper, citing it as an intimidation factor.

She was aware that Emerald's ex-husband was losing his temper because he had lost control of her. If he had ever truly had control of someone like Emerald in the first place. And in Romy's experience, no one was effective if they had no control over their emotions; she was confident in having the upper hand.

With one hand on her pistol, hiding it behind her, Romy calmly spoke from behind the screen. “Hello. I'm Ms. Crowle's new bodyguard. She does not want to speak to you or see you. You are no longer permitted on this property or anywhere close to Emerald.”

Noticing their height was similar, Romy had no problem staring Thomas Black in the eyes as she spoke. I'llbet his bark is bigger than his bite; I'm sure he's on steroids too.

Romy continued, “If you approach the estate again, I will have you arrested for trespassing. Ms. Crowle has filed a restraining order as well. So, you should be on your way.”Shit, I don't even know if Emerald filed—I hope so. If not, she needs to do that immediately.Romy stood her ground as a barrier between her and Emerald.

Thomas's mouth curled into a snarky grin as his eyebrows furrowed. “Is that so? Well, let me tell you this, you fucking bulldog dyke. My ex-wife owes me money and half of this mansion. And if you think I'm not going to collect, you're crazy.” Thomas took a few steps back from the door, pointing the finger at Romy. “You'll be seeing me again.”

Then, turning his back, he spun around one last time. “Or maybe, you won't even see me coming.” A sinister laugh escaped from Thomas as he left the path leading to the driveaway.

Shutting the heavy front door, Romy breathed a sigh of relief. But two things worried her; how Thomas could get past the estate gate and whether Emerald had filed a restraining order. Romy knew that she needed to troubleshoot these issues in addition to their contract.

From the corner of her eye, Romy saw Marilyn peeking out from behind the kitchen. Waving to her, she reassured the housekeeper that the coast was now clear. “It’s okay; you can come out now. He’s gone.”

“Was that Thomas? Oh gosh, he is becoming scarier by the day. Thomas is ten times worse than he was when he and Emerald were married, and even then, he was a terror.” Marilyn gulped, still looking fearful. “I’m worried about Ms. Crowle She’s become so fragile since this drama began.”

Romy felt terrible for Marilyn and Emerald, although it was hard to believe that Emerald was fragile. To Romy, she seemed as strong and seductive as she appeared in her films. And the threats from Thomas didn’t seem to affect Emerald’s sex drive. However, now that she had come face to face with the ex-husband, Romy better understood the potential danger facing the actress and her employees.

“What happened? Why was the doorbell going off?” Romy and Marilyn saw Emerald racing down the stairs, and Romy took a mental note of Emerald’s see-through, black lace bodysuit that she tried to cover with a black, opaque robe.My, my! Another sexy morning outfit. I don’t know how she sleeps in that, but damn, she looks so fine.Romy shook her head, trying to regain her focus, although Emerald had a delicious way of distracting her.

Looking at Emerald, Romy commanded, “You and I need to talk. We need to discuss some crucial elements with your home security. And we need to talk about our contract.” Romy was fueled with adrenaline, and her patience was thin. As much as she enjoyed flirtatious banter with Emerald, the unexpected visit from Thomas threw Romy back into protective mode.

Emerald appeared surprised at Romy's tone but bobbed her head in agreement. The color in her face paled as she stated, “I guess itwasThomas at the door. Okay, let's talk.” Emerald lowered her lean body into a chair in the dining hall, appearing as seductive as ever. It amazed Romy how the beautiful actress could simultaneously look so composed yet frightened. A strange emotion stirred within Romy, the desire to protect Emerald mixed with primal arousal. “Marilyn, could you make us some coffee, please?”

Romy sat across from Emerald, studying her features while Emerald lowered her eyes.I think she finally understands the severity of this situation. I hope she listens to my advice.A few moments later, Marilyn returned with two mugs filled with freshly brewed coffee. Emerald wrapped her hands around her cup as her lovely hazel eyes rose to meet Romy's. “Where should we start?”

Romy inhaled, feeling herself beginning to relax after this morning's chaos. “Well, first, you need stronger gate security. Who operates your system? I'm asking because somehow, Thomas was able to get to your front door, to ring the bell. If he can get that close, there's no telling what he will do.”

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