Page 52 of Ruled Out

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“Mmm, I can’t wait until I can do that again,” she replies, licking the remainder of my release from her lips.

“Fuck,” I groan, biting my bottom lip. “The faster we get to dinner, the faster we can get back to this bed. I hope you’re okay with not getting much sleep this weekend,” I pant, palming her ass and giving it a firm squeeze.



“Phoebe? Oh my goodness! It’s so nice to meet you!” a beautiful woman I’m assuming is Knox’s mom stands from the table in the middle of the pizzeria, pulling me into a warm hug. Knox told me dinner would be casual, so I chose to stay dressed in my oversized sweater, leggings, and ankle boots. I love how Knox’s family seems so casual and down to Earth. Going to dinner with my family is like getting ready for the Met Gala. “You’re even more beautiful than Knox described,” she beams, pulling back to look at me. I feel my cheeks blush from her compliment. She’s absolutely stunning, with golden-brown eyes and hazelnut hair flowing past her shoulders.

“Ava, honey, you’re stealing the show,” a handsome older man jokes, stepping beside her to greet us.

Without a doubt, I know he’s Knox’s father. He looks like an older version of Knox - tall and lean, jet black hair with streaks of gray running through it. The only difference is his deep blue eyes and the soft age lines etched into his tan skin. It’s completely surreal to have Knox’s parents standing in front of me, the two people who created my favorite person in the world.

“Hi, Phoebe, I’m Luke.” Knox’s father smiles and shakes my hand. “Clearly, you’ve met my wife, Ava.” He playfully bumps her shoulder with his and plants a sweet kiss on her cheek.

“We’ve been looking forward to meeting the girl who has our son in a trance,” he smirks, darting his eyes to Knox.

“Nice to see you too,Dad,” Knox scoffs, wrapping his arm around Luke’s shoulder and bringing him in for a hug.

“Hey, Mom,” Knox adds, turning to Ava and enveloping her in a warm embrace. “You look beautiful, as always.”We love a man who’s good to his mom.

“Hi bud,” she replies, closing her eyes as she squeezes Knox in a bear hug, soaking in the moment. “I hope this place isn't too casual. Willow says they have the best pizza in NYC.”

Top Slice Pizzeria is actually super cute. The floor is plastered with black and white checkered tile, the walls decorated with old New York street signs, license plates, and customer photos. The mouthwatering smell of fresh dough, mozzarella, and tomato sauce surrounds me, and the big glass windows expose the busy streets of the city to the diners inside.

“This is great,” Knox replies. “Besides, Phoebe and I are pretty worn out from traveling. Something lowkey is perfect.” He pinches his brows together and darts his eyes around the restaurant. “Speaking of Willow, where is she?”

“Holy. Shit.Is that my big bro? Finally in New York!” a young woman excitedly yelps as she comes darting out from underneath a neon ‘Restroom’ sign. She’s sprinting towards Knox at full speed with her arms wide open, alerting every patron in the restaurant to her plan.

“Willow, honey, language! We’re in a family restaurant,” Ava scolds quietly.

“Oh, mom,” Willow rolls her eyes. “You’re in New York, you might as well get used to it.” She wraps her arms around Knox’s neck and squeezes the life out of him.

“Breathe… I need to… breathe, Willow,” Knox attempts through strained breaths. He gasps for a dramatic breath when she finally lets go. “Are you excited to see me or secretly trying to kill me?” he jokes, giving Willow a lighthearted shove. “Seriously, I missed you, Lo.”

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little jealous watching their family reunion.Okay, I’m a lot jealous.In the span of a few minutes, Knox’s family has made me feel more welcomed than my parents ever have. I can’t help but feel a tinge of sadness that I’ll never have this with my family.

“It’s about damn time you came to visit,” she smirks at Knox before turning her gaze to me. The most welcoming smile stretches across her face.

Willow is strikingly beautiful.She’s the polar opposite of Knox, all sunshine and free spirited. Still, their charming features and lively facial expressions undoubtedly give away that they’re siblings. Her silky black hair flows in waves down her back, and her ocean-blue eyes are so distinct, they’re almost hypnotic. She’s a little taller than me, with flawless olive skin. Willow could easily be mistaken for a runway model.

“You must be Phoebe!” she beams, extending her hand to me before quickly pulling it back.

“Fuck it, I’m hugging you,” she decides, bringing me in for a hug.

“Hi,” I reply with a soft smile after we pull away. “It’s so nice to meet everyone. You’re all so welcoming.” I shift my eyes to each of them. Ava stares back, her eyes gleaming with happiness as a smile takes over her face.She looks so happy to see her son happy.This is what I want one day. I want my children to feel this type of unconditional love.

“Now that we’ve all caused a scene in the middle of the restaurant, let’s order, shall we?” Knox jokes and clears his throat. His cheeks are flushed with embarrassment – he’s so damn cute. Eighty percent of the time, I get Coach Moore, so it’s rare I get to see Knox’s soft side. I love it so much.

After ordering two large pizzas, Knox fills everyone in on how our travels went, including the details of our luxurious hotel.

“Phoebe, tell us a little bit more about you! What keeps you busy in Coral Cove?” Ava asks between bites of garlic bread. I’m not sure how much Knox is comfortable with me sharing, so I decide to keep it simple.

“Getting my degree is really my focus right now. I’m studying at CCU,” I reply with a soft smile.

“That’s great. Getting a good education is very important. What year are you in?” Luke asks, causing a lump to grow in my throat. Knox and I lock eyes for a split second before returning back to the appetizer.

Willow sees the hesitation in my face and quickly diverts the conversation. “What are you studying? That’s whatreallymatters, right?” she cuts in, tossing me a discreet wink.I love her already.
