Page 21 of Cry For Me

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“You've kept yourself away from us far too long, little girl. You have needs and wants that can't be ignored. Locking yourself away and pining is ridiculous when you've got a club full of Masters willing to take care of you, no strings attached if that's how it needs to be.” His beard tickled the soft skin of her shoulder. “Jasper wouldn't want this for you, I know he wouldn't. This isn't a healthy way to live, so you are going to be relocating for a little while.”

She sniffled. “You mean passed around like a puppy with no home.”

He laughed, not unkindly. “Pretty Anarchy, trust me. If you were a puppy with no home, you'd already be curled up warm and safe in my bed, with my collar around your throat and my name tattooed on your nape.”

Archie jolted, staring at him through blurry vision.

“But you're not a puppy, are you, little bit? You're an unhappy woman who's gotten turned around with everything that’s gone on. I imagine Connie has made her intentions clear about whisking you off, getting you back into Avalon and just beingfor a while. Is that something you want to do?”

She scrubbed her hands over her face, erasing the tear marks. “It really isn't an option, is it, Sir? I let things slide for a couple weeks and now you and the Mistress are under the impression I'm—”

“Stop. Do not assume you know what impression we are under, Anarchy. Do you think we don't know what it is to have our hearts broken, how useless it feels? You're not alone, little bit. Trust me. We're not judging you, but we are concerned.” His massive chest rose and fell with a sigh. “Connie believes you might be more comfortable with Liam as your stand-in Master.”

“You don't want him to be,” she whispered.

“Promises were made,” he said simply, those green eyes dark with the weight of those promises. “Liam may have volunteered, but Jasper asked me. We had a small disaster last time, but that's my fault. Everything was still raw that night and engaging a scene with you wasn't the right choice at that time. The choice isn't in my hands or Connie's, little bit—it's always yours.”

Goddamn him, she hated when he was sweet. Her head thunked onto his shoulder, and she basked in the surrealness of sitting on the lap of a giant in her own bedroom, naked and vulnerable, yet feeling comfortable enough to relax into him. “I don't know, Master Atticus.” And there was that damn honorific again. “What if it all goes wrong? What if Jasper decides he's not coming home, and you get stuck with a sub you don't want?”

Atticus's laugh rumbled. “I'll be adding a butt plug to that collar and tattoo.”

The men of Avalon had a real passion for anal sex, she thought in despair. It must be a man thing, always wanting to penetrate little holes with their toys. “Okay, that was the wrong what ifto lead with. What if you fall in love with me, or I fall in love with you, and Jasper returns? The dynamic between the Masters is too intertwined for someone like me to just...destroy it. Sex and submission shouldn't come between friends.”

“Hmmm. Valid question, Anarchy. In my line of work, I've learned that things happen for a reason. Maybe it sounds stupid, but they do. Fate has a hand in everything whether we like it or not. Honestly, if we fall in love, it's gonna suck somewhere down the line for a time. I'm not throwing love away if it comes; I've waited a long time for it, but I can tell you that Jasper trusted me with you. He knew the risks when he entrusted your care and your wellbeing to me.” Atticus rubbed her back slowly. “I'll tell you something else, before you decide. You may get feelings for me, little bit, but you'll never love me the way you love J.”

That...that just made her sad. There was a poignancy to his voice, a wistfulness that didn't belong there, almost as if he didn't believe there was anyone out there to love him. And that didn't sit right with her, not in the slightest. Trying to make him smile, she said, “Well, I guess if the worst happens, we can always try a threesome, right?”

There was the most pregnant silence she'd ever had the pleasure of experiencing. When Atticus started to chuckle, then to laugh, she had to grip his shirt to keep herself from shaking off his thigh. “Goddamn it, Archie. You know how to make me laugh. Threesome,” he repeated, grinning widely. “Now that would be something, wouldn't it?”

“What's so funny?” she demanded.

“Nothing, little bit. It's a very...generous thought. Thank you.” But his eyes were gleaming with mirth.

“Tell me!”

Big hands gripped her hips and lifted her, shifted her so she straddled him. He nudged her chin up so she had to look him in the eyes instead of at the bulge of his jeans. “Don't be a brat, little bit.” He tapped his fingertip on her nose. “Tell me you've at least seen a threesome?”

She lifted her shoulder. “It's a threesome, what's to see? Blowjob and vaginal sex at the same time; that can't be too difficult, right?” Nerves wormed down her spine when the mirth in the green sharpened to something utterly more wicked. “Shit. What faux pas have I made now?”

“None at all, Anarchy. For future reference, it might be worth noting that both the pussy and ass can be utilized at the same time. Just for the record...” He leaned forward so his lips brushed her ear. “I alwaysclaim the ass. I like to hear a sub squeal as she tries to adjust to two cocks filling up her holes. Then those squeals fade away into long...liquid...moans.”

Oh fuck, he was deploying all his weapons. He was damned good at giving her visuals shocking enough, tempting enough to...damn him, she thought as her pussy tossed out the welcome mat and posted neon arrows. “Mistress C-Connie is waiting outside the door.”

“She is, and she knows why I came in here.” He shifted subtly, and his hand cupped her mound, fingers teasing her opening. Her breathing hitched. “I'd like to take you back to Avalon tonight, Archie, so you can reacquaint yourself with everyone. When the club's empty of members, I'd like to try another scene with you. On the stage in the social area. Make this pretty cunt squeeze every last drop of cum from my cock.” Two fingers pushed inside her sharply, wrenching a gasp from her as her head fell back. “Watch you orgasm.”

“M-Mistress said you were going to punish me,” she wheezed, the final word coming out as a meeeeof breathy delight.

“If you come with me, then yes, I will. You worried too many people to not pay some form of penance, Anarchy. Would Jasper permit such behavior?” The fingers inside her stopped moving, and that was punishment enough. “Before you lie your way into an extra ten minutes of discomfort, I'll answer for you. No, he wouldn't. Neither will I.”

Her thighs quivered. The guilt was creeping back, mocking her. “I don't want to be alone anymore.”

Atticus shook his head quietly and wrapped his free fingers around her throat. A firm grip, leaving plenty of room to breathe, but the gesture was clear. “Still don't get it, do you, little bit? All this time, you haven't needed to be alone; you just had to reach out and take the hands offered. So your punishment will be more of a learning experience. How to ask for help, and how to take it when it's offered.”

Oh, she didn't like the sound of that. She quite liked the subtle threat collaring her neck, but the punishment...she didn't think she was going to enjoy it, learning experience or not. Atticus had the biggest hands for spanking, not dissimilar to the wooden paddles she'd seen Jasper using in scenes, and if he chose to use them on her ass in castigation...she knew she'd be feeling the sting for days.

“Cards are on the table, Anarchy. Your family's waiting for you if you're ready to come back to us.”

She clamped down on the fingers inside her, squeezing them tight in the hope she might trigger an orgasm before Atticus led her to purgatory. Her muffled whimper of distress when he dragged his digits free was heartfelt. “Atticus—Sir,” she corrected when he lifted a brow at her. “Please?”
