Page 49 of Ruled Out

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“Thankfully, I was able to book a direct flight, so we’ll land around seven p.m. Once we arrive, we’ll need to quickly swing by our hotel. We’ll be cutting it close on time, but we’ll meet my family for dinner after we drop off our luggage.”

“Our hotel? Are your parents staying in the same one?” she asks, her brows pinched in thought.

Probably doesn’t want them to hear her screaming my name.

“No, they’ll be staying with my sister,” I reply. “She has a small apartment with one spare bedroom. I didn’t want us to have to camp out in the living room, so I booked a hotel a few blocks away. Plus, it gave me a damn good excuse to be alone with you,” I add with a devious smile.

“Oh, a hotel room all to ourselves? I can’t wait,” she hums while arching her brows. I toss her knowing wink in response.

“So, if we don’t land until seven, we’ll be meeting your family for dinner pretty late,” she semi-asks.

“Yeah, our flight leaves early on Sunday, so we only have tonight and tomorrow with them. I figured we should try to make every minute count,” I respond.

“Of course,” she agrees with a smile. “I’m so excited to see the city at night. I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to this trip.” She’s beaming, like this is the best day of her life.

“Have you ever been to New York? I didn’t even think to ask,” I reply, turning towards the airport.

She shakes her head. “Nope, never been. My parents have taken countless trips, but they never took me along. Go figure,” she scoffs.

“Well, I’m honored to watch you experience New York for the first time,” I reply, bringing our linked hands to my lips and kissing the back of her smooth skin. Her cheeks turn a shade of crimson when I gently suck one of her fingers into my mouth.

Okay, yeah. I can’t do that again. My dick likes it too much, and he needs to keep his shit together until we get to our hotel room.

“So…” I say, quickly changing the subject and clearing the huskiness from my voice. “Where does Maisie think you're going with a suitcase half your size?”

“Um…” she stammers, letting out a deep exhale. “Okay, so you’re not going to love my response, but hear me out…”

“What did you tell her, Phoebe?” I say stern but hushed tone, tearing my eyes from the road to take in her expression. She doesn't look so confident in what she’s about to tell me.Shit, that can’t be a good sign.

“Colin is gone for the weekend visiting his family, so it was the perfect excuse. I told her I went home with him and that we’ll be back on Sunday. She totally bought it,” she rushes out.

Jesus Christ.

“Phoebe, I thought we talked about this. Using Colin as an excuse is going to bite us in the ass. What happens when Maisie runs into him and asks how the weekend went?” I interrogate her, pulling my hand from hers. “Did you at least ask Colin to cover for you in case she does? Hell, Maisie probably thinks you're dating him. God, I hate everything about this situation.” I’m not okay with this. I’m frustrated and jealous, not a good combination. In all reality, it would be a good thing if Maisie thought Phoebe and Colin were dating - it would take the attention off me. Still, I can’t stomach the thought of people thinking she’s with Colin. I can’t stomach the thought of anyone thinking she’s withanyonebut me.

“First, calm the hell down. Second, Colin isn’t getting back until late on Sunday, so they won’t run into each other, and third, Maisie knows I’m not interested in Colin. She just thinks we’re having a good time together,” she says defensively, almost like she’s angry.

“Having a good time together. That makes me feel a lot better,” I snicker.

“Knox, can we not do this today? I’ve been looking forward to this all week. You have to agree, using Colin as an excuse was the best option, especially since he’s out of town. We can talk about different back up plans moving forward, but with such short notice, this was the option that made the most sense. We only have a couple of days together, and I don’t want to spend them worrying about Maisie or Colin, or, God forbid,fighting.” She shudders at the thought.

Fuck, she’s right.

“Okay,” I reply in a hushed tone, reaching for her hand again. “I’m sorry, Bee. I just can’t fucking stand that guy. Even his name pisses me off. I wish you could see the way he looks at you. It makes me see red.” I tighten my grip on the steering wheel.

“Well, unfortunately for him, the man who has me in an absolute chokehold is sitting right next to me,” she replies as she leans across the console and places a kiss to my jaw.

* * *

Four and a half hours later,we’re waiting for our Uber at JFK. The sun has already set, and hundreds of car lights gleam across the damp pavement. The chilly, late-October wind whispers across our cheeks, a sensation completely different from the warm, Florida heat. Phoebe looks like an angel with her golden hair flowing in the wind, her cheeks rosy from the cold, and a beautiful smile etched across her face from the excitement of a new city.

Our first time at the airport together was an experience I never anticipated having. If someone told me six months ago that I’d be flying to New York with my nineteen-year-old athlete, I would have told them they were crazy. If someone told me I’d be fucking her, I probably would have kicked their ass.Yet, here I am.

I wanted so badly to wrap my arms around her, hold her hand, kiss her whenever I wanted, but we kept our distance. Anyone from Coral Cove could have been watching, even if we didn't recognize them. Once the flight attendants dimmed the cabin lights, we gave in to our need for each other while we were shaded by darkness. We skipped the complementary drinks and snacks handed out mid-flight, too busy making out and just being totally fucking obsessed with each other. As soon as the cabin lights came back on, we begrudgingly put the wall right back up until we left the airport. Now that we’re in the city, I don’t give a fuck who’s watching.She’s all mine here.

“Oh! I think that’s our Uber. Just let me check the license plate,” Phoebe exclaims excitedly, squinting her eyes as she checks the app. “Yup, that’s him. You ready, babe?” she asks, focusing her gaze toward our luggage resting on the curb.

Does she realize what she just said?
