Page 16 of Ruled Out

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I decide to go along with this line of questioning; anything to get away from our previous topic. “Nineteen.”

“You got any plans for the big one-nine?” he asks.

“Nope. I’ll probably just hang out with my roommate, order pizza, and binge a Netflix show. Wild night, huh?” I laugh.

“Hellno, you arenotspending your first birthday as a college student in your damn apartment. Tell your roommate we’re going out,” he states definitively, setting down his fork and knife with decisive clang.

Right as I’m about to respond, my spine prickles with awareness, and I turn in my seat just as Knox walks through the door. In all the ways that Colin is handsome, Knox isfucking lethal.He’s wearing a pair of dark washed jeans matched with a charcoal gray Henley that hugs his chest and arms in all the right places. His hair looks ruffled, like he’s been rapidly running his hands through it.Shit, I’m staring again.His golden eyes quickly sweep the café before they lock on mine, widening just a bit when they see me. He holds our heated gaze for only a second before quickly averting his eyes to the coffee bar. I guess this is his usual coffee spot.

“Phoebe?” Colin asks in a worried tone. “I’m just kidding. If you want to have a night in for your birthday…”

“No, Colin. It’s not that,” I interrupt. “A night out actually sounds like a blast. There’s just someone I need to talk to. Give me a minute,” I say as I stand and push in my chair, making my way towards Knox.

“Are you following me now?” I joke as I approach him.

Before he sees my face, I notice his back muscles go taut at the sound of my voice. Knox slowly turns my way, and I feel my cheeks flush crimson as we make eye contact. No matter how hard I try to hide my attraction, my body will always betray me.

“I was about to ask you the same thing,” he replies with a smirk. “Glad to see you’re actually eating today.” He nods his head towards the table where Colin still sits. I don’t miss the look in his eyes when his glance lands on Colin – almost like he’s jealous. I scoff internally at the ridiculous notion that Knox Moore would be jealous overme.

“What’s with your obsession with me eating?” I scoff, refocusing my attention on our conversation.

“I just want you to take care of yourself, that’s all,” he replies quickly – a littletooquickly. His eyes roam my body, but I pretend I don’t notice. Not wanting Colin to get suspicious, I decide to get on with what I want to ask.

I shake, internally tsking at his audacity. “Anyways, I forgot to ask you this morning, but can you give me my keys back? I’m clearly fine to drive.”

His body seems to go still at the mention of my keys.Why?

“Your keys are in my office at the athletic facility. I’ll give them to you after practice,” he responds, flexing his jaw, almost like he’s gritting his teeth.He looks so uncomfortable.

“I don’t understand why you felt the need to keep them in the first place. I need my car to get around. I hate having to ask people for rides,” I throw back at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Looks like you’re having no problem getting around. Just ask your boyfriend to drive you.” He jabs his finger in Colin’s direction, practically spitting the words.What is his problem?

“He’s not my boyfriend,” I argue. “But you know what, that’s a great idea. I’m sure Colin would have no problem taking me to practice. I enjoy spending time with him anyways.” It’s a lie, but I have no problem with a little white lie if it raises his heckles further.

Well, it’s not a complete lie. I do like being around Colin, but I don’t think I can reciprocate his obvious feelings. Colin is undoubtedly a standup guy, but I can already sense he’d be too clingy in a relationship. I don’t see my friendship with Colin going any further, but Knox doesn't need to know that. Two can play this game. I have this gut feeling Knox is attracted to me, and the way he’s acting about Colin just further confirms my theory.

“As long as you're not late, I don’t care who drives you,” he replies tensely, refusing to look at me. I know he’s not telling the truth because he can’t look me in the eyes. If he does, I know his heated expression will give him away. Lowering my voice to a whisper, I finally stop beating around the bush. I take a small step towards him and tell him how I really feel.

“Why are you being a jerk? I thought we were past this, Knox. You were so kind last night, and this morning…”

“Coach. It’s Coach Moore,” he interrupts roughly, not giving me a chance to finish my sentence. “You donothave the right to call me by my first name just because I took care of you last night. I’m your coach; that’s my job when one of my players is ill or injured. I needed to make sure you were okay. Clearly, you are. Move on.” He says it all through clenched teeth, like it physically pains him.

What the hell is wrong with this dude?Did he completely forget about our conversation this morning? I don’t understand how a person can be so hot and cold.

“Oh, really?” I scoff. “So, it was your job to sweep me into your arms, buy me food, andthentext me goodnight?” I know my comment is going to get under his skin, but I don’t care, not at this point.

“Phoebe, this is neither the time nor the place. You need to go back to your table and enjoy breakfast with yourfriend.I’m your coach, you’re my player, end of story. I was there for you last night when I needed to be. I would’ve done the same for anyone else. So please, just let it go,” he asserts, his tone commanding. It’s almost like he’s trying to convincehimself.

I snort my laugh. “Is this how you treat everyone you extend your hand to? If so, I’ll remind myself toneveraccept help from you again. See you at practice,Coach,” I sneer, before stalking back to the table. I feel his heated glance following me as I take my seat.

Thankfully, Colin’s back is to the coffee bar. I’m sure he got a glance of who I was talking to, but he couldn't have watched for too long without it being obvious. Plus, he seems to bereallyinto his breakfast burrito. Before I give Colin a chance to question me, I ask him a question I know will make his day.God,I’m a terrible person.

“Hey, can you give me a ride to practice? My car will be ready this afternoon, but not in time.” Maisie already offered to give me a ride, but I’m not missing this golden opportunity to piss off Knox.

“Yeah, of course. Anytime,” Colin says with a beaming smile, probably forgetting anything but his excitement at being in a small space with me again.

* * *
