Page 56 of Talk For Me

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Brown eyes stopped admiring the butt plug and flicked over to Connie's face, narrowing slightly. “But you're a Domme. Everyone knows you're a Domme.”

“I'm a Switch, Archie. For the past ten years, I've been less than true to myself and my needs. I've been living under the guise of a Domme because it was easier than dealing with a lot of shit in my life.” Shocked by the words, Connie pressed her fingertips to her mouth. “Thane is helping me become…more. He's restoring a balance I didn't know I needed. He'sbecoming something I need.”

Archie twirled the plug around as thoughts skimmed over her expressive face. “Huh. So, the pair of you fit really well together. One tops, the other submits. That's kind of perfect, and really fucking romantic. If you want my opinion, Thane really does seem like he's into you. You exude a chemistry together that could blow a hole in a wall, and he dotes on you.” She wiggled her eyebrows, wagging the goddamn plug like a steel baton. “So, how does this fit into the scenario?”

“His Highness wants me to wear it because I…” Come on, Connie, you've come this far. You're talking with a friend, you can tell her. “Anal sex scares me. It's an issue and he wants to make it so it's not.”

“I was the same way. I didn't want Jasper anywhere nearthat orifice, no way, no how. He kept pushing and teasing, until it wasn't quite as scary as I thought it was. By the time we got around to the main event, I was apprehensive. He made me come before he started pushing into me, and I safeworded, but when he was inside me, it was…” Her eyes glazed over. “Phenomenal.”

A little jealous, Connie squirmed in her seat. It felt weird, being the one who needed reassurance. She was used to being the one who dispensed advice, who soothed tattered nerves and quieted busy minds. “Did it hurt?”

Archie's eyes cleared, grew warm with sympathy. “Not gonna lie, I might have screamed loud enough to wake the dead. Jasper likes it when I make a lot of noise, especially if it vocalizes pain or discomfort. Typical sadist. There's a burning sensation, which can be intense. It escalates to borderline pain, but then it all just…goes higher. Becomes morethan pain. It morphs into bliss.”

Connie caught the butt plug when Archie tossed it to her, almost dropping it out of reflex. It sat in her palm, cool and heavy. Seven inches of shiny stainless steel. Narrow at the tapered point, widening down the length to the neck. She guessed it wasn't quite as thick around as Thane's cock. “Put it back in the box.”

“No. There's no sense in being afraid of a piece of metal, Connie. It's an object. You think things over, again and again. We all do it, but you've turned anal into the same thing I turned Jasper's sjambok into—something insurmountable. I guess it's gonna be hard for you to be on the receiving end, right? I don't know what it's like to be a Domme, but I can't imagine relinquishing control is straightforward.” Archie set the box on the couch between them. “Want my advice as a sub?”

Nodding, Connie rolled the metal along her palm, wrapping her fingers around it.

“You said Thane's picking you up later, which means you were using me and the mall as an escape. Taking you home would be a direct violation of his orders, which comes down to both of us getting a spanking. I can take it, it's no big deal. But if I were you, I would pop that sucker up my ass and wait for my Dom to come for me.” Archie's smile was kind, and far too wise. “Let him take you home, have a glass of wine, and ask him to do it. Just get it over with, away from Avalon and the pressure of choosing one part of yourself. Just be Connie tonight, the woman who's frightened about taking a new step. Let yourself be scared instead of struggling to be the big, brave Domme.”

She swallowed hard, shoving the plug back into its slot in the box and closing the lid. Could she be that woman? Could she admit she had a weakness, and trust Thane to shore it up? She'd trusted him all the way so far, with a wobble now and then, but he hadn't let her down.

Her breathing picked up a notch, anxiety fisting in her belly. Maybe wine would be a good idea, but she doubted Thane would let her get away with utilizing a crutch. Sensibilities became impaired, safewords were forgotten, mistakes were made under the influence of alcohol. She'd learned that lesson herself at the weekend.

And how was she supposed to ask him to do that to her? Did she just blurt it out in a rush—please fuck my ass, Thane—or was she meant to be more confident—I think I'm ready for you to fuck my ass, Sir. The latter wouldn't work; she couldn't lie to him. He'd lock on to it and be disappointed with her. Reject her. Walk away without looking back.

“What if I can't?”

“You can. Lose the armor, Connie, and show him the softness. Show him how vulnerable you are, how much it scares you, and let him step up to the mark. A Dom protects his sub—I've learned that from watching Braun with Bodie, and from living with a sadist who'll go to any lengths to protect me from himself if he thinks he might go too far. Thane's cut from the same chainmail, I guarantee it.”

That, Connie couldn't argue with. He really was made of Avalon Master material, and it wouldn't surprise her if one of the others nominated him to be voted into the circle. He'd have her vote, because he belonged with them, and after all the shit she was putting him through, he'd earned the title.

Archie bounced up and hurried to Connie's desk, swiping her cell phone. She brought it back and held it out. “Unlock it.”

“What are you doing?”

With an arch stare, Archie pushed it at Connie insistently. “Unlock the phone and let me do the rest. I'm not going to do anything you can't undo if you truly need to get out of it.”

Connie's fingers gripped her pants, her nails biting through the material into her thighs. It might be awkward to backpedal, but it was possible. Stomach sinking, heart beating in her throat, she croaked out her security code, then buried her face in her hands and tried to breathe.

Archie hummed under her breath, her short nails catching the keypad rhythmically as she typed at high speed. God knew what she was writing. Suddenly crippled by a severe case of nerves, Connie lifted her head and tried to snatch the phone from her friend's hands, only to be effortlessly evaded. “Archie, don't send anythi—”

“All done.” Keeping the phone out of reach, Archie smiled gently. “Relax, Connie. I didn't put anything awful in there, so just breathe before you pass out. My mouth-to-mouth skills aren't fabulous—well, unless you're Jasper.”

“Jesus, what did you say to him?”

“Just wait and see what he comes back with.” Archie's eyebrows almost met her hairline when the phone chirped in her hand. “Wow, he's fast. Okay, let's see what the delightful Master Thane has to say about the situation.” Her eyes skimmed over the screen, her lips producing a pleased smile as she hummed in her throat. “Oh, he's good. Not too eager, no stupid jokes.”


Without another word, Jasper's highly annoying sub handed over the phone with some ceremony. Connie's hand trembled as she clamped her fingers around it, not sure she had the courage to read whatever Archie had written. But now she was in a position where sticking her head in the sand left her blind, deaf, and mute as to what was coming for her, and she couldn't stand the thought of being caught unaware.

The phone had gone blank when she finally looked at it. She entered her passcode, and words filled the screen, blurred and wavering. Blinking, she focused on scrolling to the message Archie had sent, and felt all the blood in her face drain into her feet. “Sweet Christ, what did you do?”

Connie: Thane, this is Anarchy. I'm with Connie in her office, admiring the gift you sent. I'm hoping you're Dom enough to understand butt stuff freaks her out, which is why I'm intervening. You need to come pick her up and take her home to do the deed, respectfully. My session has finished so Connie can play hooky anytime from now. I would come sooner rather than later, before she chickens out or has a coronary with the stress. If you hurt her in any way, shape, or form, I will sic Master Jasper on you so fast, you won't realize you're missing your balls until it's too late. Again, respectfully.

Master Thane: Thank you for the warning. I'll make sure to let Jasper know how…fierce his sub is when I next see him. I'm on my way, I'll be there in ten minutes. If she's not wearing the gift, don't make her. I'll deal with it myself.
