Page 46 of Cry For Me

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"Jasper. Jasper, please. Sir!" She yelped and felt his cock throb in response. Damn sadist. Why couldn't he just be a nice guy who didn't need to get off on her pain right now? She clamped down on him tightly, pleased she made him hiss between his teeth in response. "Goddamn it, you're too big for me to take all in one go, Jasper. Yellow!"

Admittedly, she hadn't really believed he would obey the sanctity of the safeword. The fabric of any BDSM dynamic was woven from trust and the knowledge that a single word could stop everything in a heartbeat, but somewhere deep down inside, Archie had harbored doubts that it worked. After all, she'd been witness to scenes where the Dom stopped the moment the safeword was uttered, and heard nightmarish tales where the submissive had been ignored.

So, it was more of a surprise than anything when, with a firm squeeze of his fingers on her ass cheeks, Jasper held her exactlywhere she was. Poised on that vicious edge where her pleasure at being full of him, his shaft kissing every nerve ending into life, was perilously close to becoming nothing less than sheer pain. She didn't want to keep sliding over the edge until there was nothing left to hold onto.

"I-I'm sorry, Jasper. I shouldn't have—"

"Shush. Do not apologize for having limits, Anarchy. When I'm inside you, feeling you squeeze me so nicely, I'm prone to forgetting you're not used to the size of me yet." He kissed her, the tang of her pussy on his tongue, then nuzzled under her jaw. "You've nearly taken all of me, kitten. Can you be brave and take the rest?"

Archie groaned and dropped her head on his shoulder. His shirt soaked up the sweat starting to bead on her forehead. It wasn't an impossibility. She'd taken him down to the balls only two days ago, so it wasn't like she'd never been able to handle all of him. It was just harder to let him in at this angle. She was too tight and there wasn't enough leeway to welcome all of him in.

"Here, cup your hands around my neck and lean back. That's it, now let your back relax and..." He nodded as he let her slide down again, a little slower than before. The change in angle was sufficient for her pussy to embrace every last inch of him. "Good girl. Christ, you can keep fluttering these muscles around me all damn night. You doing okay?"

She swallowed and let her head hang all the way back on a long moan. Would she ever get used to the pressure stretching her open whenever he claimed her? So full, so wonderfully full despite the nips of discomfort. Her thoughts flicked over to his threat of fucking her ass, and she was ninety-nine percent certain she would not survive anal sex with him.

Her poor little pucker clenched in terror.

At least it was nice of him to ask if she was doing okay. She hadn't had sex with a sadist before, ever, so she wasn't quite sure how the etiquette worked, but she thought there were probably some Dominants who wouldn't bother asking. She'd landed herself with a compassionate sadist, if such a beast existed. "Anal is suddenly on my hard limit list, Sir. No offence."

"None taken." The muscles in his arms and back flexed as he lifted her slowly, eased her back down. "I'll change your mind, of course, but for now, you can find comfort in the illusion." Up, down, a little faster. Up, down, a little harder. "This ass has my name on it, kitten."

The words Take itwere on her lips, ready to go forth and seal her fate. With only a few strokes, her brain was floating on a higher plane. She should hate that, should hate how easily he pried her fingers off the controls as though it wasn't a big deal. But she was lost to herself, in the whispered messages being passed from nerves to muscles to brain.

If he wanted a blowjob, she would suck his cock until she wrenched his orgasm from his balls.

If he wanted to claim her pussy, she'd take him anyway he wished.

If he was adamant he was going to fuck her ass, who was she to stop him?

As long as he gave this amount of pleasure while doing so, she would hand over her soul.

In Archie's mind, she belonged to him. She had from that first moment in the bar, through the weeks after. When she'd knelt at his feet in the hospital with her head in his lap, she'd done so with the ease and assurance that she was offering comfort to her master in his time of need. She'd been useful, she'd been a quiet rock, but most of all, she'd been therefor him. Her love had made that possible.

Her hips moved under the direction of his hands, however he demanded. Her fingers dug into his neck as he began to thrust up at the same time he pulled her down onto his cock. The impact was devastating, his crown nudging her cervix, his girth eliciting the sweetest burn.

He sank deep, all the way in, and banded an arm around her waist, hauling her upright into the position she struggled with originally. Now, it just made her tighten around him, strangling him with hot, wet snugness from root to tip. She squeezed him in time with her heartbeat, which quickened as he swung them around and slammed her back against the giant refrigerator.

Archie yowled when cool metal slapped her heated flesh from shoulders to butt. The shock snapped her out of her delirium, brought her back to face the thick intrusion possessing her. But her neck arched, her head tilted to the side to give her master access as he set his teeth and lips to her throat. Another cry escaped her when he finally lost his patience with being somewhat gentle, and began to rut her like a wolf fucking its bitch.

Blue, blue eyes lasered into hers unwaveringly. When she gasped, there was a gleam in the blue that was approval. Every little whimper and stifled cry darkened his gaze by a fraction, until he hammered into her so hard, he fucked thoughts and awareness clean out of her head. She vaguely heard stuff rattling in the refrigerator—bottles falling over, jars clinking together—but cared less about how the chilled produce was going to fare and more about how her pussy would hold up under the relentless tempo of her Dom.

Release came when Jasper's groin smacked against hers, driving him deeper than he'd been before. The fracture in her composure split from her feet up through her body, and warned her she was in trouble. Pieces of her splintered off, fell to the wayside as short thrusts pummeled her clit and brought an orgasm so close, she could taste the bittersweet echo of endorphins on her tongue.

"Harder! God, harder!"

Her frantic plea spurred him on until he hammered her relentlessly into the refrigerator door. Her body gathered beneath the onslaught, tightened, tightened, until with a scream that scored her throat, she came. The pressure in her pussy popped as muscles fisted his cock in an iron grip, and she swore she peed herself before her vision faded at the edges.

A second orgasm slammed into her as Jasper ground his cock deep and snarled out his own climax into the side of her neck. The moment his teeth bit into the tender flesh and marked her, she went limp.


What a pleasant surprise.

Jasper slapped his hand against the metal door to hold them both up, feeling like his heart and lungs were trying to burst out of his chest. If he wasn't careful about how he handled his kitten, they were liable to fuck each other to death. He was far from unfit, but he was nearing forty—not exactly the youngest of men.

He shouldn't have given her space for two days.

Calming his breathing, he murmured and soothed the female shaking in his arms. Her legs were sliding slowly off his hips, and her eyes—although open—were dazed and unfocused. There was a touch of pride knowing he'd not only fucked her into oblivion, but fucked her hard enough to make her squirt. Yes, definitely a divine surprise for a Sunday night.
