Page 23 of Ruled Out

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“Fuck,” I breathe out, feeling the pleasure taking me higher as touch myself.

If Knox were the one touching me, I might be embarrassed about how wet I am.Would he be turned on by that?Not caring about how I’ll feel after, I let my mind fixate on him, fantasizing he’s the one touching me. I imagine it’s his big hands caressing me, his thumb rubbing over my clit as he slips his long fingers inside of me.

“Oh my God…” I cry out, the thought of him inside me causing me to climax on the spot.

My orgasm ripples through my body like a shock wave, causing me to throw my head back as my insides spasm in pleasure. That was the most intense thing I’ve ever felt. And all I did wasthinkabout him as I touched myself. If I ever had the real thing, I’m afraid it would be the end of me.I would never recover.

* * *

My classes flew by today.Honestly, time is flying by in general. I can’t believe I’ve been at CCU for over a month. My nineteenth birthday is next week, and Colin has planned an entire night out for us. Apparently, there’s a nightclub called Island Fever where admission is eighteen and up. Colin knows the bartender and is convinced that he can sneak us a few drinks. Maisie and I are planning to go shopping this weekend for our outfits. I want to wear something edgy and daring. I want to feel the way I did when I looked at myself in the mirror last night. I don’t care about looking good for Colin or anyone else; I just want to feel confident and sexy.The way Knox makes me feel,I think to myself.

Though Knox has never voiced his attraction to me, he makes me feel things without words. His heated gaze makes me feel like I’m the only person in the room. His lingering touches tell me he never wants to take his hands off me. The bitter look in his eyes when I mention Colin gives me the impression he can’t stand the idea of me with another man. His hard length against my body shows me he craves me in all the ways I crave him.

I’m not letting him off the hook this time. I’m not some naive little girl; I didn't dream up what happened between us last night. If he wants to deny it, fine, but I’m sure as hell not going to let him forget.

I arrive an hour before practice begins, hoping Knox will be in his office. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about our make-out session in his Jeep. It’s not fair he gets to shut me out and pretend like it never happened. I refuse to show up to practice and act like we didn't share the most earth-shattering kiss I’ve ever experienced. I’m not some unhinged teenager who randomly hooks up with men to mask my emotions.Screw that.He’s not going to paint a false picture of last night, when we both know the feeling was mutual. This hurricane has been brewing for over a month, and last night, the waves crashed onto shore. The floodgates have opened, every feeling we’ve been suppressing rising to the surface.

Knock, knock, knock.My fist taps on his office door.

“Come in,” Knox calls out, no idea who’s on the other side. Just hearing his deep voice has the hairs on my arms standing up, goosebumps skittering across my skin.

“Hi,” I say softly, lightly shutting the door behind me.

I look around his office, observing it for the first time. It’s rather spacious, with his desk near the back of the room. A framed photo of him and Coach Cook sits on his desk, front and center. It’s clearly from his baseball days because he’s wearing a uniform. Coach Cook's arm is resting around his shoulder, beaming smiles stretching across their faces. The wall to the right has a window for natural light, bookshelves on either side filled with trophies, photos, and memorabilia. It’s a typical coach’s office, in all its sport-laden glory.

“Phoebe, open my door,” he commands when he realizes I’ve closed it.

“No,” I stand my ground. “We need to talk. Either we do it now, in private, or we do this at practice. Your choice.”

“We have nothing to talk about,” he replies through clenched teeth.

I take a deep breath, bracing myself for the onslaught of words I’m about to unleash on him. “If I didn’t know who you were beneath this cold exterior, I might believe you, but I know you better than that. You may not want to talk, but your actions have done enough speaking for you. You care about me, Knox. As much as you hate to admit it, you do. Kicking me out of your car last night like I was nothing was complete bullshit. I refuse to let you manipulate me into thinking our kiss was one sided. You want to shut me out? Fine, but you’re going to acknowledge that what happened last night was inevitable with or without myemotional baggage. Put aside your pride and admit it.” I’m seething at this point, staring him straight in the eyes.

“Keep your voice down,” he spits out in a hushed tone.

I scoff. Typical. “Or what? You’ll throw me over your shoulder and carry me out? Actually never mind; we both might enjoy that a little too much,” I quip.

That’s when the floodgates burst. He slams his hands down on his desk, shoving himself out of his seat. “What the hell is wrong with you? Do you realize you’re standing inmyoffice? My place of work. This is not appropriate, and you know it.”

“Appropriate?” I snort out a disbelieving laugh. “That didn't seem to matter last night when your tongue was down my throat.”

He doesn't reply to my comment. He just takes a deep breath, folds his arms across his chest, and hangs his head. I can tell he’s using all the strength he has, trying not to lose his shit. I can see the fire building inside him, ready to ignite at any second. Determined to break his silence, I push him even further.

“Tell me, Knox - did you have to use your hand to get yourself off after our kiss?” I see his jaw clench at my question. “Because I certainly did,” I continue taunting him. “I had to finish whatyoudecided to start. You want to know the worst part? It was your name on my lips while I was dripping all over my hand.”

Before I can blink, he fists his hands in his hair before swiping a heaping pile of paper off his desk in frustration.

“Lock my door,” he grits, barely audible.

“What?” I reply in shock.

“Lock my door or get out. You have two seconds to decide.”

Chest heaving, I quickly turn around and lock the door with a click. When I circle back to him, I don’t have the chance to blink again before he’s on me. His muscular arms wrap beneath my thighs, lifting me up and carrying me to the back of his office at lightning speed. My back hits a hard surface before I realize he’s slammed me against the wall. I haven’t changed into my practice clothes yet, and my sundress rides up my thighs, revealing my toned legs. The only barrier between us is the lace fabric of my panties and his thin sweatpants. In one swift move of his hips, I feel his hard cock brush against my slit, an audible gasp falling from my lips.

“Is this what you wanted, Phoebe?” he asks, thrusting his hips into me again. The feeling of him sliding against my throbbing slit is heart stopping. “For me to fuck you against my office wall? To put our futures in jeopardy? Because that’s what you're doing.” His face is so close that his nose brushes mine with each word.

I have no words. I can’t do anything but throw my head back against the wall with a soft moan, exposing the column of my throat as he continues rubbing against me.
