Page 93 of Cry For Me

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"Oswald's been on his payroll since he started working at the design company," Jasper finished. "Fuck, he's been one step ahead this entire time."

"Yeah. Either that, or we're outthinking him now. But I think Dominic has had this end in sight for months."

And that, Jasper thought darkly, was strike motherfucking three. "We can't take the risk. Having Erik and Gerald on her tail was bad enough, but adding in an unknown third element? We're asking for trouble. I can think like the brothers. Hell, they might as well be me. But they're driven by orders—who knows what Oswald will do to keep the sharks from taking the debt out of his hide. Not to mention what Dominic will do to him if he fails to capture Anarchy."

The woman in question was looking decidedly less combative. The information being disclosed between Jasper and Atticus was sinking in, probably because she'd tuned her ears in to a conversation that wasn't aimed at her any longer. She inched closer to him nervously as though she might be snatched from the middle of Avalon.

Taking pity on her, Jasper patted his knee while Atticus mulled over his reply. Archie didn't hesitate; she squeaked as her ass hit his thigh, then she was pressed tight against him. She even went so far as to grab his arm and band it around her waist like a safety harness.

"You want my honest opinion?" Atticus asked after a few moments.

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't."

"Anarchy? You ready to listen now?"

"Yes, Sirs."

"Getting you home is the priority. Locking Archie down, keeping her out of sight, is probably the best way forward until this is resolved. That means both of you go nowhere. I'm sorry, brother, but you're gonna have to leave Dominic to me and the boys. If he gets her into that mansion, our job is going to be ten times more complicated."

Jasper shook his head. There was no choice between protecting Anarchy and taking Dominic down. She was, first and foremost, more important than murder. He wanted to be the one who put the fucker in the ground, no question, but not at the expense of Anarchy's life. "Then that's the way it has to be. I won't argue with the decision."

"Archie? You'll have to call your boss in the morning and tell him you can't go in. If he insists, you put Jasper on the line. No job is worth risking what's at stake here. And if he threatens you with termination..." Atticus gave Jasper a pointed stare. "There are job opportunities waiting in the wings."

Archie's whole body sagged. Not visibly, but Jasper felt the fight drain from her. "It took me eighteen months to find that job. It gives me freedom to work on what I want, when I want. And the money isn't bad."

"What if there was a job which tested your creativity, kitten? Beyond design work. Maybe not as much freedom, but the money would be considerably more than your current wage." Jasper murmured in her ear. This wasn't the best time to bring it up, but if it swung the tide completely, he didn't care.

"Design is all I know."

"What about coding?" Atticus interjected. "Can you write code?"

She lifted her shoulder. "Some, I guess. It was never my thing, so I didn't pursue it. I understand the basics."

"Well, keep it in mind. I can get you more particulars if you want them." With the seed planted, Atticus leaned forward. "Go home, lock yourselves down. When we move on Dominic, I'll need all the men we can spare. I'm going to ask Loki and Liam to hunker down with you as backup."

"I don't want civilians involving in this clusterfuck, Att. This won't be an alley brawl if it kicks off—it will be blood and murder."

"And we're family. Family doesn't stand by and watch their loved ones being bloodied." Checking his watch, Atticus grimaced. "I need to head back to the office and get the ball rolling on a few things before morning. Are you sure you don't want me to get someone to drive you?"

"No, we're good. A tail should be sufficient; I can't see them wanting a huge confrontation at this point. They want me to wonder how they managed to take her from under my nose, make me feel useless and weak. Putting themselves in danger isn't their style—it's not how we were taught. Sneak tactics before conflict where possible. Less chance for capture or being killed." Jasper nudged Archie to standing, following her lead. "If it was me tasked with acquiring her, I'd hit her at home or at the office. Avalon is too busy, and there's too much equipment that can be utilized as weapons."

"Okay. I'll call with any updates. Watch your back, brother." Atticus nodded at Anarchy. "Life will be back to normal before you know it, little bit. Just hold onto your sanity for a few days longer."

"Too late," she muttered bitterly as he walked away. "I'm already crazy."

"No, you're not. Tired and overwhelmed, but not crazy." With his fingers curled around her elbow, Jasper escorted her through the social area and out of the double doors. Saul was no longer on duty; there was a Domme in his place. Giving her a short nod, he guided Archie out into the cool night air. "You have every right to be angry, Anarchy."

"Damn straight, I'm angry!" she snapped back. "Who wouldn't be when a guy they don't know from fucking Adam plays puppeteer with everyone's lives? Your father is a dick, Jasper. A cold, calculating dick who directs everyone where he wants them. I'm pissed that he thinks he can yank my strings and make me dance to his goddamn tune."

She really was mad, he thought as they walked across the lot to his truck. Eyes and ears on alert, he used the key fob to disengage the locks. Apparently, Archie's Alabama twang sprang to life when she was livid. He found it just a little arousing to be on the sharp edge of that southern accent. "I get that. I do," he insisted when she snorted. "We're cutting those strings, but I need you to be fucking sensible about this and park that ass of yours where I tell you to, when I tell you to."

She growled.

Ignoring her, Jasper pulled open the passenger side door and scanned a wary eye over the truck's interior. Eyes might be everywhere, but it only took a blink to miss something. Satisfied it was safe, he took his girl by the hips and boosted her into the front seat. "Can you put the belt on, or would you like me to do it for you?"

Fuck youflashed her in her eyes clearly, illuminated by the security light beaming above the truck. To her credit, she bit back a vocal retort and yanked the belt around herself, clicking it into place with an angry snick. His lips twitched. If she didn't have a severe attitude adjustment in the next thirty minutes, bedtime was not going to be a sweet dreams experience.

While his palms warmed imagining how those welted cheeks would bounce with the spanking she was aiming for, he closed the door as she huffed, and rounded the rear of the truck. This could be the most entertaining drive of his life; he just wished he didn't have to concentrate on other things. He opened the driver's door and slid into his seat, noting the mulish set of his sub's mouth.
