Page 47 of Ruled Out

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He covers my cheek with his palm, lifting my face to look at him. “Bee, I took this job because Coach Cook asked me to. CCU wasn't even on my radar. There are hundreds of coaching jobs out there. It’s not about coaching the best teams for me. Hell, I’d much rather coach a team of underdogs that needs someone to believe in them. We both deserve to be happy, Phoebe. I promise you, you make me a million times happier than coaching at CCU ever could.” I bring my hands to his as his thumbs brush my cheeks.

“What are we going to do? What’s our plan, Knox?” I whisper.

“Well, I’ll be at CCU until the end of the school year, that’s a given. In the meantime, I’m going to start looking for other coaching jobs. CCU is a great school, and I would never want you to move colleges just for me. So, my plan is to hopefully find something in the area,close to you.” He punctuates his words with a kiss on the tip of my nose.

“Knox, I couldn't ask you to do tha-”

“You’re not asking me to do anything, Phoebe,” he interjects. “I’m choosing this decision. It’s not the end of the world, baby. It would just be a new job. People adjust to new jobs every day. It’ll all work out.”

“What about Coach Cook? What will he think?”

He takes a deep breath at my question. “I could never lie to him. Eventually, I’ll have to tell him about you. I’m sure he’ll be disappointed at first, but he’ll understand. As long as I’m happy and doing what I love, he’ll come around. Trust me, I made some stupid fucking decisions as a teenager and Dan didn’t disown me,” he laughs. “When he sees how happy you make me, he’ll welcome you with open arms.”

“I hope so. I know how much his approval means to you,” I reply, sincerity andfearlacing my voice.

“Well, he did recruit you, so I guess I can just put the blame on him if he gets pissed,” he replies, arching his brows.

“That is true,” I laugh.

“While we’re on the topic of my family… what are you doing next weekend?” he asks in a whisper, almost like he rushed the words out.

I raise an eyebrow at him, knowing what he’s asking me. “Umm… I don’t think I have anything planned. Why?”

“My parents are flying to NYC to visit my sister, and I’m planning to fly out Friday evening to spend the weekend with them. I haven’t booked my flight yet, but I know I’ll be flying home Sunday. Since it’s just a weekend trip, you wouldn't miss any class. Come with me, Bee.”

“Come with you? Knox, I thought we were planning to hide our relationship until the end of the school year. If your parents come to a game, they’re going to know you’re my coach. Are you crazy?” I ask in shock.

The shock really sets in, though, when he looks at me with a pained expression on his face. “Don’t hate me… but my sister already knows. We tell each other everything in my family. We’re super close, and I don’t want to hide you away from them until May. I think it’ll actually make things easier if they know,” he says, placing a kiss to my forehead.

“Your sister knows about us?” I ask in a small voice, pinching my brows together in confusion.

“I told her about my feelings for you months ago. I was going crazy and needed to talk to someone I trusted. She handled it like it was no big deal,” he scoffs.

“Well, that’s good to know,” I say sarcastically. “What about my plane ticket? How am I going to explain to my parents that I need money to fly to NYC? Actually, scratch that… I’m not asking them for a dime.” I shudder at the thought. “Anyways, I don’t have the money for a plane ticket right now.”

“Phoebe, I’m the one asking you to come with me. I’m buying the tickets. Plus, I have tons of airline points that are going to expire soon. If it makes you feel better, I’m sure the tickets will be close to nothing once I apply my points,” he says decisively, hopeful.

I worry my lip between my teeth. “Are you sure about this? I’d love to meet your parents, but it’s a huge step. I just don’t want you to make a decision you’ll regret.”

“Phoebe, look at me,” he says, staring directly into my eyes. “I promised you that I would never leave again, and I meant it. Please, come with me,” he pleads. “I'm one hundred percent sure. I want my family to meet the most important person in my life. Come with me, baby.”

I take a few deep breaths, thinking it through. “Okay” I whisper, nodding my head. “I’ll come with you.”

A huge smile stretches across Knox’s face as he pulls me closer, kissing me with everything he has. “I’ll book our flights today,” he says after kissing me breathless. “I can’t wait for you to meet my family, Bee.”

I chuckle nervously at the happiness on his face. “I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little nervous, but I’m also really excited to meet them,” I reply with a soft smile.

“Don’t be nervous. They’re going to love you, baby,” he assures me.

My phone pings with a message on the bedside table, interrupting our conversation. I reach for my phone and unlock it, checking to see who messaged me.

Maisie: Where did you run off to last night? I went to wake you up for breakfast, but you weren't there.

Maisie: Phoebe, if you don’t reply in the next thirty seconds, I’m sending out a search party for your ass. Get your shit together, bitch.

I laugh at her messages, she’s so dramatic.

Me: Sorry, I went over to Colin’s to watch a movie last night and ended up crashing. I’ll be home in twenty! We still on for breakfast?
