Page 53 of Ruled Out

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“Marketing and Communications,” I smile back. “My dream is to work in public relations or start my own marketing firm one day. It’s the crux of success for pretty much every business.”

“No shit!” Willow replies, clearly stunned. “I work for a major marketing firm here in New York! It’s the entire reason I moved here. I would love to show you around the office this weekend, if you’re free.”

“Oh my gosh! I would love that! Just let me know when you’re free, and I’m there,” I accept without hesitation.

“How about in the morning?” Willow asks, before pinching her brows together, deep in thought. “Shit! I can only take one guest into the building at a time, though. Security and all… ” She rolls her eyes.

“That’s okay, Lo,” Knox chimes in. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen Mom and Dad. We can grab breakfast while you show Phoebe around the office.” He gives my hand a squeeze under the table.

“Thank you,” I whisper, squeezing his hand back. Knox places a soft kiss to my temple. It feels so foreign, yet amazing to have the freedom to be affectionate in public.

“Yay!” Willow squeals. “I can’t wait! Do you drink coffee?”

“Drink coffee?” I laugh. “I’m pretty sure coffee is the sole reason I’m alive.”

“I feel you girl! How does one survive without it?” she chuckles. “We can stop by my favorite coffee shop on the way.”

“That sounds perfect.” I can’t hide the wide grin stretching across my face. I just met these people, but I already feel so comfortable. As weird as it sounds, they feel like family.

A few minutes later, the waiter arrives with our pizzas, placing the pies in the middle of the table.It’s been hours since Knox and I last ate, causing my stomach to growl at the mouthwatering sight.

“Have you ever had New York pizza before?” Willow asks.

“Nope, this is my first time in New York.”

“Girl, you are in for a treat.” She tears off a slice of pizza, and my eyes track the cheese stringing across the table to her plate as I follow her lead.

“Oh. My. God.I think I’ve died and gone to heaven,” I practically moan with a full bite of piping hot pizza in my mouth.

“You think that now, but just wait until have you alone later,” Knox leans close and soft whispers in my ear, close enough for only me to hear. Heat immediately rushes to my core and I squirm.

“Soooo good, right?” Willow hums.

“The best I’ve ever had,” I admit, already reaching for a second slice.

“So, Phoebe,” Ava starts, pausing to swallow and dab her face with a napkin. “Knox never told me how you two met. I’m dying to hear the story!”

Knox and I toss each other a knowing glance, before he intertwines his fingers with mine and takes the lead. “We met on the beach. Phoebe was out watching the sunrise, and I was on my morning run,” Knox lies.Well, I guess it’s not a complete lie.That did happen, it’s not just now how we met.

“She looked like a sun-kissed angel, sitting there with the morning rays shining through her hair. It would have been a cardinal sin not to stop and talk to her,” he continues with a smirk, causing me to blush.

“Well damn, who knew my brother was such a romantic,” Willow comments, opening her mouth and making a throw up motion with her finger.

“He gets it from his dad, Lo,” Luke adds, placing a sweet kiss to Ava’s cheek.

It’s so funny to see them joking and bickering. It’s all delivered in such a casual, loving way. Not one moment has felt awkward or tense. I can’t remember the last dinner I had with my parents where the conversation didn't feel forced or dry. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever had an easy conversation with them.I would give all the money in the world to have this.

After every slice of pizza is gone, Luke insisted on paying for everyone’s meal.

“Dad, you don’t have to do that,” Knox says, placing his hand over Luke’s wallet.

“Are you kidding? I’m buying dinner for my kids, and that includes you, Phoebe.” Luke flashes me a smile while handing his card to the waiter.My heart clenches at the thought that I’m already part of this family.

“Thanks, Dad,” Knox nods, appreciatively patting his dad on the back. “At least let me take everyone out for gelato.”

“You got a deal, son,” Luke responds, extending his hand to Knox’s.

My mind instantly fills with the fantasy of having my own family with Knox one day. I imagine Knox being best friends with our son, just like he is with his dad. I imagine him being protective over our little girl, just like he is with me. I can see him teaching them how to play sports and always being their biggest supporter, whether they choose to play baseball, join the theater, or become an artist. He would teach them the importance of hard work and commitment in everything they do. He would love them with all that he has, because that’s who Knox is.
