Page 93 of Sleep for Me

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Thane glanced over his shoulder, nodding once to acknowledge their presence, then directed all his focus onto the vulnerable woman waiting for his next move. Talking quietly, so low Caera couldn’t hear him clearly, he rubbed his hand over Connie’s ass before rearing back and swinging his palm against one cheek.

The ensuing crack switched Caera on like a light.

It brought back memories of Saul’s hand on her ass, the slight pain followed by angry heat fading into mellow warmth.

When Connie cried out, Caera moaned.

The spanking continued until Connie’s rear was a pretty shade of dark pink, but Caera’s attention switched from the rhythmic motion of Thane’s hand to what adorned Connie’s. Fur-lined cuffs were snug around her friend’s wrists, and there were matching ones on her ankles. Short lengths of chain attached to the sides of the bench anchored the cuffs.

“Okay?” Saul asked quietly.


His arms tightened. “Need to go?”

“No,” she whimpered. “I think I need that.”

“Well, in that case…why don’t I oblige?”


His little rabbit was practically quivering, and Thane hadn’t even finished his preliminary spanking yet. The flogger would undoubtedly be next, and Saul intended for Caera to be flying high by the time the fronds slapped down on Connie’s ass.

I think I need that.

It was certainly promising, Saul mused. The quavering desperation in her voice was the sweetest music, singing all the perfect notes of submission.

He’d said they wouldn’t play after the day she’d had, but there was no reason she couldn’t try a partial scene if she truly wanted. He would just have to make sure his cock behaved itself and didn’t miraculously escape from his pants.

Gripping the edge of her sweater and the shirt beneath, he murmured, “Arms up, Caera.” When she obeyed instantly, he nipped her earlobe, then proceeded to strip off her clothes in one swoop. “Such a good girl. Now, put both of your hands behind your back, and keep your eyes on Thane.”


“Okay, what, little rabbit?”

“Okay, Sir,” she corrected breathlessly, her arms shifting so her hands were at the small of her back.

Saul skimmed his fingers between her shoulders, tracing the gentle bumps of her spine all the way to the bottom. He needed to up his game in getting some weight on her. The few pounds she’d gained had done her good, but she was still structurally fragile. A hard knock on her arm would probably snap the bone right now. “If it gets to be too much, use the safeword, Caera. Say red, understand?”

“Yes, Sau—Sir.”

Thane was moving on to the flogger, he noted as he grasped both of Caera’s narrow wrists in his left hand. The tall Dom gave the leather fronds a couple of testing thwacks on his palm, making Caera jump.

Pressing his lips to the back of her neck, Saul kissed his way around her throat as she leaned back into him, apparently uncaring that he’d taken her ability to move her hands. Finding her pulse beating beneath the delicate skin, he sealed his mouth around it, flattening his tongue over the throb of blood surging through her artery.

When the flogger slashed down the first time, he had the pleasure of feeling that pulse leap. Again and again until he had to release it or do something drastic like find out if her pussy was mirroring the rhythm of her heart.

God, he hoped so.

Reaching around between her legs, he pressed the palm of his right hand against her, growling softly as he felt heat and the slight dampness of her arousal through the material. He knew she wasn’t wearing a bra—she didn’t see any point in wearing one because, in her opinion, she didn’t have any breasts to fill it—but had she taken an unexpected step and left her panties at home too?

Only one way to find out.

Across from them, Connie lifted her ass into the next stroke of the flogger, her face alive with bliss. She wasn’t a masochist, and Thane was no sadist, but a touch of pain satisfied them both sometimes.

Caera, however, was trembling.

“Doing okay, bunny?” he asked as he slipped the button on her pants free and lowered the zipper. Parting the material, he waited for her guttural groan of acquiescence before he eased his fingers between material and warm skin.
