Page 32 of Cry For Me

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He jerked, staring at Anarchy as Atticus exited the stage and left Jasper alone with the woman he'd been craving for...hell, it felt like fucking forever. He rubbed his face, felt the prick of stubble against his palm. He hadn't had time to shave, but what did it matter? It wasn't like a beard would soften his sadistic urges, was it? He was still the same man who got off on cries of pain, who relished the sight of welts and bruises on exquisite skin.

“Bait?” he asked her, raising his eyebrow.

Anarchy blushed brilliantly, color rising up from her chest into her throat and face. She folded her hands at her waist, lacing her fingers together. He thought she looked like a naughty, naked nun ready to pay penance. “Ah, I believe Master Atticus meant…well, hell,” she mumbled. “I’m not ashamed to admit certain aspects of this evening have been…arranged for your benefit.”

Fuck, he’d walked into that trap, hadn’t he? Jaw tense, he turned to look out at the club, a little stunned by the rapt audience currently taking in the show on stage, and pinned Braun with a glare. Canny blue eyes watched him with amusement. “Braun.”

“Master Braun was very helpful, yes. Mistress Connie wasn’t involved.”

Jasper set it aside. There were more important things to deal with right now, and he wanted an answer. He wanted the answer. “I’ll deal with them later, kitten. Before you give me your answer, I want you to know I’m sorry for my actions. There’s a lot you should know about me; it’s not an excuse, but it might give you an insight into why I wanted to protect you from me.”

"You don't need to tell me. I've seen your ghosts, Master Jasper. It's not like you hide them very well sometimes. When it's quiet and we just sit together, with your hand on my hair and nobody saying a word, I can see what haunts you." There was a dreamy look in her eyes, a sense of contentment when she spoke of those quiet times. It was enough to remind him of those moments and find his own peace. "My answer is yes. It's been yes since I met you."

To hell with his standing in the club, to protocol and rules. Hell, he'd already blown all of those out of the fucking water tonight so there was no point pretending he gave a damn now. Jasper crossed the short distance between them and grabbed her hair in its handy tail, tugging her head back firmly enough her lips popped open on a delicate ohof sound. "I promise to look after you to the best of my ability, to tend to your needs above my own. I'll hurt you, Anarchy, in all the right ways. Still want to say yes?"

"Stop testing me, Sir," she said quietly, relaxing into his grip on her head rather than fighting it. "I know what I'm signing up for, and I'm ready. Just...would you do me a favor, please, Sir?"


She licked her lips and almost made him come in his pants. "Will you fuck me?"


Chapter Seven

Oh boy, that wasn't what she meant to say at all. She hadn't intended to mention anything about fucking, because who in their right mind asked that question thirty seconds after agreeing to be someone's submissive? The favor she wanted was for him to promise not to run away and leave her again, but the words had morphed in transit from her brain to her tongue.

It hadn't gone unnoticed that she was naked except for the wrist cuffs Atticus had considerately left buckled around her wrists, and that they had an audience to this mortifying show. Her breasts still stung from the sharp whacks of Atticus's cane—she thought he might have a fondness for the damn thing—and her ass and thighs still quivered as though expecting another short, sharp snap of pain.

But she forgot it all as she stared into ice-blue eyes she’d thought she might never see again. There was amusement in them, and a flash of relief that warmed her from the toes up. It was gratifying to know that Jasper wasn't unaffected by the events of the past few weeks or what was happening here now. That he was human enough to be nervous about the outcome.

Jasper tipped her face back, smiled down at her. "You've seen me scene, Anarchy. Think you can handle that?"

Handling his sadism wasn't what she was concerned about. Lowering her gaze respectfully, she said, "I can handle you, Sir. I've been trying to tell you that all along."

He hummed thoughtfully. "Evidently so. I don't fuck subs in the club, kitten. Fact is, I haven't slept with anyone for a while. A long while," he admitted quietly, and something bloomed inside her. It was the first time he'd ever opened up to her, even by a fraction. "My upbringing wasn't like I imagine a normal child would experience. I was taught not to lose focus, not to open myself to attack, and sex is one huge distraction. There was one girl…" A frighteningly hard edge appeared behind his eyes for a split second, then he shook his head and it disappeared. "But, this is a new era, I guess. I've never had a...consistent submissive, so I suppose we can step outside the box."

Archie quivered in delight. That almost sounded as though he was contemplating taking a huge step forward right from the start, and that...that was beyond anything she'd hoped.

"I think we should go get a drink, sit down and discuss your hard limits. After that, we can try a scene, and if we survive that...well, you'll deserve a reward." His thumb ran over her mouth, his eyes intent on the gesture as though he saw something she couldn't. "I feel like you should know I'm the luckiest man alive right now, Anarchy. I wouldn't have blamed you if you'd shot me down."

She snorted before she could stop herself and, brimming with excitement, brought her hand to his cheek. He wore a few days' growth of beard and it scratched her palm lightly. "I'm not going to lie, Jasper, mainly because Mistress Connie will probably tell you the whole ugly tale, but you broke my heart by handing me off to Atticus. Literally ripped it out of my chest. Despite all that, there's nothing I wouldn't do to be here now, with you, like this."

Maybe she shouldn't be so quick to forgive him. Connie had advised her to make him grovel, hadn't she, but somehow Archie thought the Mistress hadn't expected Jasper to commandeer a scene to steal her away from Atticus. She didn't care whether he groveled or not, it only mattered that he was here with her. That he could finally see what she had to offer and was willing to explore it with her. Teach her, guide her, love her.

She flushed and let her hand fall away, only to gasp when he snagged her by the hips and yanked her against him.

The Dominant was front and foremost as he lowered his head and kissed the ever-lovin' fuck out of her mouth. God, he knew how to kiss. It wasn't just the pressure of his lips against hers or the skill of his tongue. No, he used his hands to draw her closer and hold her where he wanted her, used his knee to pry her legs apart and the length of his thigh as a prop for her to grind down on.

They broke apart to the sound of wolf whistles and cheers. Archie's cheeks felt hot and she was certain she was a virulent shade of pink from her breasts up. All her worries slipped away, however, at the realization she was in Jasper's arms, with his hands on her and her pussy leaving a wet trail down his thigh.

Jasper chuckled and nuzzled at her throat. "I hope I earn such quick forgiveness, kitten. Christ knows I don't deserve you." He eased away from her, linking their fingers together as he led her across the stage and down the stairs. When they reached the seating pit, he stopped and turned. "Go ask Liam for a beer. For the moment, I'd prefer it if you had either water or soda until after the scene."

A scene with him. It was her fantasy come true. "Okay, Master Jasper."

She wanted to slide her hand right back into his when he let her go and gave her a soft tap on the ass to get her moving. There was a little skip in her step as she rounded the pit and beelined for the bar, completely oblivious to her nakedness as her head floated in the clouds.

It had been a huge gamble to set up the public scene on the stage, she knew. Atticus had decided his friend needed a kick up the ass to get him moving in the right direction, and when Braun called Atticus to say Jasper had been in touch and was on the hunt for her...the timing couldn't have been more perfect.
